[center][h1]Justice[/h1][/center] For once, everything came up Justice. In spite of her comrades' best efforts, there was no critical failure that would have given her a conniption. She put her papers back in her pocket and waved to the guards outside the city. To the Dunbarton Bier Fest it was. Rather than the screams of disaster and chaos, it was the screams of revelry and men being tossed through doorways for getting handsy. It was a vile place. One that assaulted the senses and sickened every part of her. But she'd live. It was better than going from fight to fight just trying to get from point A to point B, at least. All that they needed was to hand off the princess. Just that. Then they could go back to their regularly scheduled itinerary of whatever city it was. [b]"I think I need a drink."[/b] She said to nobody in particular with an exhale. [b]"But after we get the princess to whoever. We'd probably lose her if we started to celebrate early."[/b]