[quote=@Retired] What're your primary ideas at the moment? [/quote] Like I'd mentioned, I'd like to do a more street focused game set in the Marvel New York. More specifically, though, I'm thinking Marvel New York during the Bronze Age, the late 70s/early 80s- not as gonzo as the Silver Age or as cutesy and self-aware as the modern age, but not as grimdark as the 90s, and where a lot of the mainstay characters were in their most famous runs (Conway's Spider-Man, Claremont's X-Men, Miller's Daredevil, etc). The story focus would be on less out-there material-- gang wars, murder mysteries, neighborhood-level crises with only the occasional "big" villain here and there-- but the overall emphasis would be on getting characters to interact with each other and with the city, really flesh out the neighborhoods and the people in it while also being tormented by Kingpin or kicking around Stilt-Man.