[center][h2][color=39b54a]Somewhere Along the Scorched Line[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3] Daxini Battle Group Alpha: Commanded by Claw Chief Lennox [/h3][/center] [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/qRzy6Hw/b0cfeea22b574d19a3d5654b85b4353c.jpg[/img] [/center] [hider= Daxini Mining and Refinery Station Vulcan] Daxini Mining and Refinery Station Vulcan [url=https://ibb.co/VBzwvkT][img]https://i.ibb.co/C0YPnSQ/Daxini-Refinery-and-Space-Dock-Station.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] [hider= Daxini Resource Drone] [img]https://i.ibb.co/1LbT9xC/Salvage-Drone.jpg[/img] Salvage & Resource Drone [/hider] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/wjJ3-SzxhCk?feature=shared] Stardust - Futurescapes & Lithograph [/url] [/b] [hr] Commander Lennox was reviewing the reports coming in from the battle group. She had ordered their smaller faster stealth ships out to explore. There were five of them, the Shadow, the Nightweaver, the Adventurer, the Lucky, and the Viper. Their mandate was to look for planetary bodies. They are to search for Daxini survivors who might have been caught due to the war and unable to escape before the battle. If they were still alive, it was their responsibility to explore the best way to rescue them. They were also supposed to tag and record coordinates for any larger pieces of debris that might be of interest to the tech heads. Lennox needed that reconnaissance. She sighed in frustration as the amount of information they had been able to obtain about the system had been hindered by the sheer amount of debris. It overwhelmed their sensors. Even with the Kronar in the group sifting through huge amounts of data. The scan techs had been making adjustments to the sensors and were trying to adjust them but they were reporting scan shadows, duplicate signatures, and signals that bounced around the debris making it difficult to get a picture on what was really there. The debris field also blocked sensors in places making closer reconnaissance a necessity. Then there were the constantly changing trajectories as debris collided with other debris spinning off on a new course. It was like trying to navigate a pinball game. Lennox felt a deep need to help protect their people. She was one of the luckier ones in a way. Her ancestors had made it back to Dax after taking work on a freighter headed that way. Their handwritten journals of their lives were one of her most cherished possessions. The journals had been scanned and were on display in her home in a stasis case to preserve them. She had read them as a teenager. They had heavily influenced her decision about what to do with her life. The journals chronicled their lives with the struggles and horrors of living as slaves. The conditions they had endured. The way their guards abused them and tried to break their spirit. There was hope in the pages too though, as they found love in each other. After they were freed, they worked together to get home and then married and had a good life together. The appreciation for their life after being a slave forced to work in a Yrrani mine flowed through the pages. She had been surprised by the things they had written about in their journals, anxiety that the Yrrani would come back, hope as babies were being born, freedom in having a wind blow across their face after working in protective suits underground, food they could chew instead of drink. It taught her to appreciate the small things. She learned in school that there were still Daxini who had never made it home and their descendants could still be there out in the stars, still waiting to come home. Most of the Daxini had no idea if they still had lost family out in the stars. It had been centuries since the Yrrani had left Dax to its own devices pulling back from their space. Many of the Daxini could only trace their genealogy back to that time. Their people had lost so much history. She felt as if she owed it to those who might still be lost out here among the stars and enslaved a way home. She had joined the military for that reason. This was the first time in her lifetime that the Daxini Council had approved such a large group action outside of Daxini space. Typically they sent in the stealth ships disguised as freighters and the battle ships and stations stayed in Daxini space only venturing out in support if needed. Lennox was grateful to be chosen as commander of this battle group. She had an itching behind her ears and a steady growing pressure in her stomach that said action was on the way. Her tail was twitching with a mind of its own as her instincts and anxiety rose. Lennox had a sense that her destiny and fate was rushing towards her. She hoped she was ready when it came. Lennox had ordered their heavy shuttles to use their gravitic tractor beams to at least stabilize the larger pieces of debris into piles, halting their momentum. This at least put the largest pieces into a stationary orbit. She had decided to set up the battlestation where the debris field had reduced. They would use it as a base of operations while they worked to clear more of the debris field while exploring this region of space. All ships were to stay in communications and check in once an hour on the hour. She had chosen to spread the battle group in a defensive arc around the battle station. She had received a message on the quantum relay that the Daxini Mining and Refinery Station Vulcan and the Light Cruiser Iron Talon were supposed to join them sometime within the next hour. Lennox preferred accuracy but understood that approximations were as accurate as they could be. Trips through slip space were always approximate. It was hard to calculate how long the journey would take exactly. Ships could stall, drives could fail, ships could be attacked. There was a lot that could go wrong and cause delays. Lennox had moved back to the command center. She wanted to be available when the station arrived. She had just sat down in her seat and gotten comfortable when her Navigation officer reported an incoming wormhole. Navigation Officer Rabasha was at her station when she suddenly looked alert. [color=a2d39c]“Commander, sensors show a wormhole opening at the coordinates we are expecting the Vulcan and Iron Talon.” [/color] Commander Lennox looked over at the Nativagation Officer. Rabasha was a Xidonae with fur in different shades of a golden brown with a white undercoat. [color=39b54a]“Thank you Officer Rabasha.”[/color] The wormhole was visible in space now as the Iron Talon came through followed by the massive bulk of the Vulcan. The Vulcan was almost twice the size of the Leviathan. It had a modular design allowing them to modify the station for mining, refining metals and ore, and to attach a shipyard module to one side of the station. It was set up to be a self-sufficient mobile shipyard or mining outpost. The shipyard module would allow them to study the technology on the larger pieces of ship hulks. They could reverse engineer it before recycling it all. Cleaning up the navigation hazard that the debris presented in the process. Lennox believed it was a win-win-win for the Daxini. There was a mountain of resources that was causing a navigation hazard, they might get some new technology, and they might actually find some missing Daxini, and help open up new space lanes in this area of space. They might discover planets that had been cut off because of the debris field that would make good trading partners. The Communications Officer Gartanak spoke without looking away from his monitors. Gartanak and Rabasha were from the same clan. He had similar markings to Rabasha. [color=a2d39c]“Transponder IFF confirms the identity of the vessels as the Iron Talon and the Daxini Station Vulcan. Commander we are being hailed by both vessels.”