[COLOR=#3399ff][h3][b]Character Sheets:[/b][/h3][/color] The following are the Character Skeletons for the the 7th MAS Squadron. The CS's are a 2 part set. The first part is your character, the pilot. The second part is your mech, which you can make using the builder above or choose one of the UEE MAS' from the Tech Room. A note on Callsigns: A callsign is a typically a name given to you by the rest of the squadron (whether you want it or not). There are very few people that will be willing to unironically call you "Grim Reaper" or "Kingslayer". Nicknames and Callsigns should be short, sweet, easy to call out. Examples of common callsigns are in reference to habits people observe you doing or quick shortening of your names: eg "Brit" because you have a strong English accent, "Twitch" because you tend to look around a lot/rapidly, "Kanga" because your last name is Roo, etc. If you're a brand new pilot and haven't been around long enough- or haven't been notable enough- to have an established callsign, you either won't have one or will be referred to something along the lines of "Noob", "Rook", "Rookie", "FNG", etc. As far as roles within the squad goes- I'd like to see a relatively diverse mix of experience and talent. Squad leader, Rookie, Veteran, etc. [hider=Pilot Dossier: Last Name, First Name][center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Person_Image_Placeholder.png[/img][/center] [center][H3]FIRST NAME 'CALLSIGN' LAST NAME[/H3][/center] [h3][indent][b][code]D O S S I E R : I D #123456789[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Name:[/code][/b] [code]Last Name, First Name[/code] [b][code]Callsign:[/code][/b] [code]Nickname - short and sweet. See 'callsign' section above.[/code] [b][code]Rank:[/code][/b] [code]Paygrade, Rank - Pilots use Navy Officer ranks, most players should fall between O-1 and O-4, Any player applying to be the Squadron Leader may use O-5 [/code] [b][code]Kills:[/code][/b] [code]Your pilot's kill record. Obviously a fresh pilot should have pretty much no kills, whereas a veteran should have more. 'Ace' status is earned at 25 kills - Note that kills indicate the number of confirmed enemy MAS' destroyed. Aerospace craft and ground vehicles don't count.[/code] [b][code]Gender:[/code][/b] [code]Self Explanatory[/code] [b][code]Age:[/code][/b] [code]The minimum age of a pilot fresh out of training is generally 20[/code] [b][code]Height:[/code][/b] [code]Self Explanatory[/code] [b][code]Weight:[/code][/b] [code]Self Explanatory[/code] [h3][indent][b][code]S E R V I C E R E C O R D[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Psychological Analysis:[/code][/b] [code]Fancy talk for 'Personality'. A paragraph or so detailing the character's general disposition or outlook on life.[/code] [b][code]Personal Record:[/code][/b] [code]A short rundown of your character's background, where do they come from, how does their history reflect what they have become- if applicable. Maybe their family are notable in the military/political spheres, maybe they did exceedingly well during training, maybe they're a war criminal. This doesn't need to be extensive or exhaustive, just a few paragraphs about the character.[/code] [b][code]Personal Skills:[/code][/b] [code]Unique skills, if applicable. Generally speaking, every character is expected to be proficient with weapons, marksmanship and infantry tactics, this section generally refers to combat skills unique to them or skills outside of combat.[/code][/HIDER] [HIDER=ABC-123 Name] [indent][h3][b][code]M O B I L E A R M O R S U I T[/code][/b][/h3][hr][/indent] [center][center][img]https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a2/Person_Image_Placeholder.png[/img][/center][/center] [indent][h3][code]S P E C I F I C A T I O N S[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [b][code]Designation:[/code][/b] [code]Alphanumerical ID, MAS Model Name, Production type (M - Mass Produced, P - Prototype, C - Custom, SOC - Special Operations Custom, etc. Players can create their own custom and mass-produced models- Note that advanced prototypes and custom units may be more heavily scrutinized)[/code] [b][code]Role:[/code][/b] [code]combat role- eg. Assault, Interception, Recon, etc.[/code] [b][code]Weight Class:[/code][/b] [code]Size category of mech[/code] [b][code]Description:[/code][/b] [code]Technobabble about your MAS' design history and intended purpose. Strengths and weaknesses, details, design quirks, etc.[/code] [indent][h3][code]A R M A M E N T[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [list] [*][b][code]Weapon Name. Caliber if Applicable. (Slot Size):[/code][/b] [code]- Weapon description and technobabble[/code] [*][b][code]Weapon Name. Caliber if Applicable. (Slot Size):[/code][/b] [code]- Preferably list from large to small[/code] [*][b][code]Utility Device. (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- Utility description and technobabble[/code] [/list] [/hider]