[center][h2][color=0072bc]Blazermate[/color][/h2] Level 13 Blazermate (Holding 2 level up) - (77/130) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] [color=0072bc]"Ew, I remember now why I hated this zone. And no fire to burn it!"[/color] Blazermate said as she saw all the appraoching creatures. A lot of the group was in the same boat as her, and it didn't take long for everyone to start attacking these things with their various abilities. Blazmermate spent her time healing everyone. She debated putting down a sentry gun, but seeing as the boss hadn't shown itself, they might have to go find it and she didn't want her spirit on cooldwon for that. She did have a fun ability she could try though. Looking at Ganondorf being one of the heavy hitters, Blazermate cast Disruption on him. The king of darkness would vanish from the battlefield for a couple seconds as he was ingulfed in an orb of darkness before reappearing, but he wasn't alone. Two identical illusions of himself were next to him attacking and protecting him from the sickening creatures approaching him. They didn't have his abilities, but they did have a fair amount his immense strength. They were much weaker than him in the hp department too, but they added up to basically another Ganondorf. While following Blazermate technically, she'd let them follow his orders since he was the one near them, plus it'd probably make him like her more knowing she could do stuff like this now. [hr] [center][h2][color=d7d7d7]Roland[/color][/h2] Level 6 Roland (39/60) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: Less than 750 [/center] [color=d7d7d7]"This is disgusting."[/color] Was all Roland could say about these creatures before he began to deal with them. Being one of the few in the group without really AoE, at least at the start, Roland tried to deal with whatever got close or tried to go after a creature that attempted to flank one of his allies. These creatures were a bit of a blessing in disguise for Roland though, as he could use their fairly weak stature to win clashes and up his emotion level, meaning he wouldn't start at a low level once the boss showed up. Having started a battle in earnest, Roland remembered the Floor of Natural Science, and with winning his first clash got Love, A voice almost similar to Blazermate's, although not robotic saying "A true magical girl never runs away in the face of any hardships!". Probably a weird thing to hear come from Roland, although not from his own mouth like always. This let him heal whoever was the most damaged by any successful strikes he made for a little bit. As an infested... turtle? (Jr. would know it as a koopa) used its shell to try to dive him, Roland intercepted it with his hammer and knocked it away, the shell doing a LOT more damage than he was expecting to the enemy forces at it flew through them. [color=d7d7d7]"Uuuh... hope you didn't know him."[/color] Roland said to Jr, before moving to defend someone else. He'd protect another ally the same way, and upon dicing up a creature made of mushrooms with his sword, he'd gain Emotion level 2 and that same voice spoke again, with Roland gaining Justice as it said "In the name of Love and Justice~ I have arrived!", making it so that now, whatever enemy had been doing the most damage to the group would have a clear indicator over its head marking it as a "villain", and anyone attacking it would do extra damage. Granted with how fast these creatures were dying, this symbol wouldn't appear for long but if his emotions held until the guardian, it'd help take that thing down. Dealing with a few more creatures that got close, Roland reached emotion level 3, and with it, gained Magicial Girls, this time a feminine voice that sounded like a clown drowned in shadow said "Did you make me, or did I make you?", which had no apparent benefit to Roland for now. With how few creatures could beat Roland in a clash with their weak yet swarming tactics, it'd take a bit before its effect could trigger. He also gained the EGO page Gold Rush, something he'd probably use soon if they couldn't find out where to go next. [hr] [center][h2][color=92278f]Sectonia[/color][/h2] Level 12 Sectonia (holding 4 level up) (71/120) Location: Dead Zone Word Count: less than 750 [/center] Sectonia was relieved that the time rain wouldn't get them in this tree, dispelling her chaos shield in case it had some weird effects by shielding her from the time rain. Granted her worry about the time rain would soon be over as all the ugly creatures within the tree started to converge on the new intruders to the tree. These things, clearly, enraged Sectonia at how disgusting and hideous they looked and she wasn't the only one. Many of the rest of the group were appalled or disgusted, but her rage burned the brightest. A bright burning rage she turned into blasts of holy lasers and swords. Thanks to her various items and the new death pulse spell and her own lightning, Sectonia had a bit of a "don't approach me" zone about her, dealing with anything that got close. Although while weak, these things were nearly infinite and just destroying them, as cathartic as it was, wouldn't be something that would get them anywhere. [color=92278f]"We need to find the source of this disgusting tree and destroy it."[/color] Sectonia said, a bit unsure of where to go herself and instead offering an area for Jr. Rika, and anyone who wanted to stay away from these creatures to inhabit while they figured out where to go.