[center][b][h3][color=ED2939]Saur[/color][/h3][/b][/center] [color=ED2939]"Hm?"[/color] Saur murmured. As he was rising to his feet again and beginning to look around and investigate, one of his companions approached him directly, carrying some kind of small container. The Tripkee held it out toward him and asked him to drink it. He looked down at it in the frogman's paws and considered him for a moment. This was the one who had taken a shot at the Flashbugs despite his orders to the contrary. In the moment, he had felt a surge of frustration well up within him, but...it worked out in the end, and it wasn't like he had any actual authority in the group either. Plus, he seemed to be apologizing about what happened now.... Saur reached his claw out and took hold of the potion, lifting it up. He unstopped the gourd and sniffed at it. Judging from the medicinal scent, it seemed like it was at least similar to what he was already carrying.... He contemplated simply returning it for a moment. As he'd already decided not to drink his own, he didn't want to take someone else's valuable restorative either.... [color=ED2939]"...Are you sure?"[/color] Saur asked. [color=ED2939]"We're not in any immediate danger and my wounds aren't so bad that I need to use up a valuable resource just yet. But I am grateful for the apology, so I will use it if you truly desire me to do so."[/color]