The room was dark and silent, the boarded up windows rattled slightly with the wind of the storm outside. Tired, dark green eyes looked down at the floor, spattered with blood darker than the shadows of this room. Even the stray beam of light on it from a dropped flashlight could bring only a faint shine, and the barest hint of a ruddy brown. Barely perceptible. A man in a trenchcoat inhaled deeply, and then let his shoulders drop with a heavy sigh. There was no joy here. Only regret and frustration will linger from tonight, with a brief interlude of relief, for having stopped yet more unfortunates from being taken and turned into cultists and free labor. He would have to remember to unlock the door to their sleeping quarters later. And leave a bible. Dealing with cultists was always difficult. He can't help people who don't want to be helped, but he can always direct them to a place they can go when they realize their leader is gone. The man personally wasn't sure if those people could be saved, but the book says that it is not his job to decide that, so he figures he may as well show them to some good people. Maybe the big man has as big of a heart as they say. He would like to believe that...but then why, if he is God, did he not make the whole world into the Garden of Eden....and not a playground for demons to tempt and destroy his children? Even this body.... this empty shell was once made with the flesh of a human. An empty shell that he now walks over to collect his shell casings. Depositing the shells into their designated pouch, and pulling out a hankerchief, he inspects the edge of his tactical knife while wiping it off. "Donagan Rainolf. Who knew today had to be the day? Your birthday. But, this was when the storm finally rolled in. Consider it...a birthday present, from me. Happy Birthday, and may God have mercy on your soul. If it still exists." The man tucks the hankerchief back into his pocket, and slides the knife into its sheathe with a faint click breaking the silence next. "I need a drink."