Alright, quick-read through the OOC (I haven't looked at any of your CS'es yet, because I'm a bad noodle, orz) and couldn't see that anyone had asked the questions I wanted to ask, so I'll ask them. [center][h2][i]Quesitons d'Xalt:[/i][/h2][/center] [b]1. What sort of technology level are we looking at here? Is there electtricity?C om,puters? TV? Radio? Refrigerators!? AIRPLANES!?!!?[/b] [b]2. Since it's a fantasy world, do people use things like swords, axes, suits of armor and what else have you of ye olde dayes? Or are there things like muskets or modern firearms?[/b] [b]3. Is there magic, and if yes, can [i][u]we[/u][/i] use it?[/b] [b]4. What climate is the island? Is a tropical/mediterranean enviroment? A temperate one? Boreal? Taiga?[/b] [b]5. Are there BAD MONST0RZ lurking on the island surface? Or all the nasties down in caves, old tunnels and the vconveniently abandoned old mine that still has tons of ore in it for some reason?[/b] [b]6. Are we all supposed to be humans, or can we play other races? Again, fantasy and all.[/b] [b]7. Are there cookies, and can I eat them?[/b] That is all I wish to know for now. Now to lurk and wait most menacingly.