[hider=Pilot Dossier: von Brandt, Johann][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/1200x/32/aa/05/32aa050f96ce9f7be4c3a45292be7652.jpg[/img][/center] [center][H3]JOHANN 'RHINO' VON BRANDT[/H3][/center] [h3][indent][b][code]D O S S I E R : I D #199157381[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Name:[/code][/b] [code]von Brandt, Johann[/code] [b][code]Callsign:[/code][/b] [code]Rhino[/code] [b][code]Rank:[/code][/b] [code]O-4 Lieutenant Commander[/code] [b][code]Kills:[/code][/b] [code]32[/code] [b][code]Gender:[/code][/b] [code]Male[/code] [b][code]Age:[/code][/b] [code]30[/code] [b][code]Height:[/code][/b] [code]5'11"[/code] [b][code]Weight:[/code][/b] [code]170lbs[/code] [h3][indent][b][code]S E R V I C E R E C O R D[/code][/b][hr][/indent][/h3] [b][code]Psychological Analysis:[/code][/b] [code]Johann is a casually friendly individual, though in a more buddy sense than anything else, adapting to the group he happens to be with to fit in better. He was a natural chameleon socially, fitting into a group with little effort. Many of his peers are generally positive about him, although the qualities they praise vary wildly enough that a big picture view shows he is always subtly tweaking how he behaves to fit in. As a pilot he is calculating, observing and acting with just more force than is apparently necessary. His approach to piloting and combat is that of observation, analysis, and once a course of action is decided, striking with overwhelming force to suppress a problem as fast as possible. He prefers to end conflict decisively and to not allow any threat to ever return. Johann, in private, is much more solemn and pragmatic in demeanor. He entertains his disillusion with the overall war effort and constant arms race between the UEE and Coalition, having spent several years as a test pilot before returning to front line duties. He is concerned that, broadly speaking, both sides will remain stalemated forever, just continuing to drive up the body count and cost of life for what amounts to glorified political posturing. He won't share these thoughts outside of those he is incredibly close and trusting of, concerned that someone might simply report him as mentally unsound, even though he still believes that decisive enough action could end this once and for all. [/code] [b][code]Personal Record:[/code][/b] [code]The von Brandt family are a long running, arguably prestigious military family. Generations of soldiers, pilots, mechanics, and more, practically every member of the family serving in the military to some capacity. Johann being the youngest son of the current generation of the family just meant he got to hear the constant stories and expectations of following in the family legacy. Growing up, Johann was practically trained ahead of time, getting informal briefs and drills from visiting family and relations returning on leave, when not busy receiving reports that certain members of the family had died in combat. It was not uncommon to hear, unfortunately, and a young Johann learned to not let it show that he grieved the losses. Rather, he would focus on preparing for a life in the military, likely in much the same peril and danger as the rest, and had very little of a normal childhood. Sure enough, Johann would join the UEE military, though he would initially enter as a conventional pilot. He would quickly be tapped by family to act as a test pilot for a MAS program, putting his skills at piloting to good use. It was here that Johann earned the callsign of Bulwark, given his assigned MAS, the GMT-018 Secutor, was piloted and treated like a glorified wall, bunkering down and providing ample protection for his allies. Spending time behind the controls of a Secutor was an experience unlike anything that he could have ever imagined, and when his time as a test pilot ended, he volunteered to take the GMT-018 into actual combat situations and scenarios. There was some debate about the matter, but with some pointed words from family who had more sway than Johann, he was allowed to join frontline units as a MAS pilot, taking his Secutor into frontline combat. Johann would become quite the career pilot, as far as UEE MAS Pilots are concerned, though unlike many of his more experienced peers he was not as concerned with confirming MAS kills. Rather, he focused on mission objectives and seeing to making sure that his less well protected allies had an anchor point to fight around. His method of piloting developed throughout this time period, strapping more armor and defensive systems to the heavy Secutor to become more and more of a target, by design. He got used to the hammering and pounding of incoming ordinance against his defenses, even coming to appreciate the sound of it as it meant his allies were not getting targeted. He would gain a reputation of putting himself in between allied forces and enemy forces trying to engage, one notable event including taking a Coalition plasma fire while screening for convoy forces during a patrol. Johann, across his tours of duty, grew into more of a leadership role during combat operations. While he was never a formal squad leader, he had a knack for taking over during crisis scenarios and mid operation, providing what amounted to a seasoned NCO in a team. It was this experience and natural ability to backup a proper commanding officer that got him assigned to the 7th MAS Squadron to provide an anchor for the rest of the squad to rally around. Johann would take this with the same professionalism he approached the rest of his career with, ready to give the mechanics headaches given how many hostile strikes he takes during any given operation. He was happy to weather it though, for a good reason at least. Johann was assigned to the 101st SOG as part of his second tour of duty, something that would bleed over into his third, where he would find himself being given a new callsign. Rhino, to reflect his ability to both take hits and dish them out