[center][b][color=92278f][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/241126/8967c686ef66b7df799ca21f20fe5ada.png[/img][/color][/b][/center] Max perked up at the suggestion to play Smash. The sadness from earlier as his cheerful grin returned to his face. [color=92278f]“Oh absolutely. You’re on!”[/color] He took another sip of his hot chocolate, glancing around the table as he set the thermos back down. [color=92278f]“Fair warning, I’ve been practicing. I’ve got Kirby down to an art form. You won’t stand a chance.”[/color] Max paused, tilting his head with a serious expression. [color=92278f]“Unless, of course, you’re trying to throw the game on purpose. Just so you have an excuse to eat the hottest wings and prove how much of a ‘tough guy’ you are.”[/color] He made air quotes with his fingers before laughing. Then his gaze shifted to Fae and Erin. [color=92278f]“You two are joining, right? Smash is more fun with more people after all!”[/color] When the bell rang, his grin faltered slightly as the realization set in. [color=92278f]“Ugh, 8 a.m. already?”[/color] he groaned, tucking his pencil behind his ear. [color=92278f]“Time for class. It’s not even an art class. Ugh, stupid prerequisites… Anyway, I’ll see you guys later!”[/color] Without missing a beat, he leaned in, and gave Damon a hug without a second thought before running off to class before he was scolded by the professor for coming in late.