[color=orangered]"What?"[/color] She jumped, snapping back into reality and turning to face him. Clover looked him up and down and raised an eyebrow. [color=orangered]"Im fantastic thanks for asking. Yourself?"[/color] She was softly shaking, cold and startled. Another puff. She broke into a small coughing fit with a smile and put out her cigarette. While she recognized the person in front of her she was at a lack for where she had seen him or when they had met. Her eyes trailed back to the trees, narrowing as she tried to focus in on where she had seen the movement, looking for more. [color=orangered]"Have we met before? I know it sounds rude I'm just really bad with faces and names"[/color] Clover admitted, not bothering to look over at him. She was fighting disassociation to stay in the moment and have a conversation. She began to count in her head, over and over again keeping time. [i]One, two, three, one, two, three, one, two[/i] She began to tap out the rhythm on the dumpster, mouthing the words of the numbers.