[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/sfL4M8x.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240501/f05a736427987502b04e7512136c14ae.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Town Square[/sub][/cell][/row][/table]To an onlooker, Flynn might’ve appeared calm, his expression neutral and composed, but inside, unease coiled tightly in his chest. His steps leaving the temple were brisk, though he did everything in his power not to appear rushed. Gadez’s cryptic words lingered in his mind, each syllable replaying over and over again. Resting atop his sword hilt, his left hand tightened its grip out of frustration. He refused to give that puppeteer’s words weight enough to visibly rattle him. But the possibility, the mere suggestion that something might have happened to Amaya, gnawed at him. Despite his best efforts to ignore it, something inside told him Gadez wasn’t lying—[i]this time[/i]. As he grew closer to the town square, a frantic voice sliced through the air. Flynn’s steps faltered for a moment as he listened, his stomach twisting. [color=f49ac2][b]"Grab your pitchforks! Torches! Find the culprits! Hide your children! The monsters are real!"[/b][/color] Flynn sighed heavily as Ayel’s voice rang out with exaggerated drama. Unfortunately, he knew that voice anywhere. The voice that had grated him since childhood—one that he had been hoping to avoid for much longer. [color=f49ac2][b]"Find the blightborn murderers and I shall pay for your drinks for the next three days at the inn! I told you they couldn't be trusted!"[/b][/color] [color=337d71][i]‘Murderers?’[/i][/color] he thought, his sense of dread growing. Had something happened or was this another one of Ayel’s dramatic meltdowns? Nonetheless, the insinuations were a disaster waiting to ignite. Ayel wasn’t just making a scene; he was stoking the embers of fear and suspicion. [color=f49ac2][b]"Prince Flynn in his goodness has tried to shield them! And they have exploited it! Spread out! Look for the lunaris princess! Leave no peasant home unturned! Find the guilty blightborn monsters! With me!"[/b][/color] [color=337d71][i]‘Look for Amaya? Is she missing?’[/i][/color] His heartbeat picked up pace. As he approached Ayel, Flynn tightened his jaw, forcing himself to maintain the calm facade he’d become so adept at projecting. Every instinct screamed at him to break into a run toward the tavern, to find Amaya, to confirm she was safe, but he couldn’t ignore the scene Ayel was stirring up. The townsfolk began muttering among themselves, a mix of confusion and unease rippling through the crowd as they warily eyed Ayel. This fire needed to be doused before it could spread. [color=337d71]"[i][b]Ayel.[/b][/i]"[/color] His voice cut through the crowd noise like a blade, cold and commanding. The chatter of the townsfolk hushed, their wary gazes snapping toward the prince. [color=337d71]“What are you doing?”[/color] Flynn stepped closer, his posture straight, his eyes narrowed as he locked eyes with the flailing nobleman. [color=337d71]“Put the torch down.”[/color] Flynn commanded, his voice carrying the weight of unspoken consequences. [color=337d71]“This is not an Aurelian battleground. Inciting fear, chaos, and violence is not how we do things. Now—tell me exactly what happened.”[/color] Flynn’s gaze bored into Ayel, making it clear that his antics wouldn’t be tolerated. The tension in the air was palpable, and the gathered crowd watched in silence, awaiting the nobleman’s response. [hr] [Sub][b]Interactions:[/b] Ayel [@Dezuel][/sub]