[center] [img]https://i.imgur.com/ziR5Pse.png[/img][img]https://i.imgur.com/BHScL9w.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/C7nwoGY.png[/img] [b][color=FD0000]wordcount:[/color][/b] 1,573 (+3) [b][color=SpringGreen]Bowser Jr: Level 14 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=SpringGreen]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](207/140) [b][color=Aqua]Rika: Level 10 [/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aqua]///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color](126/100) [b][color=Aquamarine]Midna: level 9[/color][/b] EXP: [color=Aquamarine]////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////[/color] (193/100) [b][color=ea590c]Edward Portsmith: Level 4 [/color][/b][color=ea590c]////[/color]///////////////////////////// (4/40) [b][color=FD0000]Location:[/color][/b] The Dead Zone [/center] Despite acting to distract the Quad BT, the princess managed to be one of if not the first to clear its goop zone. This was because, once she and her Legion started getting to the buildings rising and sinking in the slime, she decided to skip ahead, slipping into the shadows and then simply hopping from one spot of shelter to another, the entire world her twilight domain thanks to the clouds above. This ended once she got to the end of course, and zombie building filled tar gave way to blasted empty wasteland, because the tree that was just beyond it hardly made for good cover. Great chunks of it sloughing off and crashing down to splatter on anything unfortunate enough to be beneath them saw to that. So she herself saw to dealing with that. She whipped a cloak off her back, which expanded larger and larger till it formed a protective dome of magic, providing thirty seconds of safety against the rain of water and flesh alike. Just in time, too, as a moment later Edward came crashing out of the top floor of one of the skyscrapers that was still in the process of rising (having landed in it when it was lower), shield flaring in the rain, and Quad BT leaping full on out of the top of the structure after him, like a cat pouncing after a pigeon. Despite how that battle of prey and predator often went, however, the Dreadnaught narrowly managed to swoop out of the way of the beast, which went splashing down into the muck below (unharmed of course) while he glided down to safety within the Giant’s shroud, boots digging furrows in the growing dying soil as he killed his momentum. Raw speed had ment both of them had gotten out of the mess mostly unscathed, particularly because they’d mainly suffered aging to replaceable scales and wings, but that didn’t mean they were done being involved in it. Minda shadow hopped back in, a phantom in the walls calling out and flickering in and out of the shadows to distract the Quad BT, while Edward summoned and sent out disposable copper golems marching into the jaws of the beast to get torn apart by it, the magic-constructs leaving nothing behind to be eaten. The troop kids arrived last of all, their land swimming whale steed with its Goldlewis’ provided rainshield making it effortless to avoid the environment hazards, and yet also making them a big target for the Quad BT, resulting in lots of cat and mousing to keep ahead of the beast. Not to mention it being most obstructed by the buildings due to having to go around them. The conclusion to that almost ended in tragedy, but instead ended with Jr cheering [color=SpringGreen]”Way to go! That was so cool!”[/color] when Goldlewis got clear from the danger he’d already bailed them out of in an incredibly dramatic faction. Rika meanwhile was, while also pleased everyone was good, just a little upset about her whale biting the dust. That one had lasted quite a while after all, even if it was entirely replaceable, though doing so would be a (literal) pain. With the shroud above timing out, and the threat of flesh and flood returning, there was certainly a need for that unfortunately, and so from the soil there burst a fresh whale, forged from a sacrifice of blood from the princess. Fortunately, with magic back on the menu, so to was access to the Avenger’s armory, and so with a retrieved paintbrush acting as a catalyst for his magic, her brother swiftly saw to her wounds while the new whale’s guns and fireball breath started to hammer the wall of the tower along with the others. Edward needed a little prep to start helping, but when it came to breaching walls of dark towers, he did have the perfect tool for the job, after a bit of chanting at least: [color=ea590c]”From the forge comes thunderous justice. Magic bound in steel by mortal hands and directed against those who would use the same to claim to be gods. Hear the people’s roar against false divinity, and watch as it breaks their monsters, breaks their walls and breaks their spirits till all worlds have had their darkness burned away, and the guns at last can fall silent”[/color] [hider=Edward Level up] Power: [url=https://i.imgur.com/XWbcWQH.png]Magelock Cannon[/url] (tier 3 unit): Magitech engineering’s solution to building a maglock too big for someone to carry, which is to turn the weapon into a self propelled gun. This large cannon fires not cannon balls, but instead magical rounds that, upon impact, denote in such a way as to create a