[hider=Pilot Dossier: Kodos, Sagan] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/o8PQQ7h.png[/img] [h3]SAGAN "VULTURE" KODOS[/h3][/center] [h3][indent][b]D O S S I E R : I D #472869221[/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] Kodos, Sagan [b]Callsign:[/b] Vulture [b]Rank:[/b] O-5, Commander [b]Kills:[/b] 62 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 36 [b]Height:[/b] 6'0" [b]Weight:[/b] 177 lbs [h3][indent][b]S E R V I C E R E C O R D[/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b]Psychological Analysis:[/b] A career military man with a boisterous, gung-ho attitude on the surface, a coarse frontier accent, and a veneer of an infantry drill sergeant, one could be forgiven at first glance for thinking the Commander was a marine NCO and not a navy pilot. Underneath that, however, is a seasoned commander that cares deeply for his subordinates. He leads through example and charisma, unwilling to subject his pilots to anything he wouldn't personally undertake and letting his loud, casual personality shine through. As befitting a special operations commander, he isn't particularly strict with rank or hierarchy, trusting that anyone who made it into special forces has just enough of their shit together to be functional enough and not get waist deep in hot water with the military. On the off-chance that someone does violate that trust he puts in them, however, the sarcastic yet lighthearted needling he gives his troops on a regular basis becomes genuinely furious with the offender in question, and strict discipline is likely to follow. While not exactly embittered towards the Navy, any patriotism Cmdr. Kodos once had towards the UEE as a whole has been replaced by weary acceptance of the state of things. Naval service had only been a means to an end for him once upon a time. It was only the ongoing war, his love of piloting, and his need to keep his people alive that kept him in after all these years. His callsign was given to him years ago in the 101st for his tendency of salvaging downed MASes to repair his own. When pressed on the matter, he refuses to state what his former callsign was as a Naginata pilot. [b]Personal Record:[/b] Born on a shithole frontier colony on the very edge of UEE space, well away from the front lines of the Coalition border, Sagan got the hell out of dodge the moment he was able to, traveling three systems away to attend college on the imperial dime through the ROTC program. The plan was simple: study engineering, give a few years to the Empire in service in return while seeing the galaxy, and then spend the rest of his life with a good job while moving closer to the core systems. That plan went up in smoke when the war escalated. While originally slated to join up after receiving his degree as an engineer, the needs of the Navy meant that Sagan started undergoing pilot training even during college. Fortunately for himself, he fell in love with piloting the moment he went up in a simulator. The feel of soaring through skies and space while jockeying his mechanical steed spoke to him in a way that electrical engineering never did, and he was eager to get up into the inky void and fly. Unfortunately, pilot training concluded for Sagan at about the same time that the Coalition deployed their first Mobile Armor Suits. His initial engagements against Coalition MASes were a disaster, with the majority of his squadron being shot down and barely any casualties inflicted in return. Some people broke under that pressure. Most were either shot down in the initial dog fight or preemptively ejected afterward. He didn't. Notably, Sagan was distinguished for inflicting one of the only two mission kills on enemy MASes, and being one of the only three pilots in four squadrons that managed to return to base without being shot down. War had changed, and Sagan was one of the precious few that had any experience with this paradigm shift. Once he and his fellow survivors were debriefed, they were all handed promotions and dispersed among the Navy to spread their knowledge. While miraculously not traumatized by the one-sided route, Sagan was nonetheless shaped by it. Never again, he vowed, would anyone flying with him be massacred like that. Several tours of duty passed with a few promotions, a marriage, two kids, and a subsequent divorce happening along the way. Eventually, Sagan was tapped to be one of the first UEE MAS pilots, with his first contact experience and continued wartime distinction cited as qualifying indicators. For his part, Sagan was mixed on the promotion. He loved [i]flying[/i]. The Sentry could do anything but. Nonetheless, he could already see how much better it'd be against Fenrirs than a Naginata would be. So he did as he was bid, becoming one of the founding members of the 101st. More years of endless, grinding war. He made new comrades. He made ace. He lost those comrades. He strove to lose less of the next batch. Somewhere along the way, he became just as attached to his Sentry as he had his Naginata. Between all the successful missions, close calls, and untold amount of battle damage, Sagan grew used to fighting on two legs rather than in the sky. It didn't hurt that he'd finally managed to jury-rig a set of flight boosters onto the Sentry. Eventually, he'd made O-5 and given command of his own squadron for the first time, just in time for Imperial suits to finally start being mass-produced. The Commander has led the 101st's 7th MAS Squadron ever since, with rumors saying he'd turned down a promotion recently just so he could keep an eye on the current generation of pilots. [b]Personal Skills:[/b] [list] [*][b]Air-to-air combat:[/b] Having originally trained as an aerospace pilot, Cmdr. Kodos is in his element in the air and in space, ekeing out greater mobility off the ground than one would expect out of most medium MASes. [*][b]Electrical engineering:[/b] Sagan didn't get a college degree for nothing. It's proven to be very useful in fixing up MAS internals and adapting suit systems for nonstandard parts. If someone in the squad needs MAS internal assistance and the techs are busy, he's