[i][b]Madison Li - The Pitt - Relay Terminal [/b][/i] Madison felt the briefing had been quite informative. She had been introduced to someone new, Sophia Braxton. Sophia is a Senior Inquisitor for the Midwestern Brotherhood, at the moment the most senior representative in the Pitt, with Paladin-Lord Traven and, according the Sophia, all of their remaining forces at the Front along the Ohio. A rather stern woman, and clearly overworked, she also had a air about her of having suffered a devastating personal loss. She had expressed interest in meeting the survivors of Eowyn's Chapter, knowing Charlotte she invited her to relay to Lexington at her convenience. One of the messages she was sending across was to her, to let her know and to request a copy of her book on the Lyon's Expedition. Another was a private message to Nathan to immediately inform her about Abaddon. It would be an unforgivable breach of trust if she and her comrades learned of his presence here from an outsider. Madison found it quite ironic, as she knew he had killed people on the surface for much less than what Abaddon had done, that he would now have to talk them down from trying to assassinate him. On the other hand, if anyone could it was Nathan...he was definitely better at it than her. The main message, of course, was the information from the briefing. The audio recording she had (openly) made, a copy of Abaddon's holomap, her observations, and other documents she had been provided. The Pitt leadership was requesting direct intervention in the deteriorating situation at Cleveland, and they had little choice but to agree. All their iron ore imports came through Cleveland, if it fell their industries would grind to a halt in months, if not weeks. They had to act now. And finally, a message to her staff to send her clothes for a few days. The hazmat suit made her stick out like a sore thumb, and after the vaccine they had given her, TDC wasn't a concern anymore. Reaching the terminal and pad, she saw that the work of relaying in the boxes and containers of the MASH unit was already underway, with new shipments relaying into the large open space at the center of the building as fast as the Pitt workers could process them. She had put in a request for enough vaccine to vaccinate the staff of the MASH, with extras, they'd be sent though once they could be vaccinated. Stepping up to the console, she connected her Pip-Boy and began transmitting the messages to the Institute. Once the screen indicated they had been received, she disconnected the Pip-Boy. "Thank you", Madison said to the leader of Harlock's men who had escorted her here. "I'm done here, we can go back to Haven now." [i][b]Jimmy, Cuyahoga Heights, 11:30 PM[/b][/i] Jimmy sat, crouched in the brush, grimly listening as the firing...the diversion intended to aid in his escape...began to escalate to his north. His instructions were to wait 30 minutes before heading south again. It had taken two of the three Stealthboys he had been given to cross the enemy front line, but between them and the freshly skinned (and reeking) hide of a ghoul the Bosses had sewn him into, he had made it through undetected. The next step was to follow the Cuyahoga River south unti he reached I-80, follow I-80 east towards Akron. The Bosses didn't know if Akron had been taken, but if it was he should head to Youngstown, pick up the Iron Road, and get to the first telegraph station he could find. Jimmy was a slave, handed over to the Bosses when he was fifteen by his parents when they couldn't pay their tribute of crops for two years in a row. He had been put to work on Whiskey Island as the lowliest of the Ore Hogs...a shoveler who removed from the holds of the iron boats what ore the mightly Hulett unloaders couldn't reach. It was a grueling existance, though it could've been worse as 1) Cleveland is Paradise complared to the Pitt itself, and 2) at least the Boss who ran Whiskey Island for O-Dog was all about efficiency and sustained output and was willing to spend to keep his crews alive if that's what it took to unload any iron boat you care to name in eight hours. But Jimmy didn't want to spend the best years of his life shoveling ore so he volunteered when they asked around for couriers. O-Dog offered him his freedom, and a place on the Crew (with successfully completing the deed being equivalent to winning in the Hole) if he suceeded. They didn't blink when he counter-offered with that and an apprentice spot as a Leg-Man, operating a Hulett himself. One of the most elite jobs in Cleveland. They agreed, on the condition he proved himself worthy of the job, as only the best and most trusted soldiers got to run a Hulett. That's when he realized just how fucked the City was if someone didn't get help. From there it was a week of relentless training on basic fieldcraft and map-reading, and what landmarks to look for on his way out. It wasn't enough, really, but it was the best they could do with the time that they had. Jimmy heard movement on the road just to the east of him come from the south, heading N. He heard the barking of their mutant dogs, but they did not sound off, so the disgusting outfit the Bosses insist he wear turned out to be worth it, after all. On the Cuyahoga, about 30 yards or so to the West, he noticed a john boat slowly moving upstream, shining lights on both banks as they cruised as fast as the sputtering engine could take them. Eventually, both faded away to the north. After waiting another ten minutes, the half hour had passed, so he cautiously began to head south, periodically veering west to realign with the river.