[color=gray][CENTER][img]https://i.imgur.com/HOCghre.jpeg[/img][/CENTER][indent][sub][COLOR=978184][B]Location:[/B][/COLOR] [I]Unknown.[/I][/sub][sup][right][COLOR=#978184][b]Human #5.059:[/b][/COLOR] [I]never there.[/I][/right][/sup][/indent][center][sup][color=#2e2c2c]_____[/color][color=#373534]_____[/color][color=#403d3c]_____[/color][color=#494644]_____[/color][color=#524f4c]_____[/color][color=#5b5754]_____[/color][color=#64605d]_____[/color][color=#6e6965]_____[/color][color=#77716d]_____[/color][color=#807a75]_____[/color][color=#89837d]_____[/color][color=#928b85]_____[/color][/sup][sup][color=#9b948d]_____[/color][/sup][sup][color=#928b85]_____[/color][color=#89837d]_____[/color][color=#807a75]_____[/color][color=#77716d]_____[/color][color=#6e6965]_____[/color][color=#64605d]_____[/color][color=#5b5754]_____[/color][color=#524f4c]_____[/color][color=#494644]_____[/color][color=#403d3c]_____[/color][color=#373534]_____[/color][color=#2e2c2c]_____[/color][/sup][/center][INDENT][sub][color=#978184][B]Interaction(s):[/B][/COLOR]&[/sub][SUP][RIGHT][COLOR=#978184][b]Previously:[/b][/COLOR] [color=gray][I]awaken.[/I][/color][/right][/SUP] [indent][INDENT] Amma hissed. Her reactions were instinctual swaths of anger that pooled against her tongue, warmed by blood, and a rush of more adrenaline hitched her breath in the limited space allowed. Her right hand snatched up to cinch around the muscled arm that bunched beneath her slick palm, tightening around her throat. She choked, lips parting around a gasp and a curse as she raked her bloodied nails and blackened fingers against his skin and jerked her body back, wrapped feet scraping through dirt even as ebony fog fled to the edges of her vision and clouded the expanse betwixt her ears. [color=#978184]“Let me go.”[/color] She demanded, lashes fluttering shut as the pressure increased; his hand was all-encompassing on her neck, a mortal frailty she refused to acknowledge, sundering all manner of breath as she struggled. A snarl surrounded her, followed by barks and whimpers, a cacophony that yipped and crowded from the shadows and nipped around her heels; she felt hot breath and tongues against her legs, thighs, more that scraped against her back and waist and yanked against the remains of silk wed to her heated body. Amma used his arm as an anchor and attempted to move out of their reach; leathery noses pressed heavily against her flesh and wet. Her weight pulled against him, but he barely budged. He merely held her there as an amalgamation of teeth, claw, and fur nearly swept her under, harsh eyes aglow in hazed-out yellows as ebony pupils narrowed and slivered. He hoisted her forward, fingers manacled beneath the line of her jaw as he inhaled, swift and deep, powerful as he took in her scent and glanced down the quivering lines of her body as she shook in his grasp- they were as fleeing quakes of rage, scorned by the hopeless endeavor of trying to remove herself from his grasp. [i]Foolish. Brave.[/i] Compared to him, she was merely an adolescent, minuscule, frail- but what he felt from her was entirely different, something that was other, unknown, and something else that he knew well from his aged life. [i]Witches blood[/i]. An interwoven conjunction of it, a half-breed, he mused: [i]Hexenbrüt[/i] and something else, something tainted with flickering kernels of loss and pain. She smelled like… death. Destruction. Empty. A void, perhaps, as the abyss of life that once was and had ever been. Insatiable for whatever remained hidden and yet unbound in those blue eyes. [color=ffffff]“What are you?”[/color] Amma wheezed at the inquiry; wasn’t that entirely ironic? A question that stalked through her life, [i]what, who[/i], an interrogation of self that sown itself deep into the vestiges of her heart and soul of souls. No one, nothing, and everything, she thought. Never known and constantly desired– never chosen. So, she laughed with a husked and drawn-out breath, nails sinking deep into his skin as the wolves frenzied around her. One flanked to her side to tear away at the silk knotted over her thigh, blunted canines brushed against her flesh, and she welcomed the bite that never came; let them tear her to pieces, she envisioned, let the torment begin anew in the hell unsought. [color=ffffff]“That thing has been asleep for years, and now it has suddenly woken up and come here, to this island. And here [i]you[/i] are. Climbing up from the Wailing Cliffs at that. So I’ll ask again, what are you? [i]Who are you?