during an assault. Johann took this new callsign as a mark of pride, wearing it proudly while serving alongside the 101st. It was only within the past year that he was assigned to the 7th MAS in specific, having been shuffled around various elements within the 101st as required, never settling long enough to establish close bonds with allied forces. His assignment to the 7th was treated as just another reorganization, being put where his talents and Secutor could serve best, but only time would prove how wrong that would be. [/code] [b][code]Personal Skills:[/code][/b] [code]Besides the expected proficiencies, Johann is incredibly skilled at adapting and deploying experimental and obscure technologies. Having spent years adapting to and testing new weapon platforms, defensive and utility systems, and more, he is rather good at patching problems on the fly. While not as skilled at conventional mechanics, being able to make unusual combinations or systems work he is second only to the dedicated designers of the aforementioned systems and weapons. Beyond this, he is strategically and tactically minded, able to read a battlefield situation and offer, or issue, courses of action to maximize the survival and success of friendly forces. He prefers survival first and foremost, which shows in tactics favoring more defensive and cautious approaches, but he has a natural eye for identifying what allies are good at and deploying them appropriately.[/code][/HIDER] [HIDER=GTM-018 Secutor] [indent][h3][b][code]M O B I L E A R M O R S U I T[/code][/b][/h3][hr][/indent] [center][center][img]https://i.pinimg.com/control2/1200x/08/60/ee/0860ee750eee7154410a360787b75c5b.jpg[/img][/center][/center] [indent][h3][code]S P E C I F I C A T I O N S[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [b][code]Designation:[/code][/b] [code]GTM-018 Secutor MkI* L (Limited)[/code] [b][code]Role:[/code][/b] [code]Multirole, Fire Support[/code] [b][code]Weight Class:[/code][/b] [code]Heavy[/code] [b][code]Description:[/code][/b] [code]The UEE Secutor is one of the last of an older line of Heavy class MAS units, originally designed to act as a "Universal" Heavy class MAS. Initial design issues stemmed from powering the amount of armor in place, the original MKI design being especially susceptible to burning its power plant out when under extended combat loads. The MKI* design uses the reactor plant of the MKII model of the Secutor, while retaining the lack of standardized loadout that was abandoned by the more standardized MKII that saw a short lived service life compared to the MKI and MKI*. The MKI* was quickly updated to a Limited production model and repurposed to a weapons testing platform first and foremost, while still seeing use in combat operations by test pilots who brought the design with them from the testing fields. As such, they have a reputation of being a bit of a shock model of MAS given the unusual nature of its deployment compared to more modern UEE designs. The Secutor's design pushes the standards of the Heavy class MAS, especially when taking into account pilot tendencies to double down on this armored durability by adding even more onto it, though the power plant was more than capable of keeping the MAS moving at speeds capable of being classified as a Heavy MAS, with excess power for weapon platforms and additional systems to be bolted on for testing purposes. Johann has personally seen to a variety of modifications being put in place, including the aforementioned uparmoring process that was incredibly popular among Secutor pilots. This particular model includes a veritable suite of redundant systems, spare parts, and repair modules that allows him to repair damage that manages to get past the numerous layers of defenses. Adding to those defenses, a Class 3 Reflex Energy Shield allows the Secutor to weather truly torrential volumes of incoming hostile fire before critical, point of no return failures begin occurring. Even then, the Secutor was built with Fail Forward philosophies, records of the models in combat scenarios showing that, even during catastrophic failures, weapon systems continuing to cycle until total failure of the power plant.[/code] [indent][h3][code]A R M A M E N T[/code][/h3][hr][/indent] [list] [*][b][code]MAC-011 Ballistic Assisted Railcannon System, 170mm (Superheavy):[/code][/b] [code] A modified version of a conventional specialist artillery platform for siegecraft, the MAC-011 BAR System is a MAS portable platform repurposed for fire support and countering Coalition extreme threats as mobile suit technology continues to develop and evolve. A conventional ballistic weapon platform, the MAC-011 is a, for a former siege weapon, surprisingly flexible platform. Capable of utilizing a variety of shell types, Johann tends to tailor his shell loadout for a given mission, though he always has several HESH shells available as a personal reserve. The initial acceleration comes from conventional methods, accelerating the shells into the coils that magnetically launch the already high momentum of the shells to effective combat velocities for non static targets. While not as energy intensive as Hybrid or Plasma weapons, it still draws much more power than conventional ballistics, though recoil is less than what one might expect. The ammo stowage of the HAS-011 is its main limiting factor, though dedicated space on the Secutor normally needed for energy system routing for a superheavy weapon has been repurposed as shell stowage for the HAS-011. Shells stored in the torso of the body, in a carousel loading system, allow for about 20 shells total before needing replenishment. Mounting for the MAC-011 is just offset of the spine, though rather than over the shoulder, the entire system swings up under the armpit of the right side of the frame, requiring both hands of the frame to control and assist in reloading the system when the weapon platform is deemed necessary. However, one hand is sufficient for holding the weapon deployed when close defense is needed.