[center][b][color=92278f][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241126/8967c686ef66b7df799ca21f20fe5ada.png[/img][/color][/b][/center] Max Hudson was bundled up in a purple coat, and a matching scarf around his neck. His strawberry-blonde hair peeked out from beneath a knit beanie. He had a thermos with hot chocolate in one hand, and his beloved sketchbook in the other hand. He was not the first to arrive at the table. Damon, Fae, and Erin got there first. He gave them a grin. [color=92278f]“Mornin’ everyone!”[/color] He placed the thermos down gently, unscrewing the lid to let a puff of steam escape into the frosty air. [color=92278f]“Hot chocolate and snow—this is what peak cozy looks like,”[/color] he said. He took a sip, before pulling out a pencil, and started sketching out the snow covered landscape that surrounded them. [color=92278f]“This is gonna look great in ink later,”[/color] he muttered, his breath visible in the cold. A sudden gust of wind rustled the pages of his sketchbook, and Max placed the thermos on top of the corner to keep them from fluttering away. [color=92278f]“Not today, wind.”[/color] he murmured, as he glared at the trees as if they were conspiring against him. He looked up at the group with a playful smile. [color=92278f]“So, what’s the plan for today? Besides, y’know, not freezing our butts off?”[/color] Max asked