[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/T7qbbS2.png[/img] [h3]The Capital - Nieve - Red Light District[/h3] [/center] “Um, ok?” Rayne replied to the, well, vague clarification of the pair’s previous relationship, not really knowing what to make of it. That confusion didn’t last long, however, because Rayne’s own expression swiftly came to match Sanae’s own of distaste and frustration, because now that her deception was done Qing'e proved herself to be a rather abrasive individual personality wise. She was 100% in agreement with Sanae’s assessment that Qing'e’s helpfulness/heroics were less than altruistic in their motivation. Still it was hard to deny that they could do with all the help they could get at this point. After all: “So we haven't even actually dealt with the problem? Whatever necromancer put that ghost here still has control of it, and could just… do things like this again? Thats, well, not good at all” As for Qing'e’s guess that she would be curious what a ‘Senkai’ was, she was, but Qing'e was a bit off base “I’m not really a mage, I don’t study magic, I just use it to help people” she explained vaguely, as she held out a hand, and the fading energy of the illusion suddenly swirled into it, coalescing into a card with nine crimson butterflies on it. A memento of their battle with the powerful ghost, because even if she hadn’t taken it down herself, the battle had certainly left an impression. [hider=momento gained] Butterfly Swarm: Several dozen crimson butterflies burst out from Rayne, which then flutter towards foes in order to collide with them, detonating in little bursts of flame when they do. [/hider] She slotted the card into her deck, before saying that “But if this ‘Senkai’ can help Sanea recover, then I’m all for it” And with that, they had a consensus, which meant going through the borehole tunnel Qing'e had made to take them from the basement to a graveyard. It was such a stereotypical a location for a necormancer’s base of operations that Ranye didn’t even question why Qing'e would bring them to one. She was also, to be fair, a little more focused on the dead body in front of them, or at least that’s what the collapsed undead being looked like to her, than any of the specifics of why they were here. As such, when the question of if they should get ready to fight came up, Rayne’s own was “Are there any more of your people in there? Maybe we're still in time to save them!”