"..." Immediately upon citing the corpse, Kaku Seiga's eyes narrowed. Perhaps much more surprisingly was the fact the dead girl was moving. Rocking side to side, as if attempting to get up without the use of her arms. A faint 'uuuuu' sound could be heard from the body. The fact she was facedown muffled it, but it was still audible. The blue-haired necromancer was almost immediately by her side, her hands on the corpse's shoulders and pulling it up. Rather then looking at all decayed, despite her pallid features she was completely intact. That and the fact she was sniffling slightly, even as her arms stuck out stiffly in front of her, made for a surreal sight. "Nyan-nyan..." The undead girl trembled, her eyes watering. "They took my orders and pushed me down now I don't know what to doooooo..." "Tch. There there, hold on a moment..." Reaching into her clothing, the necromancer produced a paper talisman and swiftly attached it to the jiangshi's forehead. "It's a good thing I always keep a spare on me. Who did this, Yoshika-chan?" Seiga said, as she placed her hands beneath the undead girl's armpits and hauled her up to her feet. A vacant expression crossed Yoshika's watery eyes for a few moments, and after a pause that would make one question if she had somehow fallen asleep she finally spoke. "Intruders! They went inside!" It was likely Seiga was hoping for a more specific response, but that wasn't what she received. Still, rather then expression irritation, she merely ran her hand through the jiangshi's hair before returning her fallen hat to her. "Then I'll deal with them. Unfortunately, there's little time to introduce you to my guests, though at least one of them already knows you," she said, glancing back and gesturing towards Sanae and Rayne. The jiangshi stared at the pair for a few moments, recognition appearing on her pale features after a few moments. "Kochiya!" she declared, rather brightly despite her prior mood, "And... another!" "I'll introduce you all later," Seiga declared with a wave of her hand, "Follow me. I have some rats to take care of, but then I'll be able to alleviate your symptoms. [hr] [h2]Heir to the Konpaku[/h2] ---The timing really can't be any worse. When it comes to people in Gensokyo, there's not very many I can say I find truly uncomfortable to be around. I might dislike someone, or I might want to avoid them for one reason or another(not that I would lose to them in a fight). Kaku Seiga is one of these few. Her very presence is discomforting. Every word out of her mouth is discomforting. If I had a choice to avoid entering in Senkai, I would have taken it. Not that I can't defeat her, but just from the fact I don't went want to interact with her in the first place. Unfortunately, it looks like I'm not going to have any choice in the matter. Kaku Seiga, a furious expression on her features, has just entered the senkai with her jiangshi in toe. "Just [i]what[/i] do you think you're doing?! Trespassing is bad enough, but doing that to my darling Yoshika---!" My hand immediately drifts to Roukanken's hilt. If I can cut her out of the air fast enough, I won't have to deal with her, right? [@DracoLunaris][@FujiwaraPhoenix][@Raineh Daze]