generally the one to go to. [/list] [b]Other:[/b] Voice claim: [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aRhuwZy0GPQ]D.C. Douglas[/url] [/hider] [HIDER=GTM-021w Sentry "Watchdog"] [indent][h3][b]M O B I L E A R M O R S U I T[/b][/h3][hr][/indent] [center][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/736x/99/de/9c/99de9ce706c451919535176064a228ef.jpg[/img][/center][/center] [indent][h3]S P E C I F I C A T I O N S[/h3][hr][/indent] [b]Designation:[/b] GTM-021w Sentry "Watchdog" SOC (Special Operations Custom) [b]Role:[/b] Interceptor, General Purpose [b]Weight Class:[/b] Medium [b]Description:[/b] Not [i]technically[/i] an official designation for a new suit by any means. Rather, this is a Sentry. Or what remains of one after nigh-on a decade of battle damage, retrofits, and salvaged parts. War strained logistics lines for even stock mobile armors, and in the first few years of deployment, there were precious few Sentries or Sentry parts that were available to be shipped to the front lines for repair and resupply. Nearly every part on the stock Sentry that Cmdr. Kodos has piloted has been replaced in some way, with only several panels of uniform armor plating and a fresh coat of paint giving any sort of cohesive appearance to this mobile suit on the exterior. Eventually, the mechanics requested and received authorization to relabel the Commander's suit as a custom unit, if only to spare new techs the hassle of trying to have any sort of reference point when working on this Frankenmech. The Commander's own background in engineering proved invaluable in working with the techs to sure that every scavenged part managed to become compatible with the Sentry, jury-rigging electrical systems until they managed to [i]make[/i] the parts work. After all, they were the difference between a functional MAS and a limbless wreck much of the time, so it was a matter of life-or-death rather than Kodos simply wanting to improve his steed. By the time that the Sentry was being mass-produced, the Watchdog had already been given its designation, and neither Kodos nor the mechanics of the 101st had any wish to revert the MAS to a stock design. At this point, the Watchdog had already been calibrated and fine-tuned to its pilot's exact specifications, with performance well above the Sentry and more than equivalent to the Centurion. This machine specializes in hunting other Mobile Armor Suits in straight dogfights, especially flight-capable ones. [indent][h3]A R M A M E N T[/h3][hr][/indent] [list] [*][b]Espada SPAMRAAM Racks (Heavy):[/b] Mounted in armored cases within the Watchdog's shoulder pauldrons, the vertical-launch Smart-Propelled Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missiles, designation Espada, are equipped with midflight repositioning systems that synchronize with the MAS's onboard Upgraded Targeting Suite, enhancing target navigation in rapidly changing battlefield environments. Espada missiles are specialized for armor penetration and are effective against all MAS types and light naval assets, with a full SPAMRAAM barrage capable of posing a legitimate threat to a warship at the expense of using up every warhead loaded. The Watchdog carries two racks of 8 Espadas each for a total of 16 missiles. Vertical launch and attack help to stymie point-defense systems not capable of firing directly upwards. [*][b]RDB-9 20mm Hybrid Plasma-Kinetic Autocannon (Primary):[/b] - A compact bullpup rifle with an inbuilt minimal-power plasma capacitor. Augments its low caliber ammunition with in-barrel plasma sheathing, converting 20mm rounds to HPK and allowing for damage far beyond what its shell size would suggest. While not as powerful as even a light plasma rifle, the XM9's hybrid shots still far exceed standard-issue autocannons, with one three-round burst being capable of dealing severe damage to a light MAS, and two bursts almost certainly downing one. Can fire in semi-auto, three-round burst, and fully automatic, with a fire rate of 1200 RPM. Takes 90-round box magazines, and can carry four additional mags within standard MAS armor compartments. [*][b]EB-21 Beam Saber (Primary):[/b] - A plasma beam saber used in close combat. The blade length can be adjusted, and its high energy output allows it to be a deadly close ranged weapon. [*][b]PowerLite Point Defense Laser(Secondary):[/b] - Ripped from a downed Garmr and mounted on the Watchdog's head, this lightweight laser weapon rapidly pulses laser beams and is capable of defeating infantry, light armor and incoming missiles, but has limited effect on the heavier armor of dedicated combat MAS. Despite its low power, the PowerLite is still capable of damaging more sensitive subsystems and equipment on enemy MAS. [*][b]S10 Combat Shield (Secondary):[/b] - The standard S10 combat shield is a basic lightweight combat shield utilized by UEE forces. It provides limited directional defense from ballistic weapons, and an anti-beam coating allows the shield to absorb a single hit from plasma weapons. It is commonly mounted on the shoulder or arm, and specialized clamps allow it to swap positions as necessary. [*][b]Flight Booster (Utility slot):[/b] Back-mounted flight boosters. Allow for sustained in-atmosphere flight as well as enhanced mobility in space and on the ground. Can redline the system in an overboost, greatly enhancing flight speed for several seconds before shutting down entirely and requiring recharge from the suit's onboard reactor. [*][b]Upgraded Smart-Targeting Suite (Utility Slot):[/b] - Increasing the effective accuracy and response time of the MAS' weapon systems, Upgraded Targeting Suites often feature Smart AI that quickly and more accurately determines range as well as any other environmental factors faster than the MAS's onboard computer. The AI allows users to rapidly acquire multiple targets simultaneously, making 'blind firing' more accurate and providing an edge in close ranged combat. [*][b]Countermeasure System (Utility Slot):[/b] Same stock countermeasures as the original Sentry. Chaff and flares for missile evasion. Does not take up a utility slot. [/list] [/hider]