[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/3S9qxpP.png[/img] [color=#4DD0E1][b]Time:[/b][/color][color=lightgray][color=lightgray] Evening [color=#4DD0E1][b]Location:[/b][/color] Camping Event [/color] [color=#4DD0E1][b]Interactions[/b]:[/color] [@Rodiak] Matthias [@CitrusArms] Straya [color=black]☁[/color] [color=#4DD0E1][b]Mentions:[/b][/color] [color=black]☁[/color] [@Conscripts] John [color=black]☁[/color] [@Tpartywithzombi] Ariella [color=#4DD0E1][b]Aesthetic:[/b][/color] [color=black]☁[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/UPMjg7Z.jpeg]Hair[/url] [color=black]☁[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/luTrRXs.jpeg]Necklace[/url] [color=black]☁[/color] [url=i.imgur.com/tm8pgAz.jpeg.jpeg]Bandanna, Outfit (ignore the shoes)) [/url] [/color] [color=black]☁[/color] [url=https://i.imgur.com/GwIjjIE.jpeg]Boots[/url][/center][hr] [color=lightgray]Kira politely bowed to Sir Matthias and dipped her head respectfully. [color=#4DD0E1]”I hear a good discussion over there on swordsmanship; my curiosity is piqued so I must join! I would enjoy your company if you come!”[/color] Kira strode over to the group and politely waited for a turn to join. Ariella wanted to learn from the knight how to use a sword. The rest of what was said was not of interest to Kira. On the other hand, she heard Prince Callum and Riona whispering and then gesture for Ariella to converse with them. Ariella left to join Riona and Callum which left Stratya alone. She looked over at John who had left Roman, who was also idled and busy. She joined the the knight with a half-smile and shyness. [color=#4DD0E1]”Hi, good evening! My name’s Kira! I heard some discussion on swordsmanship? I would be interested in learning more. Y’know, us females have to stick together.”[/color] Kira laughed and glanced at Stratya. [color=#4DD0E1]”What's your name? Are you looking forward to the rest of the evening? I think the cooking competition sounds fun! All The food looks good, I hope I won’t be alone in diving into that.”[/color] Throughout the exchange, Kira’s demeanor was friendly, innocent and sweeter than a strawberry dipped in chocolate. She waited for their answers patiently.[/color]