Elio's vision swam as he struggled to his feet, as if the gravel beneath his feet were melding together, becoming fluid, and effervescent as he stumbled about, fruitlessly searching for one of the only stable things that has ever stood stalwart in his life. His weapon. Although, it seemed even that had abandoned him. His limbs felt as if they were fraying at the edges, the pain crackling like flames across his flesh… Shivers, tingles spreading like cobwebs as a gentle yet firm hand gripped his shoulder. Instinctively he shuddered, a cold chill instead of the warmth one would expect. Then came the voice, chiming in his brain like a crystal bell, yet it stood in a strange limbo between auditory sound and a eerie [i]knowledge[/i] that the words were there… [i]”The hell? Why are you-”[/i] His thoughts derailed quickly, some feeling of deja vu overcoming his senses, a spark flying from his heart, heated like slag struck from metal… a familiar gesture, but not as rough as he remembered it. A moment’s consideration of the watchman’s transferred speech… It didnt feel as painful as a few minutes ago, but that could just be the adrenaline pulsing through his veins at present. Shakily, he nodded, but didn't move to sit down. He didnt want to aggravate anything else by moving. Not yet at least. Instead, he began assessing whatever physical damage he could see, namely his outfit. Noticeably dusty, dustier than usual, his coat now pelted with nicks and scratches. Looking up again as Osprey returned, his weapon in hand. As the watchman rested the scrap-spear against the wall, Elio’s eyes never left it, like some kind of magnetism. When the voice snuck into his head again, his gaze flicked back to Osprey. [color=bc8dbf]”Well… Sometimes new tricks need some old tools. We can wait on the equipment, but tactics we can discuss… A-after I lie down for a while...”[/color] [i]Maybe standing while this unsteady was a bad idea…[/i] [@Kronshi]