linear shockwave three soldiers wide that will pulse forwards, potentially devastating six entire ranks of enemy soldiers should they be so tightly packed. It is also capable of moving, anchoring itself (which takes 5 seconds), aiming, firing and reloading (over 5 seconds) entirely independent of a crew due to being a magical construct. Defensively, it sports typical construct stats: highly reinforced vs physical ranged, decent armor vs physical melee, very little resistance vs magic, and a weakness to electric attacks. [/hider] [color=ea590c]”It’s wording could do with some amendments, I was quite irrational angry when I wrote this, but I am still more than happy with the results”[/color] he said, as the three full sized cannons he’d just forged from thin air stabbed spikes into the ground to stabilize themselves, before promptly drowning out everything else as a triple barrage of magi-tech firepower went crashing into the tower’s walls. This was much to the displeasure of the baby strapped to his chest, the Dreadnought having not really had time or know-how to help sooth poor baby Mario. So he stepped away from the guns, which were able to keep blasting away every 5 seconds without his input, and set about passing off the problem to someone else. To be fair though, it would be very much for the best. [color=ea590c]”Miss Sandalphon, are you able to evacuate the infants from the field with the teleportation skill you just used? The magic linking to the armory would be rather detrimental to their health unfortunately, so you are, I believe, our best shot at getting them out of harm's way”[/color] he enquired as they worked at breaching the tower. While others hammered at the walls, Minda, who had had plenty of fun messing with the BT and didn’t have much frustration to work out, instead geared up in preparation for a fight, and then made sure to be one of the first into the breach, doing so with stamina and mana to spare. Shield in one hand, lance in another, a razor sharp fan in a third, and riding atop her Beast Legion, she charged forwards to meet the defenders that would surely be rallying to the tower’s defence, and instead ran right into a warzone consisting of undead meat monsters battling insectile demons. [color=Aquamarine]”Just like in the dreams”[/color] Minda laughed as she was struck by deja vu for situations just like this from her half remembered time as a warlady of the deadzone. Naturally, both sides were displeased with a third one entering the battle, but only the floodfested had the numbers to really pivot and come try and take a bite out of them. So Midna made sure to strike first, careening forwards towards their lines before her Beast legion leapt, claws slashing down onto a infested charger, using it as a stepping stone to leap again and let Minda deliver a lance strike straight through the skull of an [url=https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/warframe/images/a/a9/HealerAncientDE.png]ancient healer[/url] that she’d identified as the source of some kind of buffing aura that died alongside it. She and her beast then landed among the horde, but she didn’t seem concerned. [color=Aquamarine]”Alright, who’s next? All of you? Suit yourselves!”[/color] She flicked the fan, using it as a casting implement, summoning four spectral [url=https://i.imgur.com/5yg2sOT.jpeg]Poes[/url] who then began swirling around her bodies ghosting through her foes, stealing the life from the masses while and granting it to their mistress she started to snuff out the foes lives more directly. Her shadow hand crashed down, her minions arose as titans to annihilate swaths of the sickness, all the while lance and fan struck down more powerful foes and her shield, armor and untouchable steed kept her, at least somewhat, safe from harm. Behind her, Rika, Jr and Edward all took a more supportive role in the form of ranged bombardment. Maglock cannons sang out every five seconds, launched over the heads of the melee fighters towards packs of infested charging towards them, blasting them apart before they could even take part in the battle, while Edaward himself did his best to snipe priority targets with the Therian Viral Rifle, or to heal allies using either it or his feather staff striker. Rika’s whale did most of her blasting, while the princess focusing on saving ammunition for latter fights by sending out shocker swarms from her hangers to zap their foes, or, when they got closer, lashing out with the Red Baron flying blades, delivering slashing claw strikes or skewering stabs barrages from within the safety of Sectonia’s aoe doom field. Finally, she also found another use for her Vespikan Ichor Queen striker, which could stab its giant blade into the ground to cause large patches of the tree’s biological floors to reach up, trying to grab the reanimated corpses in order to drag them back into the ground where they belonged. Jr had Peeka and Mimi do his blasting for him, electroballs and plasma bolts peppering the enemy, while he first focused on setting up defenses, painting flaming goop and scattering iron marbles around their firing position. Once that was set up, he switched to providing healing support, throwing out Cures and Esuras to help heal and cleanse the melee fighters whenever they took hits or debuffs.