[center] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/561ce852-6d48-4386-8869-7347755e7e19.png[/img][/center] [hr] Morden wasn't necessarily in the mood to stop and drink himself stupid. There were too many things going on around them to warrant that being a valid thing. If they could be somewhere quiet, then sure. But even a sleepy city like Dunbarton was still full of people, and anything from spies to Veld's men could've been right behind them at any opportunity. No, they still had work to do, like handing the ruler of their enemies to Rassvet's secret police so the process of [i]all that[/i] could be handles, but people more equipped. Though, with Gerard's telepathy spell, it'd be easy to communicate back and forth at a distance. And two people could travel on foot much quicker than a whole truck. And naturally, Morden had a feeling the others were going to [i]push[/i] for drinking until they dropped. [color=a90000][i]If you're going to insist on that, take us near Veld's location,[/i][/color] Morden relayed over the mental channel. He often found it easier that speaking out loud even when right beside someone, for some reason. [color=a90000][i]It would be faster than driving this vehicle through these crowds, and civilians tend to get out of the way when they see me.[/i][/color]