Death peered up at her from under his lashes, growling just lightly from her “joke”. He grumbled under his breath as he slowly got to his feet. A reaper reached out to assist him but Death twisted away from his grip. “No! No,” he said as he held up a finger. “I appreciate the assistance but let's limit the touching for a while longer.” The reaper stepped back from Death as he straightened to his full height before turning his eyes on Kaia. He sighed lightly as he ran his fingers through his hair. “It wasn't so much that opposites attract. It was more of a lack of selection. When you're the only two deities around, you kind of just take what you can get.” He huffed quietly as he finally took a moment to evaluate himself outside of the cage. The magician was nice enough to at least give him a pair of pants but that was all he gave Death. Thankfully, he doesn't feel cold. After all, there is nothing more chilling than the touch of Death but as he stood there looking at himself then peering at Kaia's getup, he realized he may be very much under-dressed. He frowned lightly at the sight. He would need to get some kind of clothes but not the magician's clothes. He didn't think he could bring himself to actually wear anything that magician owned. That greasy slime-ball probably oozes disgusting muck on a daily basis. No way he was going to put anything that man owned on his body. Thankfully, his thoughts of what that man had to wear and if he even groomed himself on a daily basis were broken by Kaia asking if Death had ever seen the magician with a tome or notebook. Death took a moment to think, stroking his chin as he thought. He peered up at nothing in particular as he tried to recall seeing the Magician with anyone other than his phone. “I don't recall anything like that. Honestly, I would be surprised if that man could even read. He did carry around his phone with him the whole time. He was on it almost constantly. Perhaps he has it on that somehow?” Death peered back at Kaia, crossing his arms in front of his chest with a shrug. He didn't know the ways of magicians in that day and age. He, personally, hadn't come to earth for a good few centuries and humans progressed so quickly with their technology, it was just hard to keep up at times. When she said that they probably wouldn't have another chance like this, Death allowed an eyebrow to rise high on his head. “Are you suggesting we steal from him? I'm not saying you're wrong, it's just that we don't know what he's done to his house. It could have traps set up and frankly, I just got out of the cage. I don't want to go back in.” He peered to the open window before looking to the stairs. She did have a point. They probably wouldn't get another chance to see if they could find anything the magician might have used to trap him. He chewed the inside of his cheek as he pondered before he gave a mighty sigh and threw his hands up in the air in surrender. “You're right, you're right. Let's go have a look around. Maybe we'll get lucky.”