[/color] Commander Lennox: [color=39b54a]“Connect both commanders and myself into a holographic call.” [/color] Gartanak: [color=a2d39c]“Yes Sir.”[/color] Gartanak’s hands flew across his station as he worked. The call connected and it showed the static floating holographic heads of the two commanders appeared above the holotank in the middle of the control room. [color=a2d39c]“I have Vulcan Station Chief Lavini and Flight Chief Firehawk for you sir.” [/color]Gartanak waited until Lennox had indicated they were ready before the images began to move live. Lennox leaned forward in her chair and straightened her spine a little but kept a relaxed demeanor. [color=39b54a]“Welcome to the Scorched Line. I am very glad you made it. As you can see, this work is better suited to the Vulcan and it is critical to safer astronavigation.”[/color] Station Chief Lavini was a Buzini. She had light golden brown fur and wore civilian robes in light blue and gold. Vulcan Station Chief Lavini just threw her head back and laughed. [color=39b54a]“Well I must say it is nice to see that for once our military has a need for our civilian stations instead of the other way around.” [/color] Iron Talon Flight Chief Firehawk snapped a salute to Commander Lennox. Firehawk was a fierce Avitas Clan Warrior with dark almost black feathers with dark red crest on his head and chest with a noble sharp curved beak. [color=39b54a]“Commander Lennox, it is an honor to serve with you. My orders are to provide a safety escort for Vulcan Station and to place myself, crew, and ship under your command upon arrival.” [/color] Commander Lennox gave Firehawk a salute back. [color=39b54a]“At ease, Flight Chief. The honor is mine. As you can see the debris field is truly massive, it just gets less dense. We have not yet found the edge of it. There is so much of it that it is wreaking havoc with our sensors. We have ships out scouting the area. In the meantime, I want to see what kind of headway our group can make on reducing the density of the space debris in the area. We are transmitting the coordinates of the staging area and what we have mapped so far. Lavini I will let you decide where you feel the best placement is for Vulcan Station. Flight Chief Firehawk. Your ship will remain stationed near the Vulcan to protect her. All ships are checking in once an hour on the hour. Unless you need immediate assistance. Any questions?” [/color] Lavini smiled at Commander Lennox and nodded. [color=39b54a]“I will transmit those coordinates to you once I have a chance to review the data.” [/color] Flight Chief Firehawk simply nodded. [color=39b54a]“Orders understood Commander.”[/color] Lennox just smiled and nodded. [color=39b54a]“Lennox out.” [/color] Commander Lennox had brought all the Ship Commanders and Chiefs in Battle Group Alpha together to plan how to proceed. She listened to everyone’s ideas and concerns. Together they hashed out how they were going to tackle what felt like an insurmountable task at the moment. Lennox had agreed and confirmed the plan as Daxini crews went to work. The Kronar workers on the Vulcan immediately launched a horde of resource drones from the Vulcan. The drones began hauling debris back to the station for recycling.The resource drones were small about the size of an escape pod with a powerful gravitic engine; they had large claw-like extender arms off the front for carrying material. They also had a powerful gravitic tractor beam that worked off the same engine. The drones were controlled by several Kronar on the Vulcan through communication relays. It was decided to continue to leave the stealth ships looking for planets and possible survivors. Fighter pilots from the Leviathan would use their sensors to explore the wreckage around Vulcan Station for debris and wreckage that should be looked at by the engineers to see if any technology could be found. After all most of the technology the Daxini had was from what they had learned or reverse engineered from the Yarrani. Lennox ordered the Cruiser Xi’s Axe and light cruiser Scimitar to explore in opposite directions. The smaller battleships would have an easier time navigating the debris field. They were to tag any interesting or large ship hulls or interesting wreckage for towing back to the Vulcan. That left the light cruiser Iron Talon sitting near the Vulcan in a protective position, with the destroyer Stormbringer and the Excalibur Class Dreadnaught Gallant sitting guard on Leviathan. [hr] [hider= Space Station] [url=https://ibb.co/HzVnYh2][img]https://i.ibb.co/QNfrnDc/magicstudio-art-2024-11-23-T180200-861.jpg[/img][/url][/hider] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/rlgmqtgqpcU?feature=shared] Space Heroes - Audio Library [/url] [/b] Lennox was reviewing progress reports being submitted by the commanders. The Vulcan had been hard at work around the clock since it had arrived. Lennox was shocked by how much material they had processed in the three days since its arrival. The pocket of safe space around the Vulcan had expanded considerably. The corridor between the Vulcan and Leviathan had been cleared as well. They had yet to find any technology worth reverse engineering. The largest pieces tended to be pieces of hull and framework. They had not found any functioning propulsion, weapon, power, or defensive systems. They had refined a wide variety of metals and silicates. The first ore hauler back to Daxini had left the day before to offload what had been processed already, another one was inbound later today. The waste that couldn’t be recycled was being collected and compressed into cubes to feed the fusion reactors. They had found some radioactive material and some antimatter missiles that had failed to explode on impact. They had been handled with care by Daxini ordinance specialists. The stealth ships reported back that the density of the debris lightens and becomes more spread out. The Lucky turned out to indeed be lucky as it had found a planet that used to be inhabited but the planet was destroyed by bombardment from space. The planet was suffering through a nuclear winter with dust and micro debris in the atmosphere blocking the sunlight. There had been no life signs on the planet. They did report that there was abandoned and wrecked equipment on the surface of the planet. They sent back the data records and reports of what they had found. Lennox ordered them to move on. She felt the priority was looking for their people. They could always come back later if needed. The Shadow had reported finding an abandoned space station that had taken severe damage. There had been no life signs and no power. It had been tagged for follow up. The Viper had reported the coordinates of a dwarf red star. The Nightweaver reported finding a large asteroid field that looked like the remnants of a planet. The damage resembled what the Yrrani had done in the Xi’Abek system. Lennox was sipping a tea that she was fond of when she was interrupted by a call from the command center. Lennox heard Rabasha’s voice come over the intercom in her office. [color=a2d39c]“Commander Lennox I have Eagle Eye Narrel for you. He says its urgent.” [/color] Lennox: [color=39b54a]“Put him through to my office.”