[COLOR=#3399ff][h3][b]101st Special Operations Legion 7th MAS Flight Roster[/b][/h3][/color] [hider=Pilot Dossier: Laurent, Sabine][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/4fjzv9S.png[/img][hider=Full Profile][img]https://i.imgur.com/7NuUYTk.png [/img][/hider][/center] [center][H3]Sabine [color=pink]'Rabbit'[/color] Laurent[/H3][/center] [h3][indent][b][code]D O S S I E R : I D # 200115871[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Name:[/code][/b] [code]Laurent, Sabine[/code] [b][code]Callsign:[/code][/b] [code]Rabbit[/code] [b][code]Rank:[/code][/b] [code]O-3 Lieutenant[/code] [b][code]Kills:[/code][/b] [code]31[/code] [b][code]Gender:[/code][/b] [code]Female[/code] [b][code]Age:[/code][/b] [code]26[/code] [b][code]Height:[/code][/b] [code]5'3"[/code] [b][code]Weight:[/code][/b] [code]130 lbs[/code] [h3][indent][b][code]S E R V I C E R E C O R D[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Psychological Analysis:[/code][/b] [code]Energetic and snarky, Sabine is for the most part rather easygoing and playful. Despite being casually flirtatious with practically everyone she meets, Sabine shows little interest in actual romantic relationships. Regarded by many as an adrenaline junky, Sabine is excitable and has a reputation for being a bit of a thrillseeker and a capable- if oftentimes reckless, pilot. She trends towards sarcasm when faced with serious situations, and will regularly tease friends, coworkers and foes alike, often clogging the open comms with long strings of taunts and vulgar epithets as she relentlessly mocks any Coalition pilot within transmission range. Coming from old wealth, Sabine has absolutely no issue throwing money around, especially if it can solve immediate problems. Despite her at times crass attitude, Sabine seems to have a soft spot for those displaced by the war- particularly children, and reacts aggressively in their defense. On the rare, chance encounter with Sabine's more 'serious' side, it can be assumed that a lot of Sabine's more casual, devil-may-care attitude can be attributed as a way of dealing with the stresses of combat and warfare. Those particularly close to Sabine note that while she's still generally friendly and outgoing, she tends to be far more reserved when in the presence of those she's comfortable around. She avoids being 'mopey' when possible, often hiding behind vices or vaguely related and outrageously embellished stories when pressed.[/code] [b][code]Personal Record:[/code][/b] [code]Born to a pair of unknown parents, Sabine's earliest memories were of an orphanage on Artebois, a planet nestled in the middle of what would soon become the Free Economic Zone in a few short years. As war erupted across the system around her, a young Sabine was found in the burnt out husk of the orphanage and subsequently adopted by a Lucien Laurent, a veteran of the ongoing conflict and the son of current head of the Dassault Aerospace Corporation. Taken back into Imperial space, as a newly minted heir, Sabine was afforded practically any and every luxury she could want for. The best things, tutors, schools and education available in the Empire. Perhaps unsurprisingly, a young Sabine- like many a youth in these trying times, spent much of her formative years inundated by news and stories of the war, the heroic tales of brave Imperial pilots and soldiers fending off the unwashed capitalist horde of Coalition war machines and their Mobile Armor Suits. Countless holo-feeds of real-to-life superheroes flying into battle in the machines her family made, and the exciting and death defying feats they accomplished. From a young age, she was hooked. A young scion of a defense manufacturer, Sabine saw firsthand as her company took its first steps into developing and producing usable MAS for the UEE war machine, and took great interest in their burgeoning mech industry. She learned how to move a mech before she learned how to drive a car, and perhaps even surprisingly enough, she was a natural at it. By the age of 15, she was a test pilot at Dassault's R&D group, and by 18- along with a the hefty backing of her father, was put into the Mars Military Academy. The Academy was a hard adjustment for Sabine- whom while a gifted pilot and a decent academic, her instructors always found her a little difficult to control, a little too foolhardy and eager for a fight. Despite these setbacks, Sabine graduated from the Academy with relatively high marks and was