[color=ed1c24][Center][h1]Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura[/h1][/Center][/color] [hr][Center][h3]Saturday - Midday[/h3][/Center] [i]Why did i still work here?[/i] Tony asked this to himself, in many ways, it was repetitive, just tending some fat japanese appetite. he was walking from his job, ever since the "incident" he had begin to go during the midday, he certainly didn't want to be fling around like a trash bag any time soon. He mostly tried to avoid his "friends", god knows what were they going to ask him, he could tolerate the mechanic, he seemed like a bit of a chill guy, though, he was loud, very loud. the clerk... we don't talk about her, she's too... familiar, in a way that Tony didn't really liked. Once he reached his humble house, which i gotta say, it was not. his mother did get themselves a beautiful home, with some modern house aura around it. yet, it wasn't worth the price... it wasn't worth it at absolutely all. but well, another thing from his bone-chilling mother is that she really doesn't care about the price. at all. [color=ed1c24]"Mom, Dad, I'm home..."[/color] Tony said as he entered the house, he found his dad sleeping on the couch, well at least this didn't change when they moved to japan, his dad still has his "work" naps. once he passed his sleeping dad he found his mother drinking coffee on the kitchen. dynamic-wise they were doing whatsover, but you could say that his mother was the "breadwinner" of the house. "Hello son, how was your job?" She was dry and cold, yet still showing a slight motherly-worry to it, in her own way of course. [color=ed1c24]"Fine mom, just the same thing all over again... this time midday of course."[/color] Tony sat down on one of the chairs of the kitchen, his hands quickly moved to his head, rubbing his hair lightly, he had gotten his blonde from his father, although it wasn't as light as his. "Hmm... i recomend you should stop dying your hair white, you're already pretty much white in color." His mom took a sip from his coffee before standing up and patting his head like some dog. she has done this since he is a child, and it would waste time to explain how much did Tony hated this. [color=ed1c24]"I know mom..."[/color] He skipped the recomendation, not because he was uncomfortable with it, but because it was tired from the same thing being said at him, it was the 7th time on the week she has told him this, which makes him think it's maybe an order. her tone doesn't really change when she speaks. Tony's mom. Hanako Himura, was like that. cold and serious, yet a bit different on the inside. it had taken a bit of time for Tony to notice this, even as her son. She left to her room, leaving Tony in the kitchen alone. after a brief silence, he walked to his room, where he entered it, metting by the posters he had hanged on his walls, he walked pass them into his bed, where he collapsed, not from exhaustion, but because of how bored he was, these were the times where he wished that something would happen, it is weird, he never really likes that, but once he became a substitute shinigami, he has been having these "episodes", where he wishes for something, even slightest, to just happen.