The light flicked on, activating fight or flight. Is it a cultist? Second demon? In a fluid motion, he turns and readies his gun. He had three more shots left in his gun, and immediately readies himself to count down. But nothing happens, except maybe the ice settling in its glass. And then she smiled. He's wary; still uncertain. The clock that had gone unseen and unheard this entire time, suddenly becomes the loudest thing in the room. [b]"He's dead... you killed the demon."[/b] He stands a little straighter, lowering the gun slowly, but still ready to snap back up. Still, nothing happened, and he finally has the time to have a closer look at her. His eyes linger on the tray for a moment. This was one of those times that could make some wonder if there really was a god. But he teeters on the edge of his suspicion, and his battle senses. Is the battle truely over? or is it just a lull in the action? What was her relationship with this demon? He looks straight into her eyes again, another long moment as he tries to ascertain her mental state, " it poisoned?"