[quote=@mattmanganon] Alright, i'm probably gonna make one of these sometime soon. I made a Strawpoll to see which one of the idea's i posted earlier would be everyone's preferred setting. Feedback would be appreciated. [/quote] I personally think your "No Marvel or DC, but everything else" will run into challenges in terms of balance, competing/conflicting themes, and disproportionate power sets. The DC and Marvel universes provide a framework for their various titles to co-exist with one another and they're close enough that they mesh well. Without that common framework, you're going to risk balancing He-Man and the Masters of the Universe with Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and Star Wars. In that case, it'd be better to pick a defined universe that isn't Marvel and DC and try to stay to whatever that universe is. But that's just my two cents.