[/color] It was less than a minute later when Narrel’s disembodied holographic head appeared in front of Lennox in the middle of her desk. She gave Narrel a respectful nod before barking out. [color=39b54a]“Report.”[/color] Narrel was the Eagle Eye in charge of the Stealth Ship Adventurer. Adventurer was manufactured to appear as a small tramp freighter. It had hidden weapons and defensive systems. It also had a stealth field that would help to hide the ship when activated. They had a few visible weapons as most merchants knew better than to rely on patrols to keep trading safe. Pirates were clever and prolific, like roaches they were hard to exterminate. The crew of their stealth ships did not wear a military uniform. They wore civilian dress to help sell their image as traders. Which is why when Narrel appeared on the screen he was in a white Daxini waistcoat with teal trim and jacket popular with businessmen. [color=39b54a]Narrel:“The Adventurer has found what appears to be an active space station. It looks like a hunk of junk. It is cobbled together from all kinds of scrap pieces and ship parts. I am transmitting coordinates and what we have managed to pick up on sensors. This might be a great opportunity to find out what has been going on in the region. I wanted to check in and see if you feel it is worth the risk.” [/color] Lennox was surprised. The space station had to be located in one of the regions of lighter debris. [i]Who would visit it otherwise?[/i] She tilted her head in thought. [color=39b54a]“Narrel we need that intel. I wish you and your team success but please be careful. Make sure someone from your team continues to update the group once an hour. I trust you to run the mission. It is your area of expertise. Xi’s blessings go with you.” [/color] Narrel saluted before replying. [color=39b54a]“Thank you Commander.”[/color] The connection cut after a respectful nod from Narrel. Narrel brought his crew together to plan their mission. The Adventurer looked like a small trading freighter. It had hidden weapon and defensive systems and a few visible ones as would be expected on a long range trading vessel. The sensitive areas of the ship were hidden behind false bulkheads and could only be opened by the crew and monitored by their crew’s Kronar Martok. The accessible parts of the ship felt like a standard vessel. They even had cargo on board for trading. The Daxini had learned that food seemed to be a universal need and made for a great trade cargo. It usually opened doors and was a welcome product wherever they went. They stored their fresh food in stasis pods where it would stay fresh until opened and ready for use. The stasis pods were simple containers with a stasis field generator and battery on them. They stacked and could be plugged into an external power source making it perfect for interstellar travel and trading. It gave the crew an opportunity to hook small transmitters and trackers on the crates. They were designed to look like part of the stasis system. This would allow their crew to listen in on conversations around the crates and track their movements. They also had some crates with a small payload of programmable nanites that their Kronar crew member could take control of remotely with an embedded link and transmitter hidden in the crate. These were just some of the ways the Daxini gathered intel from public ports of call. They also had small almost invisible cameras and a microphone with transmitters on them that ran off an onboard battery. They were designed for temporary use and would only transmit for about a week but they were usually gone by then. They could be applied and stuck to almost any surface. All their stealth operatives wore a snug stealth suit under their station clothing. In a pinch they could use their stealth suit to get around almost unseen. This would not protect them from being detected by psionic means. Depending on the station they might be able to openly carry weapons. They had weapons that could avoid most sensors that they could take with them. Stealth operatives were highly trained in close combat and with a variety of weapons. They were trained to use weapons of opportunity if necessary. Narrel looked over his small team. Martok was in his preferred holographic avatar on his mobile hard light generator that allowed him to move his avatar around the ship. Jaxori and Dinari were sitting together in casual ship suits. The two Xidonae worked well together like a well oiled machine. Next to them was Luwiti another Xidonae from the same clan. Luwiti was more of a fighter than the pair. Jaxori and Dinari often were the public face of the team who made contact in ports of call. They were both telepathic and telekinetic which helped them communicate when on a mission. Next to Luwiti was Prixoni, one of the Rapaxini in the team who always looked sullen and broody no matter when he saw him. Prixoni was happiest when he was sparring or getting to beat something. Prixonii was one of their better stealth suit operators and was usually in a port of call in stealth mode. He was great at sneaking into sensitive areas. Qixani was an Avitas Clan member who was their pilot but also a great melee fighter and stealth operative. Next in line was the Buzoni Krayvik who was the team’s fighting powerhouse. Krayvik was a gifted melee fighter with natural brute strength. He was also smart and good at getting people to think he was a stupid muscleman to get people to underestimate him. The final member of the team was Turrly another Rapaxini operative. Turrly was their jack of all trades and usually took a support role on a mission. Turrly worked well with Martok and usually worked with Martok on providing whatever support role was needed on the mission. Turrly was often the operative responsible for preparing their spyware packages on the crates for delivery to the station. Narrel cleared his throat and began the mission briefing. [color=39b54a]“We have been ordered to go in and recon the station. We need to see if we can do a trade with the station. We want to get eyes and ears in there. We are looking for rumors of Daxini in the area and just what the hell is going on in this region of space. It is why we are here. We need to be careful not to draw any undue attention. So be very careful. Jaxori and Dinari, you will go onto the station as the face of our trading team. You know the drill. We are exploring and looking for new trading partners. Prixoni and Qixani, I want you to explore the station. Find a good spot away from cameras and go stealth. Try to find an access point to their computer systems and plug a hardwire connection into a port if you can for Martok. Plant some of our mobile eyes in public areas. Martok I need you to monitor all communication coming and going from the station and the ships docked to it. Turrly you will be helping Martok and I provide overwatch. Krayvik you are going on station as the ship's cargo handler. I want you to find a bar and do your thing. The typical, I need a drink. It has been too long since I last had one. Luwiti you are the backup on this operation. You will stay on the ship in case someone needs help getting out of a jam. Any questions?”