[center][h2][color=1055E5]Damon[/color][/h2][/center] [quote][color=fdc68a]“Morning guys, anything interesting happen since yesterday?”[/color][/quote] Damon sat up, taking another drink of coffee before responding. [color=1055E5][b]"Jack shit, fuck all, and a tiny dash of omnipresent vicissitude. Y'know; same shit, different day."[/b][/color] [quote][color=92278f]“Mornin’ everyone!”[/color][/quote] And there he is, so much energy it gives him whiplash. The good kind, he reluctantly supposes. [b][color=1055E5]"Yo."[/color][/b] [quote][color=92278f]“So, what’s the plan for today? Besides, y’know, not freezing our butts off?”[/color][/quote] Damon hummed noncommittally, responding with his eyes closed, not that anyone else likely noticed given how he was the proud owner of what had to be the world's most reflective pair of glasses. [b][color=1055E5]"No plans. Just a directionless craving for spicy food."[/color][/b]