[CENTER][COLOR=SLATEGRAY][B]C H A R A C T E R C O N C E P T P R O P O S A L[/B][/COLOR][sup][h1][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/dZLlOGP.png[/img][/center][b][center][color=black] T E E N T I T A N S [/color] [color=2297d5]T E E N T I T A N S [/color][/center][/b][/h1][/sup] [CENTER][sup][color=2297d5]"Saving the day, one stopped crime at a time. #TeenTitans #RoxxonRelief #LACrime #SuperheroWatch"[/color][/sup][/CENTER][h3][sup][sub][color=faee04] S T A R F I R E [/color][color=2297d5]♦[/color][color=b4ced0] C Y B O R G [/color][color=2297d5]♦[/color][color=d42b28] R E D X [/color][color=2297d5]♦[/color][color=abd876] B E A S T B O Y [/color][color=2297d5]♦[/color][color=7976ac] R A V E N [/color] [color=2297d5]L O S A N G E L E S , C A L I F O R N I A [/color][/sub][/sup][/h3][/CENTER][COLOR=2297d5][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3] O R I G I N S:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR] [INDENT][INDENT]An escaped alien prisoner stranded far away from home. A young genius stolen away to Apokolips and warped into an abomination before finding his way back. A mask without a name or face living as a corporate tool. A mutant having escaped the cult that still has his parents in their captivity. The progeny of an inter-dimensional tyrant who will herald in the Earth’s end. All under the thumb of a Roxxon Public Relations Manager who sees the opportunity to make all sorts of gains through taking advantage of these troubled youths. They are the Teen Titans. Needless to say, these Titans are not a team, not yet. Right now they are stragglers who will come to find one another through circumstance, eventually being scooped up by their sponsor, Morgan Edge, in a bold publicity stunt. Under a public eye they’re meant to appeal too they’ll fight their battles and come to grow closer to one another and gradually work through their damage. A past that haunts them, they live in a present world of mounting chaos, and hold a future none could ever predict.[/indent][/indent] [COLOR=2297d5][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]S A M P L E P O S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][i]The following is non-canonical and would be fleshed out if it were to be a part of the Titan’s story. As of now it’s merely a proof of concept to offer a picture of their general dynamic as a team.[/i] An ear splitting groan creaked throughout the Los Angeles industrial district. The night was lit from many a small flames from all about the chemical refinery. News helicopters fluttered about like vultures, waiting for bodies to consume for their headlines. The groan echoed, the building buckled, then burst. A torrent of violet sludge erupted, first slipping, then shaping. It was joined by a glint of silver that plummeted with a reflexive scream, landing with a crash as asphalt broke away, the metal body unmarred. [color=abd876]“You good, buddy?”[/color] a voice came over his comm system. As he let most of the ooze slop out of his mouth, the orifice tingling as his cleaning systems did their work to nullify any toxic or corrosive agents, Cyborg insisted, [color=b4ced0]“Never been more glad to not have a sense of taste or smell, let’s say that.”[/color] [color=abd876]“Thaaaat’s the spirit.”[/color] There was a flash of green, a hawk shooting from the window. Beast Boy had a metal vial in his claws, and the purple mass lurched after him, forming a hand as if to pluck the bird from the sky. [color=abd876]“Oh, so you [i]do[/i] want this!”[/color] [color=7976ac]“Ä̷̺͉́͑ź̷̮̻a̴̫̎͘r̸͓̺̕ǎ̷̲͝ẗ̷̼́͐ͅh̸̯̰̏̃ ̸͍̖͌̕M̸̫̆ě̴̫t̸̘̯̒r̴̬̙̈i̷̧̯͑̅o̷̻͋n̸̞̫̅͛ ̶̻̠̊Z̴̥͑ǐ̷̧̛n̶͙̊̆t̸͖͗h̶̝̐̊o̷͚͠s̸̪̗̋̈́!̸̢̡̤̘́͜”[/color] With words beyond the tongue of mortals, there was a rupture like a wave breaking against a shore, the purple mess splinting as a thin black mass like a spectral blade ripped through it. Beast Boy slowed down, flapping his wings as he hovered by Raven, who floated herself to his level. With a wave of her hand, the vial sunk into a blackness before being flung into the distance. [color=abd876]“Uh, did we need that?”[/color] Purple mass of Plasmus shifting underneath them to follow, Raven murmured, [color=7976ac]“This place is set for demolition. There’s shouldn’t be anything important here.”[/color] As the vial flew towards the edge of the compound, a black cape fluttered, the metal vial being plucked from the air. [color=d42b28]“Anything unusual should be investigated, especially if it can help us stop this monster.”