[/color] As expected Luwiti was grumbling about being left behind. Turrly grumbled about always being asked to mind the ship. Qixani and Prixoni were pleased with their assignments. Krayvik just smiled which was slightly terrifying with the sharp teeth and canines he sported. Martok was excited as exhibited by the fireworks of colors surrounding his avatar like a disco. “I will also be staying on ship but I will handle communications and play the ship's owner and operator.” He looked around to see if there were any questions and there were not. They were a well trained crew that had been together for a few years now. They were excited about being in a new area of space and putting their skills up against the unknown. “Then let’s get to work.” The crew leapt into action and were ready as the Adventurer came into communication range of the space station. If you could call it that. It looked ready to fall apart at any moment. They were hailed as they got closer to the station. The connection was somewhat poor but improved the closer they got to the station. [color=ed1c24]“This is the Space Station Black Cloud. Please state your business and halt or you will be fired upon.”[/color] Turrly snorted as he laughed off the speaker. [color=a2d39c]“With what?”[/color] Martok laughed as he informed Turrly [color=a2d39c]“Sensors are picking up antimatter missiles and energy weapons of some kind. Probably lasers or plasma cannons.” [/color] Turrly put a hand over his face as he muttered [color=a2d39c]“Fuck me for asking.”[/color] Martok continued his report [color=a2d39c]“I am reading breathable atmosphere. The station does have some form of armored plating. Standard docking ports. Ships docked to the station appear to be older model ships, some Yrrani in origin, Lokoid, Augustan, BioMech Union Missionary ships, and a few that I don’t recognize.”[/color] Narrel thanked Martok before replying to the station. [color=39b54a]“This is the Daxini trading vessel the Adventurer. We have a cargo of foodstuffs. We are here looking for new trading partners. If you are not interested, we will fly on.”[/color] The voice from the station sounded greedy and very interested as they replied. [color=ed1c24]“Foodstuffs you say? What kind?”[/color] Narrel just grinned because he knew that tone of voice. They were about to be extorted out of some of their cargo for docking fees. [color=39b54a]“Fresh fruit, vegetables and grains from Dax. And some meat substitutes that are popular with our people.” [/color] The station voice sounded satisfied and eager now. [color=ed1c24]“You can dock at bay seven. No projectile weapons allowed on station. Personal protection weapons only. Be warned that the station is not responsible for any loss you may incur while on station. You are responsible for your own security. The station charges a docking fee. You can pay in gold or trade goods. We would prefer trade goods. One crate each of your vegetables, grains, and meat substitutes would be sufficient.”[/color] Narrel snickered a little. He stroked his whiskers and as he had a satisfied look on his face. He just knew it. [color=39b54a]“Agreed. Thank you Black Cloud station. Are we clear to approach?”[/color] Excitement and satisfaction oozed from the voice as they replied [color=ed1c24]“Adventurer you are clear to approach. We will meet you at the dock to accept your docking fees. Station out.”[/color] Narrel turned to his crew with a satisfied and amused look on his face. [color=39b54a]“They always make it so easy! It’s like shooting fish in a barrel.”[/color] He looked around at the crew who had been listening to the conversation with the station. They were already making the necessary arrangements with weapons. [color=39b54a] “Take us in Martok."[/color] Many of the crew were crossed trained as pilots but Martok liked to do the piloting most of the time. Martok slowed their approach following the docking instructions sent by the station. They eased slowly into position before Martok initiated the hard seal with the airlock that would allow them entry into the station. It was going to make offloading cargo slower. They would only be able to take out a pallet at a time. Krayvik was already in his dock worker guise pushing the required pallet with three cases of foodstuffs on it that was being requested for docking fees. He was ready to exit the ship. Narrel straightened his jacket as the airlock cycled. The crew standing behind him. The airlock opened and Narrel can’t say he was surprised to see a human who had obviously seen some action. The man had salt and pepper hair with a beard. A scar bisected his right eye which had been replaced with a cybernetic one that glowed a menacing red color which contrasted with the natural icy blue of his left eye. He was dressed in dark but rich clothing that looked sturdy, maybe even light armor. He was wearing a long sleeved jerkin, pants, and boots with a crossed bandolier over his chest. A laser pistol was in a holster on his hip. The man smiled at Narrel before speaking [color=ed1c24]“Hello! Welcome to Black Cloud Station. I run the place. My name is Gerard. I am here to collect your docking fees.”[/color] The voice was the same one they had heard over comms. Narrel inclined his head regally and gestured to the waiting pallet containing the three crates of foodstuffs that were requested. [color=39b54a]“We have it ready for delivery. Did you bring someone to collect it? Or do you want it delivered?”[/color] Narrel didn’t miss the greed and avarice on Gerard’s face as he looked over the crates. [color=ed1c24]“I will collect it. Can you pull it through the airlock for me? I have some men standing by to handle the crates.”[/color] Narrel nodded to Krayvik. Who simply nodded and waited for Gerard to move out of his way so he could load the pallet into the airlock. It didn’t leave a lot of room. He waited by the controls for Gerard to join him in the airlock. Gerard gave Narrel a smile he didn’t trust, the man was a slippery character.[color=ed1c24]“Pleasure doing business with you…?”[/color] Narrel gave a polite smile showing his sharp teeth. [color=39b54a]“Narrel. I run this ship. Indeed. We are looking for new places to trade. We have more cargo. I am assuming we are free to seek out buyers on the station?”[/color] Gerard stroked his beard. [color=ed1c24]“Of course, of course. There is only one rule on Black Cloud Station. And that rule is don’t piss me off.”[/color] Narrel just gave Gerard a neutral look. [color=39b54a]“That is very vague. You might consider writing down the things that piss you off so people know what to avoid.”