[/code] [*][b][code]M81 Rotary Autocannon (RAC), 30mm (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- Mounted to the right arm of the Secutor, the M81 RAC is one of several predecessor designs to the more contemporary M90 deployed on more modern MAS units. Sharing the same ammunition as the M90, that being Armor Piercing Incindiery, the M81 boasts a higher rate of fire at the cost of overheating. It was the overheating problem that led to the more conventional M90 design, however on the Secutor entire ammo feed system is stored in the arm and right leg of the unit, the shielded ammo belt visible when deployed, the gauntlet folding back to expose the five rotary barrels. Ammo stowage on the M81 RAC sits around 1440 rounds, though the overheating does prevent it from taking advantage of the higher rate of fire. In a pinch, ammo from the M81 can be given up to allies with the M90 or other compatible weapon systems and vice versa.[/code] [*][b][code]PG-01 Plasma Gauntlet (Primary):[/code][/b] [code]- The designers of the PG-01 looked at the prevalence of beam swords and other conventional CQC weapons, scoffed loudly, and designed this as a rather loud rebuttal towards more conventional close quarters weapons. Mounted to the left arm of the Secutor, the PG-01 is a massively reinforced combat gauntlet, deploying over the normal manipulators and charging between strikes. Without the plasma conduits, the PG-01 is still capable of heavy amounts of kinetic damage, but when the Plasma channels are activated, it briefly becomes capable of rending smaller MAS units apart in sundering backhands. While incapable of bringing down other Heavy class MAS units in single blows, and the required recharge time between strikes limiting the destructive capabilities of the weapon in protracted melees, it is a capable self defense weapon for the platform it is mounted to.[/code] [*][b][code]Vanguard Close Defense System, 20mm. (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- The latest in a long running weapon design that has seen a battery of tweaks and modifications, the Vanguard CDS is a universal close range defense system that deploys from, and retracts into, the right shoulder of the Secutor. Entirely self contained, the 20mm autocannon is loaded with SAPHEI (Semi Armor Piercing, High Explosive Incendiary) rounds, designed to engage vehicles, infantry, and other non MAS targets. In a pinch the targeting can intercept slower moving missile payloads, however the Vanguard CDS is not a true point defense system and is dedicated primarily towards providing a weapon platform for handling smaller threats. On board ammunition before requiring reload is 600 rounds.[/code] [*][b][code]Katar Micro-Missile CIWS. (Secondary):[/code][/b] [code]- A series of small, proximity fuse missiles that are explicitly designed for intercepting and detonating other missile systems prior to reaching dangerous proximity to the MAS mounting the system. Compared to conventional ballistic or even laser based systems, the limited supply of missiles is the biggest drawback. However, the rotary vertical launch system, deploying from launch tubes that open from the MAS' back, and intercepting incoming hostile missiles with proximity fuse warheads. The range of intercept is much broader, and when paired with allied elements with higher powered detection systems, can intercept targets beyond the Secutor's own targeting range. The actual ability to target the Katar Micro-Missiles beyond intercept duties is limited, the proximity fuse system designed to detonate incoming munitions rather than do actual lethal damage. Standard missile load is 40 micro missiles, capable of being stored in rather compact form before being launched in rapid succession as required.[/code] [*][b][code]Uparmored (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- One of the most common modifications done to Secutor Heavy MAS units, the already dense, well shaped armor has additional plating mounted to exposed or under protected points, taking advantage of the generously potent power plant to support the sheer weight needed to appreciably uparmor a Heavy class MAS. Notably some of the most critical, and already well armored, locations have been even further reinforced, the design philosophy of Fail Forward continuing to show even in less than official modifications being made.[/code] [*][b][code]C-3 Reflex Shield Generator (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- Not present on the MkI model of the Secutor, the MkI* and beyond included mounting and power couplings for Reflex Shielding systems, originally for testing purposes but now a not uncommon modification. What is unusual is the use of a Class 3 rather than the Class 2 that the MkII would prefer to mount, Johann opting for the more potent ability to disperse incoming strikes before ever reaching the already uparmored Heavy MAS underneath the shielding. Given the slower moving speed of the Secutor, a common tactic is shunting all non motive power to the shielding system, trying to make up for the slow recharge time of the Class 3. Johann is known to do this when on the approach, either not having time or the willingness to stop and take aim with the MAC-011 and most of the other weapon platforms being much more short ranged in comparison.[/code] [*][b][code]Revenant Class Field Repair Suite (Utility slot):[/code][/b] [code]- A Field Repair Suite upgrade built for the Secutor in particular, Revenant FRS systems are designed to bring back the MAS mounting them from the brink of total system failure quickly, and working more effectively on restoring the armor and structure of the MAS. While still capable of other conventional FRS operations including weapon and munition replenishment, the overall programming and design prioritizes restoring defensive capabilities and structural stability over all other priorities.[/code] [/list] [/hider]