[/color] Palm trained on the encroaching mass, Red X fired a few crimson crosses, the Xenothium meeting the muck before discharging energy, smoke billowing and a low scream rumbling. [color=d42b28]“Do we have signs of the main body? There must be a center.”[/color] Raven opened her mouth, but a shrill battle cry came over the comms, then a burst of destruction and distortion. Another section of the complex erupted, green flashes piercing through the air, each blast blowing out the muck, each one piercing a bubble that looked like acid, the congregation on unlike the eyes of an insect. [color=faee04]“Taste my fury, enemy of humanity!”[/color] Starfire jeered, smile wide as her bolts peppered the monster. The green bubbles of acid started to form throughout the whole body, fumes hissing from the building as its innards gradually began to melt. [color=d42b28]“It mutated again?”[/color] X glanced down at the vial in his hands before stating, [color=d42b28]“I suspect we found the catalyst of this incident.”[/color] Sonic cannon blasting back the mass, Cyborg growled, [color=b4ced0]“Thank goodness for the diligence and integrity of our sponsors.”[/color] [color=a2908c]“I can still hear you all!”[/color] their benefactor shouted from the safety of some office miles away. Morgan Edge grumbled, [color=a2908c]“Whatever, it’s not like you’re wrong. Just get in there and take the baddie out. Cy, set up some cameras and get a good team shot while you’re at it!”[/color] Rolling his one humanoid eye, Cyborg cleared the area as the others came down, Beast Boy and Raven floating in moments before Starfire swooped by, Red X following suit and dropping down once he could as BB returned to his human form. Recognizing them as a threat, Plasmus gathered itself, the mass seeming to be endless at it continued to gurgle and spout its way out of the building, going higher and higher as it started to shape into a giant, its lower sections breaking down and reforming as it struggled to bear the weight of its own body. [color=faee04]“Have we decided a plan of attack, or shall we ‘go wild’, as it is said?”[/color] [color=7976ac]“It-”[/color] [color=d42b28]“Cyborg, can you use sonar or some other means of detection to find anything out of place in its makeup?”[/color] [color=7976ac]“Th-”[/color] [color=b4ced0]“I’ve been trying, but no luck so far. It has too many dense areas, but if we start with those, then...”[/color] [color=7976ac]“...”[/color] [color=abd876]“Can we let the lady speak, fellas?”[/color] Mouths went shut, and all eyes turned to Raven. [color=7976ac]“I can detect exactly where its consciousness is coming from. I could ever since we got here.”[/color] The group erupted into protest. [color=abd876]“OH COME ON!”[/COLOR] [color=d42b28]“And you failed to mention this until now?”[/color] [color=faee04]“Wonderful job!”[/color] [color=b4ced0]“Aw gee that’d have been great to know.[/color] [color=d42b28]“This mission has been underway for hours.”[/color] [color=faee04]“We have hope even still!”[/color] [color=b4ced0]“[b]Before[/b] he slimed me!”[/color] [color=abd876]“Actually, I take it back.”[/color] [color=d42b28]“Explain yourself.”[/color] [color=abd876]“Peak comic timing.”[/color] [color=faee04]“Hmm, yes, the delay [i]is[/i] curious.”[/color] Raven was completely unaffected, her face as placid as ever. When the four of them finally calmed down, she bit back, [color=7976ac]“No one asked.”[/color] [h1]“[color=b4ced0]U[/color][color=faee04]G[/color][color=abd876]H[/color]!”[/h1] [sub][color=d42b28]“Disappointing.”[/color][/sub] The banter was cut down buy a growl. Proportionally it was like a low murmur, but it rumbled the chests of all five Titans. Plasmus’s form had stabilized. Two massive, hulking arms, two stubby legs, a wide mouth complete with the shape of teeth, a head crowned with pustules of acid like spots on a mushroom. Their brief moment of downtime had left them. They shifted to battle poses at Red X’s words. [color=d42b28]“Alright. We follow Raven’s lead. Titans: move-”[/color] [sub]*click*[/sub] [color=d42b28]“Together!”