[/color] He just kept eye contact with Gerard unwilling to back down in this poor excuse for a pissing contest. Gerard abruptly broke into laughter. [color=ed1c24]“I think I like you Narrel.”[/color] He walked quickly back to join Krayvik. Krayvik only waited till Gerard was inside the airlock before triggering the airlock to cycle through and open. He pulled the antigravity pallet cart out of the airlock into a larger open space. There were two more humans waiting and a Daxini. Krayvik’s eyes widened in surprise to run into one of their people so suddenly. The three came forward to grab the crates. The Daxini was a Rapaxani who had seen better days. They were on the older side and some gray fur around their orange furred muzzle. Krayvik stopped him and offered him a traditional greeting. [color=a2d39c]“May Xi lighten your load and illuminate your path.” [/color] The Daxini's lip curled up in a snarl of disgust. [color=0072bc]“Xi left this place long ago youngling.”[/color] Gerard stepped forward and barked to the Daxini [color=ed1c24]“Take the crate to my personal hold.”[/color] Gerard turned to Krayvik, [color=ed1c24]“We aren’t going to have any trouble are we?”[/color] Krayvik looked at Gerard. [color=a2d39c]“Is he here of his own free will?”[/color] Gerard laughed and turned to the Daxini. [color=ed1c24]“Hey Vargon are you here of your own free will?”[/color] The Daxini turned to Gerard and snarled [color=0072bc]“Where else would I be?”[/color] Krayvik turned towards Vargon. [color=a2d39c]“I will be in the bar later. Come by and I will buy you a drink and share news of home.”[/color] Vargon still looked hostile but simply nodded. Krayvik nodded and turned with the pallet jack to return to the ship, cycling the airlock once more. He left Gerard staring at his retreating back. Krayvik filled Narrel in on his encounter with Vargon. [color=a2d39c]“I couldn’t tell if he was here of his own free will or being held against his will. I invited him for a drink. I will try to find out his story then.” [/color] Narrel began to pace. He didn’t like this situation at all but it made gathering intel even more important. He would report back to Lennox once he knew more. [color=39b54a]“Everyone needs to be careful. This place feels lawless and without order. Watch each other’s backs closely. Get to work.” [/color] The airlock opened up on a wide landing space with a wide hallway curving away from it on either side. There were arrows and signage pointing to the bazaar which they assumed was some kind of shopping district and administration and exchange office which they assumed led to the station administration and where they could trade valuables in exchange for local currency. It was a pretty common practice on space stations. Narrel carried a small bag of gold and gemstones hidden in his inner jacket pocket. He took Prixoni with him as he made his way to the exchange office. He walked into the seedy looking place with only one counter and a small line with a Lokoid behind the counter. Narrel raised an eyebrow but did not say anything waiting his turn in line. He had to give it to the Lokoid; he was fast and efficient. The exchange rate was highway robbery though. It was about 10 percent higher than he expected. He made his way back to the ship without incident. Prixoni had been playing guard for him. Prixoni turned to Narrel after they were safely back aboard the ship. [color=c4df9b]“We were being followed from the Exchange Office. A human and a Dathu.”[/color] Narrel sighed as this mission just seemed to get more dangerous and complicated. [color=39b54a]“We need to get that intel and get out of here. We have attracted a lot of attention for having been on station for less than an hour.”[/color] Narrel doled out the money to the crew going on station so that they could buy what they needed. [hr] [hider= Space Station Bazaar] [url=https://ibb.co/DgNpm7F][img]https://i.ibb.co/R41ytCK/Hallway-leading-to-Bazaar.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/WfVGRmtU4L8?feature=shared] Bar Fight Music - Lil Darkie [/url] [/b] [hr] The crew began to depart in small groups. Everyone on the team had hardwired cybernetic implants that connected to the ship and Martok. It allowed them to be tracked and gave them communication with the ship. The teams split up to see what they could find out. Kravik had left with Jaxori, Dinari, and Qixani. Qixani was pretending to be a guard for Jaxori and Dinari. She would try to find a place later on station where she could go into stealth mode leaving them to negotiate on their own. They all followed the signage that said that the passageway led to the bazaar. They followed the hallway around the curve and it made a 90 degree angle turning deeper into the center of the station. There were some shops in the hallway outside the main bazaar area and a bar. The hallway opened up into a huge shopping area with multiple levels. There were vendors set up everywhere in a crazy haphazard maze.. Some had a tarp with a pile of goods on it, some had mobile carts and stands. Others had storefronts built into the edges of this crazy makeshift shopping area. Kravik left them and went straight to the bar. He slapped a spy eye up high pretending he had stumbled into the wall and caught himself. No one seemed to notice anything strange. He was attracting attention though. He assumed it was because word had gotten out that a new ship had docked. He went up to the bar and ordered a drink. The bar was made out of one piece of sheet metal that looked like it could have been a former ship part. Maybe part of a starfighter wing? The tables and furnishing were all mismatched. Some of the chairs and tables looked like they had started life as part of something else. The stools at the bar were each different and welded together from scrap metal and bolted to the floor. They all have padded seats made out of the same black material. He carefully planted some spy eyes on the underneath side of the bar while he waited. He took his drink and went to find a booth in the back where he could watch the entrance and his back was to a wall. He openly scanned his drink to make sure it was not spiked with anything and wouldn’t hurt him. Just alcohol made from something. It took all of Krayvik’s acting ability not to spit the vile drink out. It was foul tasting and felt like acid in his mouth. He would make it look like he was drinking. He settled in to watch, wait, and listen. Taking note of who was in the bar and what was happening. Krayvik didn’t have to wait long before Vargon showed up. The Rapaxani had orange and black striped fur. He looked older to Krayvik. Vargon spotted him immediately and sat down. Vargon chuckled and pointed to his drink. [color=0072bc]“What the hell did you order that for? It takes like Varga piss and burns like acid.”[/color] Krayvik sighed and pushed his almost untouched drink away from him. [color=a2d39c]“I knew I should have waited for you before ordering. That is the vilest alcohol I have ever tasted!” [/color] Vargon threw his head back and laughed. [color=0072bc]“I can tell your not from around here. Why don’t you let me order?” [/color] Krayvik nodded and handed over some of the free credit chips he had on him. Vargon nodded and went to the bar and came back with two glasses and a bottle of a blue drink. He flipped the stopper and poured two glasses. [color=0072bc]“This brandy made from some blue fruit that grows in these parts. It makes decent alcohol.”