[Centre][H2][color=bc8dbf]Lord and lady Coswain[/color][/H2][/Centre] [Centre][H3][color=bc8dbf]The Moon Temple & Attack site[/color][/H3][/Centre] Coswain had an ongoing pressure in his head as he realised how far the situation had begun to move into utter chaos, he managed to Calm down as he looked round and tried to make the best of the worst. He noted Katherine moved over to his side and moved to block her and Ayel, standing between them and blocking his line of attack or harm. [color=6ecff6]“So swords and claws, just great, one is bad enough, maybe both. We need to debrief him, but I need to be free to fight, we watch. We need all senses and swords until we are safer.”[/color] He said and yup, of course it was bad he replied quietly at a very low whisper, he agreed but he also did not see a way to arrest someone without causing more trouble than they had. [color=6ecff6]“He is going to get killed… rather him than me…”[/color] Lord Coswain sighed at Ayel, he was better off out their way. He had her advice, The Princess was missing, he had an unknown threat, and he had a noble causing migraines, all at the same time. He had to act, they had to move, but he did not want to take this man near her, but he had to find her too, and defend Katherine. [color=6ecff6]“Right, OK, We have multiple conflicting aims, so we will move to the camp, and try to locate the Princess as we move, if we do, we secure and move her. fl we find the enemy. We kill it, if we do not. We move there, get more guards, search for patterns. We accomplish both goals after. Staying alive is what matters, they need to know what's going on.”[/color] He looked at the young confused guard and he was a liability but they needed all eyes and ears they could also, he could just be affected by the attacker? He would have to keep a close eye on him. A cool calmness of command fell over the man, this was what he did. He had a plan, now he had to execute it. [color=6ecff6]“Come on, let's get moving. We are going to help the Princess lad, we just have to be smarter about this, This is far from my first tough situation.”[/color] He placed a hand on thr man's shoulder and gave it a squeeze. [color=6ecff6]“The Royal Guard stands no matter what.”[/color] He said, trying to get the man's confidence up and make him more effective. [b]Mentions[/b] [@Dezuel][@SpicyMeatball][@Dark Light]