assigned her desired role: Pilot- specifically MAS Pilot. Over the next few years, her first deployments would see Sabine sent back to the chaotic FEZ, holding back and skirmishing with dug in Coalition forces. She'd discover that, unlike the holos, the war against the Coalition was not nearly as glamorous and exciting as she'd originally thought it to be. On her first sortie, over half of her unit was shot down, and she'd barely made it through her second sortie alive. The horrors of war broke the spirits of many rookies, but somehow Sabine managed to keep her sanity in spite of what she'd witnessed. She proved to be a natural, regarded as a top performing junior officer by her peers by the end of her first tour, and an up and coming ace by the end of her second. During her second tour of duty, Sabine would earn some notoriety for both her recklessness and her daring prowess. During the Siege of Cerol, a garden world within UEE space, just outside the FEZ, the planet came under surprise attack by a massive Coalition fleet. The sheer speed of the assault caught the UEE Fleet in orbit around the planet with their pants down, and a vicious fight ensued. During the opening stages of the battle, Sabine's squadron leader was shot down, as they were overwhelmed by large numbers of Coalition MAS'. Managing to rally the remains of her squadron, Sabine would regroup with another depleted squadron and their surviving mechs would go on to run a counter offensive. Running out of ammunition in most of their weapons, the remaining pilots would scavenge gear from the destroyed wreckage in space, including the remnants of a UEE destroyer's broken magazine- containing undetonated nuclear mines. Using the mines as impromptu bombs, Sabine's remnant wing, against the warnings of their commanding officers, flew and threw these mines into Coalition lines, resulting in the destruction of no less than 6 Coalition warships. Surviving the battle, though heavily injured, Sabine would be formally reprimanded for her stunts, though she'd be tapped to join the UEE's special forces legion not long after. Now on her sixth tour of duty, Sabine has been with the 101st Special Forces Group for a bit over 3 years now, where she remains a pain in the ass to any and every Commanding Officer she serves under. [/code] [b][code]Personal Skills:[/code][/b] [code]'Does money count as a skill?' Sabine has a near flippant misunderstanding of costs and logistics, but is surprisingly handy with a wrench, understanding most mech systems enough to perform limited amounts of repairs or modifications if given the right tools, though not to the level of dedicated engineers or mechanics.[/code][/HIDER] [HIDER=FTM-007 Sparrowhawk] [indent][h3][b][code]M O B I L E A R M O R S U I T[/code][/b][/h3][hr][/indent] [center][center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3az2fGU.png[/img][/center][/center] [indent][h3][code]S P E C I F I C A T I O N S[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [b][code]Designation:[/code][/b] [code]FTM-007 Sparrowhawk MkIIb Custom[/code] [b][code]Role:[/code][/b] [code]Interception, Rapid Response[/code] [b][code]Weight Class:[/code][/b] [code]Medium[/code] [b][code]Description:[/code][/b] [code]An advancement of the UEE Sparrow, the Sparrowhawk was built in response to complaints regarding the Sparrow's staying power. The resulting Sparrowhawk is a MAS combining the maneuverability of the Sparrow with heavier weapons and armor for more survivability. Though it trades the max speeds the Sparrow affords, the Sparrowhawk features armor comparable, though slightly lesser to the UEE Sentry while still retaining the Sparrow's signature high mobility. Like its smaller relative, the Sparrowhawk is also capable of folding into flight mode, where it can reach top speeds of around 1000 MPH. Sabine flies a heavily customized Sparrowhawk-B Unit. Fine tuned to reach top speeds well over that of a standard Sparrowhawk, as well as slightly improving its maneuvering capabilities, the high speed Sparrowhawk Custom performs well at medium to medium-long engagement ranges, with an emphasis on mobility. Sabine's Sparrowhawk has been coated with a type of mimetic paint- originally designed as a precursor to adaptive camouflage, it proved to be relatively ineffective in combat, and is now being used by the heiress as exceedingly expensive color changing paint. When taunting her enemies, Sabine typically enjoys changing her mech's color