[B][i]Mikazuki Nakajima[/i][/b] Mikazuki Nakajima was happy. Happy enough to go cycling around town, eager to see his acquaintances in Substitute Shinigami-hood. Considering how he liked cafes, he decided to go for some coffee first and maybe talk with meet Mitsuaki, whom he knew worked in the nearest one. Bad idea, as he witnessed the older youth walking out of his job in the coffee shop. Somehow, he did not think that Mitsuaki was the one in the wrong. But what should he do to help? Did Mitsuaki even want help? The boy knew that [i]Juno Suzuma's[/i] death was one year ago, and he had gleaned enough to know that Mitsuaki had the look of someone who had lost his brother [i]twice[/i]. No, it was not his place to pry; the last time he, Mikazuki Nakajima, did that, he had found out his grandfather was a war criminal. He knew that it was highly irregular, even in these modern times, to side with a Westerner over his own flesh and blood, but Mr. Leonid and his squad did not deserve what had happened to them in that war far back in the last century - A war that still scarred Mr. Leonid and might do so all the way in the afterlife where Shinigami are from. He cycled to try and look for Sara, finding her having just eaten takoyaki from his favorite takoyaki stall. Stopping his bike for a moment, he watched her go home, half-tempted to approach her, feeling that she needed help, but knowing full well he should not rush to do so - There was a fine line between concern and stalking. Which was a shame; the two were just one year apart in age. If things had been different... No. It was always too late for regrets. He decided to cycle over to Mr. Stone's house. Darius was a fun guy and he liked learning from him. Plus the American reminded him of how Mr. Leonid could have been if his grandfather, whose blood he inherited, had not inflicted horrors no one should go through, much less forced to see one's squad be subjected to. The sound of acoustic music was as familiar as ever... [@WSilversun][@LadyAnnaLee][@Morgannis][@Sho Minazuki]