[center][h3][b][color=ec008c]JURI HAN[/color][/b][/h3] Level 6: 05/60 Location: Dead Zone: Qliphoth Word Count: 800 Points Gained: 2 New EXP Balance: Level 6: 07/60[/center] [hr] Juri glanced up, and took a casual step aside as some chunk of meat slop sloughed off the demon tree and splat onto the ground where she had just been. With a frown, she nudged it with her foot. [b][color=ec008c]”Kay. Sick. What, like some kind of wax candle.”[/color][/b] She scoffed, almost appreciatively. This wasn’t as scary as that invisible camera guy. Who wasn’t scary. It was just a stupid horror movie. This was real, which meant Juri could do as she pleased. That’s what mattered. The Spider stalked inside with the others, staying on the outskirts of the group a short distance away and watching herself. This place was pure madness and chaos. It was like walking into a giant, failing immune system. [b][color=ec008c]”...Grody.”[/color][/b] Juri kicked at a ‘rock’ (kidney stone?) and kept trudging forward, making a face. This Seeker crap had been pretty annoying so far. She was wondering if she would even bother sticking around. Fortunately, her prayers would be answered. The world’s most disgusting meat pinata parade appeared to greet the Seekers as guests. Festering abominations ripe for the popping. Juri cracked her neck kicked her leg up into the air vertically. [b][color=ec008c]”I think it’s time to play.”[/color][/b] She arched her back and looked at Edelgard upside down, choosing to pick on her for no particular reason. Maybe it was just her prissy, shiny looks. [b][color=ec008c]”Think you can finally make yourself [i]useful?”[/i][/color][/b] Juri crowed, her toothy grin upside down. With a crooked lean she fell forward and then lunged to meet the nearest bulbous victim of the Flood. With a few sweeping spin kicks she burst right through it, sending viscera everywhere that then shifted into ash, hovering in the air with all the spores. She finished off the last one with a kick to gain some fuha stocks. Just then a bunch of funny little rat squid looking things started rushing at her, a swarm. Juri backdashed and sent a sweeping horizontal blade of energy their way, disintegrating the entire swarm in one blast, using OD energy to do so. Setting a hand on her hip she cockily followed behind the sweeping blade as a large Flood with one extra large spike arm charged at her. It was more than twice her size but that hardly made a difference to Juri. [b][color=ec008c]”Well, hello there, handsome!”[/color][/b] Juri taunted, side stepping as the spike arm came down where she was just standing, impaling the fleshy floor. Her energy floor blade slashed into its ankles and dropped it to one knee. She did a heavy kick into the joint of the big arm stuck in the ground before it could retract, weakening it. When the big zombie lunged forward to overpower her, she leapt over and behind it. A couple more zombies lumbered towards her but she smacked them away with a vertical kick, charging herself up. [b][color=ec008c]”Haha!”[/color][/b] Once again Ol’ One Arm rounded on her, and Juri dodged the downwards stab. She jumped up and stabbed her fingers into its throat and then ripped into it, hooking around and landing on its back. Over and over again she cracked her elbow into its skull. It thrashed to throw her off and she leapt backwards, and then changed momentum like an arrow to drive herself into its back with a divekick. Slices of white and black energy swirled around her like ribbons as she followed up with a few more kicks that lifted the giant zombie off the floor and sent it crashing down. [b][color=ec008c]”I’ll crush you!”[/color][/b] She brought her heel down like a hammer on the already weakened skull. Splat! The entire zombie faded into ash. [b][color=ec008c]”Now we’re getting somewhere.”[/color][/b] Juri flicked out her boot and fully stocked up on fuha. A few Empusas buzzed down to meet here, looking at her with all of their weird eyes. [b][color=ec008c]”Overgrown pests. I’m gonna burn this place to the ground.” [/color][/b] Juri span upwards with a pinwheel kick, swatting several out of the air. Any that lingered on the ground for too long were crushed under foot, gleefully stomped out. Juri never stayed in one place for long. When more Flood came her way she dashed backwards and seemed to make good on her promise, getting out her Tommy Gun, enhanced with flame and only rusty in a few spots as she kept it mostly under her coat. With a little giggle she pulled the trigger and the barrel spat flaming hot lead down range. She swept it back and forth like a garden hose and filled the chaff with holes before burning them away, many of the bullets hot enough to over penetrate and hit the swarmers behind them. [b][color=ec008c]”I shoulda been an exterminator! Kyahaha!”[/color][/b] Juri stopped firing long enough to football punt a squiddy rat into the distance.