[hider=Pilot Dossier: Braide, Elliot][center][img]https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/91bf8d15-b8bf-4045-b811-5ef2dd930933/dfmfw9n-3e27ab4b-80e0-4164-a0dc-30c6640bc212.jpg/v1/fill/w_894,h_894,q_70,strp/battletech_pilot_02_by_cadencez_dfmfw9n-pre.jpg?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7ImhlaWdodCI6Ijw9MTI4MCIsInBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcLzkxYmY4ZDE1LWI4YmYtNDA0NS1iODExLTVlZjJkZDkzMDkzM1wvZGZtZnc5bi0zZTI3YWI0Yi04MGUwLTQxNjQtYTBkYy0zMGM2NjQwYmMyMTIuanBnIiwid2lkdGgiOiI8PTEyODAifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6aW1hZ2Uub3BlcmF0aW9ucyJdfQ.JrOKLcT3vn5Uwadl_4yoltkG1AAVNAZdZRpRkZpHeIQ[/img][/center] [center][H3]ELLIOT 'ROOK' Braide[/H3][/center] [h3][indent][b][code]D O S S I E R : I D #513879458[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Name:[/code][/b] [code]Braide, Elliot[/code] [b][code]Callsign:[/code][/b] [code]Rook[/code] [b][code]Rank:[/code][/b] [code]0-1, Ensign [/code] [b][code]Kills:[/code][/b] [code]0.[/code] [b][code]Gender:[/code][/b] [code]Male[/code] [b][code]Age:[/code][/b] [code]21[/code] [b][code]Height:[/code][/b] [code]5’7”[/code] [b][code]Weight:[/code][/b] [code]#145[/code] [h3][indent][b][code]S E R V I C E R E C O R D[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Psychological Analysis:[/code][/b] [code]Elliot grew up pampered and coddled, to say he turned into a pompous cunt would be an understatement. Arrogance oozes from him like sweat from a pore and the way he feels as if he’s better than you could almost be seen as a tangible entity. Maybe that’s a tad bit overdramatic, but from a young age he has been coddled and lacking in any responsible influence in his life. Elliot is used to getting what he wants when he wants it and putting his needs before the needs of those around him. On the flip side of the coin he practically worships MAS pilots, having been obsessed with the massive machines of war and those valiant warriors who pilot them from a young age. It could be said that those that pilot an MAS are about the only one’s he truly does respect. Of course Elliot also has a severe problem with authority figures. The first year of academy was an adjustment period for Elliot but he found that even in the military one could learn to work the system. Elliot is fresh out of the academy and has zero practical experience. He’s never killed, he’s never truly fought beyond a sparring match, and he’s never been outside of UEE space. Many of the worldviews he holds are lofty and ungrounded in reality, a side effect of the sheltered lifestyle in which he was raised. Unbeknownst to Elliot life holds many humbling experiences along the path he treads and although he looks towards the future with naive joy at his chance to be a pilot he knows little of what the reality of it shall truly be like.[/code] [b][code]Personal Record:[/code][/b] [code]Some people have to fight for everything they have in this world, others just come by it through sheer dumb luck. Elliot was of the latter group. His family was wealthy and well connected, politicos from a long line of politicos. Growing up Elliot was handed just about anything he could ask for and catered too damn near like royalty. Of course with such busy parental figures it was fair to say that there was an absence of any firm guiding hand throughout much of his childhood. In his teenage years he sought to break away from the coddling of his youth somewhat as he mingled with questionable company and started to find himself wrapped up in illegal affairs. Of course his parents had to intervene, the optics of a child involved in illicit activities posed a hefty risk to the political legacy they’d created. And so Elliot began his military career at the ripe age of sixteen when his parents shipped him off to military boarding school with no other choice as they’d put it. Of course being as things were in Elliots life there was no significant change, merely a new coat of paint. Elliot’s family connections earned him a privileged status at school and it was no challenge at all to springboard from that into the Imperial Naval Academy. Elliot had learned from a young age that connections and money made his world turn like the gears in a clock and continued to lean on this well into the academy. Although he’d technically had the aptitude and the intelligence he hardly ever applied them, coasting through courses and tests where possible and relying on the ‘system’ to keep him enrolled and passing. His peers found him a mixture of admirable and revolting, those who’d had to earn their places were sickened whereas like-minded individuals rubbed elbows with knowledgeable grins. Of course there was at least one thing Elliot took seriously, Mobile Armored Suits. From a young age Elliot had been enthralled with the massive weapons of war since he’d been old enough to eavesdrop on his father’s conversations. As their usage grew and became more widely discussed and known Elliot had known they’d be the future, and that he’d someday pilot one. Of course with the connections his family had he knew that his father would make it happen. Even with this in mind Elliot actually applied himself anytime the subject matter pertained to MAS, although one would call his general performance average at best it was clear that he excelled in the technical learning regarding MAS. From a young age Elliot had been devouring every bit of literature related to MAS; whether it be special reports left out by his father, technical manuals released to military officials, after action reports where MAS had been involved or