[/color] Vargon saluted him with his glass. Krayvik returned the salute and sipped cautiously this time. This time it was slightly sweet and thick but had a kick to it. It had a smooth finish. [color=a2d39c]“That’s not bad. A little sweet for my taste but so much better than that other stuff.” [/color] Vargon sipped his drink along with him. He relaxed back into his seat. He watched Krayvik with a pondering look. Krayvik simply jumped right into it. [color=a2d39c]“How long have you been here? When was the last time you saw Dax? What can you tell me about this place?”[/color] Vargon shook his head and grumbled under his breath. [color=0072bc]“Darn youngsters are always in a hurry.”[/color] He sighed and took a bigger drink before looking up at Krayvik. [color=0072bc]“I have never seen our homeworld. My parents took where they could. They were not very educated. They finally became crew on a trading vessel. Mom cooked and cleaned for the crew and passengers and dad did maintenance work and cargo handling. There are quite a few Daxini in this area of space. Similar stories, folks who didn’t make it out before the large battles in the area stranded them. I have run into a few who were still slaves. This is a very lawless place. Pirates and slavers are common in this area. Be careful and watch yourself on this station. This station is neutral territory but all are welcome here.”[/color] Vargon took another drink and quirked an eyebrow at Krayvik. [color=0072bc]“I have heard only rumors about Dax. Some of those passing through know nothing about them, others say that all the Daxini have moved onto space stations as the worlds are uninhabitable after Yrrani were done with them. Some say it is a cramped shithole not worth visiting. What’s really going on?”[/color] Krayvik nodded and proceeded to fill him in on more recent Daxini history. [color=a2d39c]“The Yrrani had enslaved our people and exploited our worlds. Then they left and some of our people came home. We know some of our people are still out in the greater galaxy, the lost ones that never came home. At the time our people didn’t have the resources to try and find them. Our homeworlds were trashed, the environments poisoned with industrial pollution. There was not enough food to feed everyone. Then we had a leader rise to show us the way. We took everything we learned from the Yrrani and used it to save ourselves. We eventually managed to clean up the pollution on the planets. Xi’Abek had to be completely terraformed. Our people lost their history and culture. It was taken by the Yrrani. We found a better way and embraced a new way of life. The Daxini Conclave now trades with other nations, we can protect our people now. Outsiders are not welcome on our worlds, but all Daxini are.”[/color] Krayvik leaned closer to Vargon. [color=a2d39c]“If you wish to go home, all you have to do is ask. We will take you. If you don’t want to, that’s okay, you can share that with other Daxini you run into.” [/color] Vargon looked a little surprised and then shook his head. [color=0072bc]“I wouldn’t fit in there. I know nothing about the homeworld or its culture. I am an old man. I will pass on the word to other Daxini I run into though. Is there a way to get a hold of the homeworld if someone needs help leaving?”[/color] Vargon looked around the bar and lowered his voice. [color=0072bc]“Many Daxini in this area of space live poor lives, with little education. They lack resources to go home. What should I tell them?”[/color] Krayvik tilted his head in thought. He knew that the long distance quantum paired communicators were expensive and rare. He didn’t know if the ship had another one. [color=a2d39c]“If you can get a message back to Dax with the situation, they will send help. Even if it is a rumor from a trading vessel coming through. We will investigate them all.”[/color] Vargon didn’t look very convinced so Krayvik smirked and winked at him. [color=a2d39c]“Why do you think we are here?”[/color] Vargon looked surprised at that. [color=0072bc]“Well I thought you were here to trade.”[/color] He sounded uncertain. Krayvik kept his voice low as he told him sarcastically. [color=a2d39c]“And we just happened to find this station in the navigation hazard that is the debris field in this region of space? Why would we think there would be a station here? We didn’t but we heard rumors that there were Daxini trapped along the Scorched Line.”[/color] Krayvik met his eyes with a meaningful look. Vargon nodded in understanding. [color=0072bc]“I will spread the word. Take my warning seriously though. There are those who will oppose what you want to do. In this area of space Might makes Right is the law of the land.”[/color] Krayvik nodded as he took another drink of the blue liquor. [hr] [hider= Space Station Bazaar] [url=https://ibb.co/jk6Zy09][img]https://i.ibb.co/r27fx8K/Bazaar.jpg[/img][/url] [/hider] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/Dck1ajndYdc?feature=shared] Sneaky badass spy music for writing - Abbie Emmons [/url] [/b] [hr] Jaxori, Dinari, and Qixani left Krayvik at the bar and moved forward to enter the bazaar. Their translators were working overtime to keep up with all the languages around them. They saw more Daxini, humans, Lokoids, Dathu,and Vrunak. It was a true intergalactic trading depot with almost all the known races being represented. Jaxori spotted a pair of BioMech Union missionaries. They always gave him the creeps. They were zealots preaching about the sanctity of metal and the weakness of flesh. They always made him uneasy due to the strength of their beliefs. Sometimes being telepathic was not a blessing. Dinari looked around the massive shopping area and pointed out a food vendor. [color=a2d39c]“Maybe we should try to peddle our wares with them.” [/color] And so the three moved around the bazaar noting what was for sale and who was selling it. They managed to sell some of their cargo. Fresh food was something the station often didn’t see. They got a lot of imported processed foods but rarely whole fruits, vegetables, and grains. Qixani continued to play guard for the pair posing as the merchants from the ship trying to unload their cargo and find one worth buying to take its place. They roamed through the bizarre marketplace but didn’t really run into any tech that they were unfamiliar with. They did run into races from all over known space. Qixani had stopped numerous pickpockets. They drew a great deal of attention. Word had definitely gotten out that a new ship had docked. Many were interested in their cargo but were hoping to buy for personal needs but they wanted to trade and honestly Dinari had not run across anything yet worth trading for. Jaxori wrinkled his nose up as the smell of the food on offer from a local vendor smelled awful to his sensitive nose. The food cooking smelled of charred carbon and little else. He could smell the preservatives in it that told of heavy processing. He was pretty sure