to a distracting hot pink, firing deadly plasma at them while staying frustratingly just out of reach. [/code] [indent][h3][code]A R M A M E N T[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [list] [*][b][code]DPW-12 Light Plasma Beam Rifle (Heavy):[/code][/b] [code]- In place of the Sparrowhawk's standard 120mm rifled cannon, Sabine's 'hawk sports a light plasma rifle. The DPW-12 LPBR is a semi-automatic plasma beam rifle, designed to be light on both weight and power draw- with mixed results. The LPBR uses a low powered plasma capacitor to fire relatively low strength lances of plasma, which while still dangerous, is not nearly as deadly as a dedicated heavy plasma weapon: still capable of taking out a light MAS with a single clean hit, though may require more concentrated fire to take down heavier targets. Unlike heavier plasma cannons though, it is both quicker to aim and faster to fire, putting out 2 or 3 beams in the time a heavier weapon might fire once. Charging directly from the MAS engine core, the weapon's battery 'banks' up to 40 shots, with 2 spare battery banks kept on hip compartments- allowing for effectively limitless ammunition, provided the pilot is conservative with their rate of fire. A 'bayonet lug' mounted underneath the main barrel allows a melee weapon to be attached. A magnetic clamp mount is located behind the shoulder when the rifle needs to be stowed.[/code] [*][b][code]Claymore Missile System (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- Mounted on either side of the Sparrowhawk's legs are racks of Claymore missiles, totaling 12. These small missiles pack a large punch, capable of disabling most Light and Medium class MAS' with 1 or 2 missiles. Emptied racks can be ejected to save weight and increase mobility, though unlike Coalition mechs, Claymore missile racks cannot be hot swapped mid-combat.[/code] [*][b][code]EB-21 Beam Saber (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- A plasma beam saber used by the Sparrowhawk in close combat. The blade length can be adjusted, and its high energy output allows it to be a deadly close ranged weapon. The weapon comes pre-charged prior to launch, though can be charged from the mech core if needed during long sorties. One is carried in the forearm of the Sparrowhawk.[/code] [*][b][code]Chest Mounted Point Defense Gun .50 cal (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- A .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the Sparrowhawk's chest, this light weapon provides the Sparrow with anti-personnel and direct missile defense. It has a 500 round magazine.[/code] [*][b][code]M15 Combat Knife (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- A long combat knife with a heated edge. Used by the Sparrow in close quarters[/code] [*][b][code]F-22 'Afterburner' Flight Booster (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- Powerful afterburners give the Sparrowhawk the ability to maintain flight, as well as large boosts of speed, allowing it to get in and out of trouble quickly.[/code] [*][b][code]C-1 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- The Sparrowhawk comes armed with a fast regenerating Class 1 reflex shield on top of its standard armor for defense. Not meant to sit and take sustained fire, the C-1 shield provides just enough protection for the Sparrowhawk to trade fire before darting away to reposition and regenerate.[/code] [*][b][code]Countermeasure System (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code] - The Sparrowhawk relies on a combination of speed, maneuverability, and countermeasures to avoid missiles. Does not use utility slot.[/code] [*][b][code]Stripped Armor (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- The Sparrowhawk has reduced armor plating from non-critical parts of the MAS, greatly improving its mobility and reducing its overall weight. Does not use Utility slot.[/code] [*][b][code]Mimetic Paint (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- Originally a prototype for the UEE's active camouflage program, the Mimetic Paint was deemed to be both too costly and ineffective, and the program was abandoned. Through family connections, Sabine has obtained a not small amount of the paint for her unit. While designed to adopt different camouflage patterns in different theaters of combat, Sabine mainly uses it to make her mech flashy and gaudy, typically to taunt Coalition pilots. Does not use Utility slot.[/code] [/list] [/hider]