[/i]”[/color] [color=#978184]“I don’t know,”[/color] came her honest answer. All the names she bore through life fell into the fractured shadows, leaving a mere husk of a girl in a tattered gown. A swift bark followed, and Amma winced, gritting around the burning pain in her leg as another wolf whimpered shrilly; a growl heaved from a massive maw thereafter, as if speaking amongst each other. They blended as a solitary unit of sheer power with various pelts of grey, brown, and muddied white. Some were donned in black and coppery reds, a myriad of colors blended perfectly into the sanguine darkness. Amma counted at least eight of them that she could see, all many heads taller than her, some even crested at his shoulder that flexed under her searching gaze. [i]Not just wolves[/i], she thought; they presented too-human mannerisms in how they chuffed and shook, powerful muscles coiling beneath their pelts as they paced in tight circles around them, her wounded leg now exposed. Nostrils flared, and those piercing eyes glanced down in response. There were more clamoring barks and whines, warnings trills as fresh blood wept and oozed, and Amma nearly screamed from the burning sensation that lanced through her veins, a familiar agony that she had felt once before in the eternal darkness. [color=ffffff]“You were in Limbo. I can smell it on you. And the [i]thing [/i]that attacked you.”[/color] [color=#978184]“Limbo? That means what to me?”[/color] She challenged in a rasp, her fingers clutching at the rough-hewn skin of his hands, feeling the raised purchase of scars. He still refused to release her, and a frustrated call slithered from her lips and teeth, bone against her pout as she twisted her body; she was not accustomed to feeling so helpless, [i]so powerless[/i]. Within and without, Amma felt at a loss from the manifest that made her up in its entirety, to be so intertwined with the leagues of chaos and destruction, and then bitterly denied their droning resonation at her weakest moment. She couldn’t decipher what emotion brewed betwixt her ribs and stuck to the rungs that shuddered around her exhales, but the void of once frightening symphonies of nihilism was blissfully vacant. [color=ffffff]“It means you don’t belong here, yet you have witch blood in you. Perhaps that is why the Wendigo’s bite hasn’t taken you.”[/color] He paused, a quizzical cant to his head, studying her in sincerity as he finally lowered her and relinquished his hold on her throat. [color=ffffff]“[i]Yet[/i] something is missing, something taken. Witch and something… [i]else.[/i]”[/color] Amma drew in her great gasps as she fought to breathe, a frigid glare slanted through her lashes as ice floes adrift in the sea, paling with her exhaustion as she heavily said: [color=#978184]“I’m not a witch.”[/color] [color=ffffff]“Not entirely, no.”[/color] A wolf of muddied, pale fur fit its massive, wedge-shaped head beneath his free arm, a soft whine and a growl directed at her for the tiniest slivers of her nails had raked through. She is reminded of another and swiftly looks away. [color=ffffff]“But you will be dead.”[/color] [color=#978184]“What?”[/color] Amma snapped, teeth clacking together and her brow plummeting low over her glare. [color=#978184]“I’m already dead; you can’t kill me.”[/color] [color=ffffff]“You’re not dead. Though if I wanted, you already would be.”[/color] He responded, matter-of-fact, sounding almost bored as he stroked through the white pelt of the wolf still nestled against his side, a delicate tail swishing to and fro; it was surreal to witness him caress and dote on such a creature that she had to [i]look up [/i]at. He towered over her even, causing her to crane her neck back to fully meet the golden ochre of his gaze that pierced right through her as a predator would. [color=#978184]“Is this not hell?”[/color] [color=ffffff]“There is no such place. You’re in Ünterland.”[/color] And it is at that very mention of a place that Amma stills; everything is leeched entirely away from her, replaced by acrid realization as rusted keys twist achingly slow and click with finality, locks once more falling away into the chasm of her despairing memory, the white veil of her mother poised delicately across a mirror of mirrors, lips moving soundlessly as her voice whispers through the darkness of her wavering thoughts: [i][color=#624e51]There is a place[/color] [color=#624e51] As if the roots of a great tree[/color] [color=#624e51] A Tree of Life, if you will[/color] [color=#624e51] And in such a place is where I was born[/color] [color=#624e51] It is like this world, and yet not. [/color] [color=#624e51] Twisted, maybe, fallen to some[/color] [color=#624e51] Many things and creatures live there[/color] [color=#624e51] For the monsters are very much real[/color] [color=#624e51] And it is called Ünterland.