[hr][hr] [center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/3NXWvvj.png[/img] [hr] [color=b71d5d]Location:[/color] Her room [color=b71d5d]Skills:[/color] Enhanced Reflexes (Passive) [/center] [hr][hr] Andy sat on the edge of her bed, her hands wrapped around her Everfill mug, her leg bouncing up and down. The perfect coffee, at least according to her, was inside. She sipped at it. Trying to center herself. The last week had been frustrating. The incident with Ardere wasn't weighing on her. Andy had done what was needed in that situation. She also had a strong feeling that killing Ardere was what brought her back to life. She looked at the doll, which was her mother. She hadn't talked about that or what had happened while she was away from the school. Andy knew that both incidences would probably overjoy Selene, and it was the latter that was causing Andy distress. She hadn't even told Zari yet, Andy didn't know who she had killed. Didn't know what the repercussions could be. This hadn't been an issue of fighting someone who was trying to hurt her. This had been out of her control. She hadn't even known she was doing it. That was what scared her. The nightmares that had once plagued her had stopped with the pillow that Magneto had given her. That pillow didn't stop her from sleepwalking, and she had to sleep for it to work. Could she sleep now? Could she trust herself in this school with students? Killing in the heat of battle was one thing. What if she killed a sleeping student? Those questions plagued her. Andy didn't think of herself as a villain or a menace or anything like that. She had had issues with that line of thinking prior to meeting Zari, but Zari had by her very nature helped Andy move through that self-loathing. But this new issue was beyond her control. It made her worry again. Was she a danger to others just by existing? She wanted to go to school to learn how to protect her mother from those who might try to free her, but was this the right way? Could she find a safer place? If she did would that mean leaving Zari? Andy didn't think she could do that. Life without Zari didn't seem like something she could ever deal with again. Finally, Andy stood up and left the room, still clutching her coffee mug. It was a good thing she didn't have a roommate. If Andy did she would be worried for their safety. Something about Zari kept her safe and that was enough for Andy. But no one else was. Finding her way to Coulson's office Andy took up a place in the growing line of other students. She nodded but didn't say anything. Just sipped the coffee. Maybe she should talk to the school nurse? There had been a time she had taken sleeping pills. Could that help again?