it would taste like the cardboard it probably came in. They did note that illicit substances were freely traded in the open. Jaxori's sensitive nose picked up on common recreational drugs that they had encountered in the past. The stench of burnt chemicals in the air hinted they were manufactured on station in the shop where the scent was coming from. They also noted that there were slaves on the station but no one batted an eye about them. The slaves wore collars based on Yrrani design to control them. They didn’t see a place selling slaves though. The slave auction must be underground or slavery was tolerated on the station but they didn’t actively take part in the slave trade. The station just turned a blind eye to it. They did sell some cargo to one of the food vendors who offered to pay in precious metals. They contacted the ship to have Turrly deliver the cargo to the vendor and pick up payment. They sent the details of the agreement back to the ship. They placed spy eyes in shops they visited in the bazaar. After fully exploring the shops in the bazaar, they returned to the ship. Qixani ducked into an alcove on the way back to the ship and went into stealth mode. She wanted to check out the administration area. She wanted to try and find a way to help Martok with getting information off the computers. Qixani activated her stealth suit, disappearing from cameras and the naked eye. The suit uses holographic technology to project what would be on the other side of her. Tech built into the suit blocked her from detection by infrared and heat sensors and cameras. She was careful to move slowly to avoid detection. She made it into the administration offices. Which turned out to be a joke on them, the only thing in there was the control center for the station and Gerard. Qixani waited for the right moment when Gerard stepped out of the control room before moving quickly to install a hard connection for Martok. She made sure to plug the universal connection into a port on the backside that was not seen easily. She then set up a few spy eyes that would be hidden and out of sight. She then moved quickly out of the office. She stopped in a shadowy alcove close to the Exchange Office before shutting down her stealth suit. She then walked down the corridor like she was leaving the Exchange Office and headed back to the ship. In the meantime, Prixoni was investigating the residential side of the station. He roamed freely planting spy eyes and listening to the chatter around him. Prixoni didn’t learn anything new that others had not learned. He did make contact with more Daxini in the residential section. He did his best to spread the word discreetly that if they wanted to leave they would be welcome. He had received much the same response as Krayvik had from Vargon. They didn’t feel any connection to the homeworld. They didn’t think they would fit in there. Prixoni was frustrated by that. He had dedicated his life to protecting his people. He wanted to join the Eagle Eyes so that he could make a difference for the lost Daxini in the galaxy. It was frustrating to be thwarted because they seemed content with where they were. He wanted to force them on the ship to take them away from this awful place. The place stank of old air that was not cleaned as well as it should. The whole station felt old and fragile like it was one loose bolt away from coming apart. He knew that it would be wrong to take that choice away from them. He was almost happy to get into a fight with a gang of thugs who thought to rob him. He left them in a pile of broken limbs and bruises before going on his way. At least the fight bled off some of his anger before he headed back to the ship to report in. They all gathered back at the ship later to report. Narrel compiled everything into a report file and contacted Commander Lennox. He waited for the communications systems to connect. Then he waited while the communication officer on duty patched him through to Commander Lennox. It was a short wait but an annoying one. [color=00a651]“Commander Lennox, I have news. We have infiltrated the Station. It is run by a human named Gerard. We have confirmed the rumors of Daxini in the area with a Daxini on station. He was helpful in giving us some background on the area. It is a free for all out here. No one is policing the area. We understand from him that pirates and slavers are in the area. The station was grateful to see our cargo of fresh vegetables, grains, and fruits. There is little of interest on the station. They are selling parts and technology scavenged from the battles fought in the area. We didn’t find anything of note in their shopping district. There was Daxini on the station but the ones we made contact with didn’t want to leave. They feel they will not fit in with mainstream Daxini and culture from home. I have sent a more detailed report for you to review. It includes the coordinates of the station. Your Orders?”[/color] Commander Lennox steepled her fingers and looked deep in thought for the moment. She seemed to come to a decision as she sat straighter and looked at Narrel. [color=39b54a]“Finish your business on the station and then leave. See what you can leave for the Daxini on the station to help their lot then. It is the least we can do. Then I want you to return to the battle group.” [/color] Narrel saluted Lennox and nodded. [color=39b54a]“Understood Commander.”[/color] Narrel cut the connection on the link. He had Prixoni, Turrly, and Krayvik take an oversized pallet of food from the cargo bay and deliver it to the Daxini families on the station. It wasn’t much but hopefully a reminder of home would be welcome. They would distribute the food to the Daxini in the residential section. Krayvik took a bottle of brandy from home that he had been saving from his quarters to gift to Vargon for his assistance. The three men drew attention as they pulled the heavy pallet through the station to the residential section. Prixoni began to discreetly knock on doors spreading the word as the Daxini residents came to collect a box of fresh food. Other residents approached and were turned away which caused some resentment but Krayvik just flashed his claws and teeth and they were left alone again. Vargon was appreciative for the liquor from home. He also accepted a box of food from them. He thanked them for the kindness and assured Krayvik he would remember to tell others. The crew returned to the ship with an empty pallet. They felt eyes on them all the way back to the ship. They reported what had happened in the residential section and that they had eyes on them all the way back to the ship. Narrel nodded, [color=39b54a]“I expected it but it was a nice thing to do for those Daxini families.”[/color] Martok broke into the conversation. [color=a2d39c]“Chief I am picking up chatter that some of the ships plan to track us. There is also some chatter that others plan to sell information about our ship. Our cargo was more appreciated than we thought. There is a lot of resentment from those on the station that we didn’t trade more of it. Some of the language would make a hardened warrior blush. Evidently fresh food is scarce in these parts.”