anything else under the sun that he could get his hands on. Upon graduation Elliot pushed to enlist as a pilot for the 101st special operation group against the wishes of his parents. Although they’d known he’d enlisted in the academy the expectation had been that he’d become an officer and land a cushy desk job, to their shock this was very far from the trajectory that Elliot saw for himself. Regardless he pushed on, choosing to take the course of his life in his own hands for once. [/code] [b][code]Personal Skills:[/code][/b] [code]Text Book Wizard: If it’s standard issue and has been extensively written about then it’s likely that Elliot has read and memorized it at one point or another. Elliot has always been obsessed with MAS and spends most if not all of his free time pouring over manuals and reports or whatever else he can find. [/code][/HIDER] [hider=XTM-017 Venator] *Credit to Vietmyke for this awesome rich-boy custom, opted to have the rookie be provided a mech. [indent][h3][b][code]M O B I L E A R M O R S U I T[/code][/b][/h3][hr][/indent] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Cc8ufZd.png[/img][/center] [indent][h3][code]S P E C I F I C A T I O N S[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [b][code]Designation:[/code][/b] [code]XTM-017 Venator (Limited Production)[/code] [b][code]Role:[/code][/b] [code]Assault[/code] [b][code]Weight Class:[/code][/b] [code]Medium[/code] [b][code]Description:[/code][/b] [code]A more or less discontinued line of high performance medium class MAS. Due to its high costs outweighing the increases in performance, and limited parts similarity, the XTM-017 Venator was ultimately passed up on by the UEE Naval Procurement Department in favor of the GTM-041 Centurion. Despite this, some limited number of models were produced and still see service within the UEE, and is widely regarded as a 'collectors' piece, regularly finding homes in the hands of the rich and well connected. Like the Centurion the Venator is designed to be a highly aggressive upgrade to the standard Sentry, with a focus on staying power over extended engagements. Lack of regular access to parts makes maintaining even a single Venator a rather expensive endeavor.[/code] [indent][h3][code]A R M A M E N T[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [list] [*][b][code]HB-17 Combat Maul (Heavy):[/code][/b] [code]- A heavy, two handed weapon resembling a maul. A thruster mounted to the back side of the combat surface assists it in surprisingly nimble movements, and a heavy spike on the front is heated and able to penetrate fortified installations, ship hull, and MAS cockpit alike. The weapon disassembles at the haft, with the handle being stored behind the shoulder and the weapon head on the small of the back.[/code] [*][b][code]DEW-11 Laser Rifle (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- A twin barreled, direct fire laser rifle, the DEW-11 is both accurate and long ranged, though lacks the stopping power of a standard autocannon. High power capacitors allow for alternating 1-second 'pulses', or elongated 3-second beams from both barrels. Though somewhat ineffective against armor treated with anti-beam coating or energy reflex shields, the weapon can still be considered a credible threat to both medium and light MAS, and extended fire can still burn out even the hardiest shields or armor. The weapon has effectively limitless ammo, though overuse over a short period of time can damage or wear out its more sensitive components.[/code] [*][b][code]M112S 30mm autocannon (Primary):[/code][/b] [code] - A lightweight, short barreled, autocannon mounted on the Venator's left shoulder. The M112S is capable of firing the same 30mm API shells used by most UEE MAS, but is typically loaded with 30mm canister shells, effectively shotgun shells firing dozens of depleted uranium pellets. The M112S is fed by a shoulder mounted ammunition drum with 500 shells, features semi-automatic and fully automatic firing modes, and has a fire rate of 700 RPM.[/code] [*][b][code]Jackknife Micro Missile System (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- Mounted on the right shoulder of the Venator are 3 sets of 3 tube micro missile launchers, totaling 12. After launch, these projectiles split into four small munitions in mid-air, and have a potent payload for their size, though lack in armor penetration. While ineffective against most larger MAS, Micro Missiles have varying degrees of effect on soft targets such as light vehicles, light MAS, and infantry, and can be used to overwhelm point defense systems.[/code] [*][b][code]Head Mounted Point Defense Gun .50 Cal(Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- A .50 caliber machine gun mounted on the Venator's head, this light weapon provides the mech with anti personnel and small missile defense. It has a 500 round magazine.[/code] [*][b][code]C-1 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- The Venator comes armed with a fast regenerating Class 1 reflex shield on top of its standard armor for defense.[/code] [*][b][code]F-16 Flight Booster (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- lightweight shoulder mounted afterburners give the Venator the ability to maintain flight, as well as short boosts of speed, dodge and close distance between targets quickly.[/code] [*][b][code]Uparmored (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- Additional armor plating mounted to the Venator's cockpit, shoulders and legs providing it with increased protection at the cost of some mobility. Does not take a utility slot.[/code] [/list] [/hider]