[h2][centre][color=fdc68a]Erin Williams[/color][/centre][/h2] Erin gave a noncommital shrug at Demon’s reply, then she paused for a second, seeming to think for a moment before amending her response to a solemn nod. [color=fdc68a]“Don’t I know it! Noting all that interesting ever seems to happen round here; it’s always just shit other people have done a thousand times before!”[/color] Erin griped, managing to keep the grin off her face for just long enough to get her words out. [color=fdc68a]“But worry not my friend. One of these days I’ll find something truly interesting to explore, and when I do, I’ll be sure to drag all of you along with me.”[/color] Swiping a doughnut, Erin turned to answer Max’s question, but not before swiping a doughnut and cramming the entire thing into her mouth, the first thing she’d eaten all day on account of her earlier distraction. Wanting to swallow the treat as fast as she possibly could in order to get back to more important things like talking to her friends, Erin was rewarded for her impatience with a second of discomfort as her oesophagus struggled to push the too large doughnut bolus to her stomach. [color=fdc68a]“I was just planning on hanging out with you guys today, unless there were other plans. That and class,”[/color] Erin grinned as soon as she could speak again. [color=fdc68a]“Also, thanks for the doughnut Fae!”[/color]