The reapers did not understand how their master was taken and contained but this woman had their master's magic, the first hint of it they had sensed in a week's time, so there had to be some truth to her words. And if someone were to really examine reapers for what they truly were, they would find that a reaper is not the brightest light bulb in the bunch. They were designed that way. Death needed his own army of workers who could go out and retrieve souls but he couldn't have them going out and harvesting whatever souls they felt needed to be harvested. They needed Death's instructions to be sure to acquire the proper souls and only those who were due; though that had changed to a degree upon Death's disappearance. The reapers were actively seeking out souls that were obviously in need of reaping but the process was a slow one, far too slow to make up for all the souls in die need of reaping. Without Death's guidance, the poor things were like lost puppies just trying to find their way back home from being hopelessly lost in the big city while their family lives in the country. It was a very confusing time for the reapers, to say the least. So when she said she would take them to Death, it was like a jolt of electricity shocked the reapers to life. There was visible excitement from them, most in the ways they moved and they all seemed to step closer to Kaia and her protective circle. However, when she started to shoot out orders, the reapers looked at each other. The previous reaper, who was currently wearing the face of Kaia's mother, peered back at its fellow reapers before turning once more to Kaia and addressing her. “You've no reason to fear. Those who are not close to death cannot see us, that is unless they wield Death magic, such as yourself. Only those who were meant to die can see us.” That was the only way any souls were being reaped at all. The reapers were walking the streets, looking for any that showed signs of reacting to their presence. It was a solid plan except that they were mostly just walking through the city. Surrounded by the masses, it was easy for someone to ignore the fact that they were pretty sure they had just seen a faceless shadow person strolling aimlessly through the populace. If they were just a little smarter, they would take their strolls through medical hospitals and senior citizen homes. It would be far more effective that way but the reapers were not known for their problem solving skills. As Kaia stepped over the circle, the reapers enclosed around her, as if the pull of Death's magic called to them. Some of them even got to work on draining the life of the protective spell containing the pushing black magic and soon it faded away to nothing, releasing the magic into the room. It washed along the floor like a wave before it was diligently absorbed by the reapers, leaving not even a drop of it behind. When the magic was once more absorbed, the reapers followed her out into the streets, the small entourage quickly growing into a large following of at least 100 reapers, if not more. It was as if Kaia lit a beacon by releasing Death's energy and all the reapers in the surrounding area ran to get it like moths to a flame. They all followed her like a horde and they washed over that part of the city like a tidal wave. As they processed through the streets, they harvested any souls that were obviously due. A poor raccoon, ran over by some careless driver nights ago, finally released from its agony as multiple reapers swarmed around it, each eager to touch it and release its poor soul to the afterlife. They dug through trash, finding rodents that had been thrown there by the restaurant owners after they were caught in snap traps or poisoned by the flavorful smelling rat poison they stuck behind the fridge, finally blissful release from their agonizing existence. Death swept through that small part of the city and the balance in that area had finally been restored. Once the scales were aligned, it was like the dark shadow that had been lingering over the city lessened. People could breathe easier now, the instinctual fear that had been tightening everyone's chest finally loosening its grip. When they arrived at the magician's house, the reapers fanned out, some even going into the home ahead of her. They couldn't fully sense Death in the area but there was a lingering sensation of his magic that called out to them. The reaper that seemed to be taking charge of the whole event stepped up to Kaia and started up at the building. “Is this where he is located?” It asked with a deeply embedded frown on its face. Were they finally going to see their master? Were they going to have a purpose again?