[/color] Narrel sighed, [color=39b54a]“Good job everyone. Now let’s get out of here. Martok prepare for departure and connect me to Black Cloud Station.” [/color] Martok gave an affirmative as he began to go through the check list, making sure everything was buttoned up tight for departure. The call connected [color=39b54a]“Hello Black Cloud Station, this is the Daxini Ship Adventurer requesting permission to depart.”[/color] He heard Gerard’s voice over the communications link, [color=ed1c24]“Permission granted Adventurer. I am sure we will see you again soon.”[/color] Narrel was worried about the confidence and satisfaction in Gerard’s voice. He shook it off and gave orders to leave. Martok released the docking clamps. The ship used maneuvering jets to back away from the station. The ship swung smartly in space as they began to head back to the battle group. Martok kept the sensors sweeping on Narrel’s orders expecting some of them to try and follow them. There were a few vessels that left the station to follow them. A few smaller fighter types fired on them but they mostly missed. A cruiser sized ship fired on them but they withstood the blast. Their ship took no damage from the kinetic weapons fire. It didn’t penetrate the ship’s armor. They soon lost them in the debris field as they activated the ship’s cloak. [hr] [center][url=https://ibb.co/9yRnLrg][img]https://i.ibb.co/bNp1ZKm/Scorched-Line-Pirate-Battleship.jpg[/img][/url] [url=https://ibb.co/8jSdW1M][img]https://i.ibb.co/9qCVFQn/Scorched-Line-Pirate-Starfighters.jpg[/img][/url][/center] [b]Soundtrack: [url=https://youtu.be/LKBdeEJWcb4?feature=shared] F-777 Space Battle XMillsa [/url] [/b] [hr] Adventurer arrived back at the staging area a few days later. They had docked with the battle station and were taking some well deserved down time. The crew was in the process of being debriefed by Eagle Eye Chief Ashyr when battle station alarms began ringing through the station. [color=a2d39c]“We are under attack. All hands to battle stations. This is not a drill. We are under attack. All hands to battle stations.”[/color] The stealth crews were cross trained to help out when working in mixed operations. They all began running to their duty stations. Commander Lennox was in her office when the alarm began to ring through the station. She quickly ran for the control center. She snapped out [color=39b54a]“Sitrep”[/color] as she took her seat in the command chair. She fastened her restraints that would keep her seated as the station maneuvered during the battle. Rabasha’s voice was calm but held urgency as she reported. [color=a2d39c]“Kronar Enaki detected unknown ships approaching. They have opened fire on the Gallant and Stormbringer.” [/color] Harlow the weapons officer’s voice was strong and excited as he answered his commander. [color=a2d39c]“They appear to be pirate vessels sir. It appears to be a small pirate fleet. They have a lot of mismatched starfighters, one junk frigate sir, and what looks like a small cruiser.” [/color] Ashyr's voice sounded angry and frustrated as he added. [color=39b54a]“I should have suspected. I bet they managed to somehow tag the Adventurer with a signal transponder and followed them back to the group.”[/color] Commander Lennox’s voice was calm as she began issuing orders. [color=39b54a]“Launch our fighters. Have Stormbringer target that frigate and have Gallant target the cruiser. I want them disabled and boarded. Claw Chief Derix prepare the troops for boarding actions. I want to know who these pirates are.” [/color] The pirates were probably expecting to take one small tramp freighter or a small flotilla of trade vessels. They ran right into the teeth of the Daxini battle group. They had been seriously outgunned. The fight was over almost before it started. The cruiser managed to get some shots in but only caused minor damage. Most of the damage deflected by the shields. Most of the starfighters either were blown to bits or they surrendered in fear once they saw the numbers they were facing. The pirate frigate got in a few shots at the surprised Daxini vessels but caused only minor damage before being captured. The investigation revealed that the ships were all salvaged from the battles in the area and older model ships from different nations. Ashyr had imprisoned the pirates for interrogation. They learned that the pirate fleet was operating under Gerard's orders. They had indeed followed a signal device that had been shot and implanted into the Adventurer’s hull. [i]Now the question was did they go back and confront Gerard or let this insult go? [/i] [hider= Daxini NPCs] https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bbz8sSryxqJae1RJuPZYYpMlnVJL6P3jgtkuuC78Hog/edit?usp=sharing [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/njrHXSB/Commander-Lennox.jpg[/img] Commander Lennox[/center] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/yVmMhKX/Iron-Talon-Flight-Chief-Firehawk.png[/img] Daxini Light Cruiser Iron Talon -Flight Chief Firehawk[/center] [center][img]https://i.ibb.co/GdJzpLg/Vulcan-Station-Kronar-Manager-Xinak.jpg[/img] Vulcan Station Manager Kronar - Xinak [/center] [center] [img]https://i.ibb.co/8XJ0ZRr/Lavini.jpg[/img] Vulcan Station Manager - Lavini [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/Z63V48n][img]https://i.ibb.co/rGgm86C/Zar-Til.jpg[/img][/url] Stealth Ship Viper - Eagle Eye Zar’Til [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/4SjZkRm][img]https://i.ibb.co/wQKNth0/XinQrin.jpg[/img][/url] Stealth Ship Nightweaver- Eagle Eye XinQrin [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/0BHLWNW][img]https://i.ibb.co/WDmXd9d/Qhoqieth.jpg[/img][/url] Stealth Ship Shadow- Eagle Eye Qhoqieth [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/qdNhxBd][img]https://i.ibb.co/L8xBvS8/Qhair-eall.jpg[/img][/url] Stealth Ship Lucky - Eagle Eye Qhair'eall [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/0Yb7MV9][img]https://i.ibb.co/vLnFPvd/Narell.jpg[/img][/url] Stealth Ship Adventurer - Eagle Eye Narrel [/center] [center][url=https://ibb.co/pXFH52N][img]https://i.ibb.co/mzWngJd/Adventurer-Kronar-Martok.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Kronar- Martok [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/wQJXdLh][img]https://i.ibb.co/5jYy19h/Prixoni.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Stealth Operative - Prixoni [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/DL5CZBh][img]https://i.ibb.co/cxDFjW0/Krayvik.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Stealth Operative Krayvik [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/sqYW7C2][img]https://i.ibb.co/L17NKr8/Luwiti.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Stealth Operative Luwiti [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/qDRdSsV][img]https://i.ibb.co/3T073NQ/Qixani.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Stealth Operative Qixani [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/6y4jHsd][img]https://i.ibb.co/mRHf9zx/Dinari.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Stealth Operative Dinari [/center] [center] [url=https://ibb.co/yq65CZW][img]https://i.ibb.co/HqtYybn/Jaxori.jpg[/img][/url] Adventurer Stealth Operative Jaxori [/center] [/hider]