[h2][centre][color=fdc68a]Erin Williams[/color][/centre][/h2] Erin couldn’t help but shiver slightly as she exited the dorms and was hit by the chilly outside air. Her choice of clothing today was little more than a simple t-shirt and trousers, the first things she’d managed to uncover from within the pile of cloth atop her dresser in her rush to get out that morning. She was pretty certain at least the clothes were clean enough to wear – though a particularly attentive observer might notice she’d worn the same shirt just a couple of days ago – but she had definitely underdressed for the weather. As she suppressed another shiver, Erin briefly considered going back to grab a jacket at least before deciding against the idea. She’d already gotten distracted that morning, reading through an interesting article she’d found, and she was excited to meet with her friends before class, so for the time being she decided would just deal with being a little cold. Shoving her hands into her trouser pockets for warmth, Erin set a brisk pace towards the table that had somehow become the de facto meeting spot for her and her friend group. The moment she spotted Damon and Fae already there and waiting, a wide grin spread across Erin’s face, the cold all but forgotten as she hurried to jog over to her friends. Putting her bag down on the table, Erin didn’t bother to take a seat, instead continuing to jitter and pace around the table, lest the cold catch back up to her. [color=fdc68a]“Morning guys,”[/color] she chirped, beaming at the pair. [color=fdc68a]“Anything interesting happen since yesterday?”[/color]