[/color][/i] The weight of remembrance plummets low onto her heart, dragging with it an unforeseen wealth of damning evocation for many things forgotten and locked away. A whispering chant accompanies the trauma endured as she falls, her ashes fanned and peeled wide as she suddenly lists and faints, caught within golden arms twined in scars. A warbling growl mutters against his side, and he carefully shifts, hoisting Amma’s weight with ease. He glances at the pale yellows amassed before him, eagerly awaiting the direction of their master. [color=ffffff][i]The Jarl will want her.[/i] [i] Yes, he’s been searching for thralls and concubines.[/i] [i] But would he want a witch?[/i] [i] She’s not a witch.[/i] [i] Do we take her to the coven?[/i] [i] Would they even want her?[/i] [i] What is she?![/i][/color] [color=ffffff]“Silence,”[/color] he barks, once mundane features shifting eerily to something more lupine and feral, a transitional phase as muscles quivered and bunched, a coiling need spiraling through as he glances down to the girl in his grasp. He needed answers, and what’s more, with the dragon having returned, the island was fated to suffer the storm of its wrath should it be provoked. This girl was connected; only he could not fathom how or why; with an unwavering hold, he glanced down to the bite festering on her pale thigh and turned to face the treeline where a trembling roar shook through the forest and great wings once more took to the red-hued sky, heralding a massive cloud of black imbued with crackling crimson light. [color=ffffff]“We’re taking her to the witches.”[/color] [center][sup][color=#2e2c2c]_____[/color][color=#373534]_____[/color][color=#403d3c]_____[/color][color=#494644]_____[/color][color=#524f4c]_____[/color][color=#5b5754]_____[/color][color=#64605d]_____[/color][color=#6e6965]_____[/color][color=#77716d]_____[/color][color=#807a75]_____[/color][color=#89837d]_____[/color][color=#928b85]_____[/color][/sup][sup][color=#9b948d]_____[/color][/sup][sup][color=#928b85]_____[/color][color=#89837d]_____[/color][color=#807a75]_____[/color][color=#77716d]_____[/color][color=#6e6965]_____[/color][color=#64605d]_____[/color][color=#5b5754]_____[/color][color=#524f4c]_____[/color][color=#494644]_____[/color][color=#403d3c]_____[/color][color=#373534]_____[/color][color=#2e2c2c]_____[/color][/sup][/center] [color=#978184][sup][b]| [I]A few weeks from now.[/i][/b][/sup][/color] She follows the chittering moths into the gloom, lured and seduced by demented yellows and shades of grey. Darkness wavers and undulates with every step she takes, as they told her it would, for they told her to keep going even if she could not see. Something pulls her forward, something connected to the void of self, and she searches in vain for fragments of power splintered and lost. The further she travels, a blackened blade in hand with its jeweled pommel nestled against her scars, the more her path slowly descends as gentle slopes into the shadows. Wailing howls sound at her back, warning drones that pitch and claw against her lobes, she had managed to get away, but at what cost as she ventured onto this plane unknown with no direction other than the strings of fate that wavered and spooled away from her chest? She caresses white petals that have curiously remained, coiling tendrils bidden to and by her touch. She hears her name, a desperate and pleading summons, a voice she recognizes but cannot believe. Not here in this cresting black, for nothing here could be trusted, for though it was not hell, it still twisted and malformed her desires and plagued her heart with the manifest of her dreams and shattering nightmares. Visions that she has suffered for weeks with more fiendish memories cantering through rusted hinges and bleeding chasms of hate. In the distance, she can see them, hazed out in pools of ink. They reach for her with desperate hands, crying out her name—[i]her true name[/i]. She reaches for them, fingers splayed and clawing through the dark. She is almost there and so close that she can finally see them as they say her name repeatedly as a mantra, a prayer falling and tumbling from their lips. It was almost too good to be true. And so it was as from the pitch of black came a viperish maw rent open, hollowed fangs aimed for her- for them- as from its bite came a sudden eddy of a swirling vortex of familiar scarlet power with faded edges of silver. [/INDENT][/INDENT][/indent][/color]