The glass clinked against the sealed decanter as she placed them on the tray. A scowl pulled at her lips. Patience, she reminded herself, she'll have what she's after soon enough. She just needed to keep her cool for a while longer. Her eyes moved to the ridiculous maid outfit she was wearing. "Depraved fucking demons..." Picking up the tray, she went from the kitchen towards the study. Such lavish house, filled with useless artefacts. It lost its shine when these worshippers repossessed it. Doors locked from the outside, cultists praying behind each. A shiver ran her spine, not one of fear or discomfort, no. One of utter disgust. It's a wonder she'd been able to wear the mask this long and not be found out. Not much longer. She pushed down the door handle, the golden brown liquid in the decanter swayed side to side. She sweetened her voice, reaching for the light switch. "Mister Reinolf, you're sitting in the dark again." With a click the light flooded the room. She froze, eyes on the corpse surrounded by blood. Slowly, her gaze moved to the man in a trenchcoat, processing, assessing. Tears welled her eyes, a soft smile tugged at her lips, "He's dead... you killed the demon."