The reapers made short work of her circle, gobbling up Death's magic within. It shouldn't have bothered her, she knows Death and its reapers are powerful, but dismantling it with [i]such[/i] ease? It was unsettling. She'd have to work on improving them, then. Part of her wished that people could see reapers. Then they might've followed her request and not tagged along. But now, having a black mass of finality floating behind you through the streets? It sent a shiver down her spine, filling her with an anxiety. Unnatural. All of it. At least they got the raccoon, poor thing. Kaia kept fighting the urge to look back over her shoulder at the reapers. They took back the energy within that circle with such haste. Will they dismantle her for what remains within her, too? They reached the house. She's never been here so regularly before. Kaia almost visibly startled when the reaper spoke again, she'd been thinking of how to get Death free without the magician becoming aware. She nodded, "That's where he is. Follow me." She led the way around to the small basement window, it was blacked out, painted over. She scratched off a piece of the paint with a nail, checking for magic before peering in. It was dark, she could barely make anything out. Death was still in the cage. She could feel his familiar magic. The reapers surrounded the house, making Kaia feel like this was some kind of ridiculous skit or prank. She channelled the smallest amount of magic though her hand, drawing runes on the wooden window frame. It started rotting and crumbling away. Fuck... I'll have to move after this. I'll never get my ingredients so easily again. She quietly pulled the frame back and laid the window on the grass. Death was staring at her. She felt his eyes burning holes through her. Kaia popped her head in, lights from outside barely illuminating enough to make out rough features. Death looked impatient. Well, he was going to have to wait. She was too short to drop down to the floor without either hurting herself, or making a noise. Then she saw it; a chair against the wall. She brought herself back up, turning into the face of her mother. "Shit... some space, please." The reaper backed away a full inch. She exhaled loudly, pointing into the basement, "See that chair? Please set it up just beneath the window here. Think you can do that?"