[center][img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/5c54a990-cd39-433d-9139-15262cf86042.png[/img][/center] King, being a full construct, had no need to suit up in order to endure the pitiable conditions of hard vacuum and cosmic radiation - though whether or not the etheric forces writhing within the Sargasso were of any influence to him was less certain. As it came into view, he actually seemed to *shrink* - literally, hunching over as he eyed the derelict warily. [color=5FADAD][sub]"Not this shit again."[/sub][/color] He could be heard to utter quietly. As they all cycled out onto the station exterior, he seemed laughably underdressed for the occasion - but he glided through space with what seemed to be perfect precision, making no evident corrective maneuvers. He simply moved and went exactly how he wanted to, almost as if he had perfect motion control even in hard vacuum. As the group struck out from the dropship and towards their chosen entry point, King's form shimmered and turned eerily translucent - light from one side of him gliding and being projected back out the other as a form of optical camouflage. Not the most effective at short distances, but from a distance or simply in a very dark space it would likely do the trick. In the shadow of the looming station, he became exceedingly difficult to pick out unless the team checked against any of the signal filters he read as being completely dead on. [quote=Salvator][color=#DAEE01][b]"Ingress through the hatch. Others are too suspicious. We'll rotate who's on point as we go through, no sense killing any single one of us from the stress. Rho-Hux, you're up first. Let's keep it quiet as best we can."[/b][/color][/quote] [quote=Ilshar][b]“Maybe the hatch is not suspicious enough,” he commented as the squad advanced towards the least ominous of the ingress points, “It’s what thinking, material boarders would use. We might not be the first.”[/b][/quote] [i][color=5FADAD]"I'm uh, with the big guy on this one, chief."[/color][/i] King chipped in over comms. His voice was all-but cracking from evident apprehension. [i][color=5FADAD]"This is a tiny chokepoint, probably booby-trapped, leading into a killbox, and there is some little shit waiting for us to go in so they can seal the way back out behind us."[/color][/i] Almost as if his simple utterance would make it come true, King began swiveling about, taking in the immediate surroundings, paying particular attention to anything obstructing line of sight or any corners. He had not put out any active scans or bursts, thankfully. [i][color=5FADAD]"Say what you will about the big exposed hull breach; at least we would be able to get back out that way pretty easily. This hatch may as well be a coffin."[/color][/i] His camouflaged form was practically rigid now as they came closer to the hatch, in stark contrast to his erratic bout of movement earlier - and his voice had a faint undertone of near-panic to it. Whatever the advantages of his evidently malleable form were - hiding his feelings, if indeed he had any, was not one of them.