[/color][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=2297d5][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]C A S T:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][INDENT][I][LIST] [b]The Team:[/b] [*] [color=d42b28]Red X[/color]: A presumed orphan taken in by the Roxxon Corporation, trained from birth to undergo missions of espionage. He’s never been given a lasting designation, his newest simply happens to be ‘Red X’. [*] [color=faee04]Starfire[/color]: Princess Koriand’r of the Planet Tamaran. A political upheaval led to her imprisonment at the hands of Gordanian slavers. In transit, a freak accident had all the prisoners marked and ejected for later retrieval. Landing on Earth, she’s enjoying all the freedom she can. [*] [color=abd876]Beast Boy[/color]: After undergoing a mutation allowing him to turn into any animal, Garfield Logan’s parents sought help, entering the fold of the H.I.V.E. After several years of cultish indoctrination, they attempted to leave when they discovered various dark deeds they were up to. Beast Boy escaped alone despite their best efforts. [*] [color=b4ced0]Cyborg[/color]: Incredibly talented and the joy of his parents, Victor Stone was well on track to become a brilliant scientist when cruel fate intervened. He was whisked away to Apokolips and presumed missing or dead while his body was restructured from the ground up. After a year in that literal hell, he was able to escape back to the world he no longer had a place in. [*] [color=7976ac]Raven[/color]: Angela Roth was a practitioner of the magical arts on Earth before a ritual gone awry drew her into the fold of Trigon, who forcibly sired an heir. Angela was returned to Earth with a curse in her belly, and every time she reached out a hand it was beaten back. Alone with her daughter Rachel, she came to resent that half-monster, yet could not leave her be lest she suffer Trigon’s wrath. Rachel grew up under that hatred and neglect until her 13th birthday, June 6th, when her father reached out to her in her dreams with his mission. Finally having someone to accept her, she followed his directives without question. The worst that could happen was the destruction of a world she had no attachment for... [*] [color=a2908c]Morgan Edge[/color]: Public Relations Manager of Roxxon Corporation and general scumbag with no integrity. After a bunch of weird kids fall into his lap, he sees the chance to get in good with the higher ups by leaning into this new ‘superhero’ craze. [b]Notable Rogues:[/b] [*] [color=f05a23]Trigon[/color]: Inter-dimensional tyrant who sows the seeds of his lineage to conquer where he cannot tread. [*] [color=cc9f64]Brother Blood[/color] and the Home to Improve Volunteer Exceptionals (H.I.V.E.): A cultish group aiming to gather various underprivileged talents to give them a better path in life. Currently under CIA investigation for suspicious activities. [*] [color=84859a]Dr. Bedlam[/color]: A scientist from Apokolips who kidnapped Victor from Earth and pumped him full of tech before he escaped. [*] [color=cf59d1]Blackfire[/color]: Queen Komand’r of Tamaran. Responsible for Koriand’r’s apparent disappearance.[/LIST][/i][/indent][/indent] [COLOR=2297d5][INDENT][B][SUP][SUB][H3]P O S T C A T A L O G:[/H3][/SUB][/SUP][/B][/INDENT][hr][/COLOR][INDENT][indent][color=2297d5][b]Titans, Together![/b][/color] [indent][color=2297d5]Part 1[/color] - [color=7976ac]Dis[/color][color=abd876]card[/color][color=7976ac]ed[/color] [indent][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5545689]1.01[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5545973]1.02[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5547334]1.03[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5548051]1.04[/url][/indent][color=2297d5]Part 0[/color] - [color=b4ced0]Demons[/color] [indent][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5549372]0.01[/url][/indent][color=2297d5]Part 2[/color] - [color=d3d2cd]No[/color] [color=faee04]Leftovers[/color] [indent][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5551006]1.05[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5551463]1.06[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5554441]1.07[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5555786]1.08[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5560352]1.09[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5565124]1.10[/url] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5569906]1.11[/url][/indent][color=2297d5]Part 0[/color] - [color=b4ced0]Demons[/color] [indent][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5573569]0.02[/url][/indent][color=2297d5]Part 3[/color] - [color=cc9f64]Welcome[/color] to [color=7976ac]H.[/color][color=abd876]I.[/color][color=faee04]V.[/color][color=b4ced0]E.[/color] [indent][url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/5578270]1.12[/url][/indent][/indent][/indent][/indent]