[@SpicyMeatball][@PrinceAlexus] [colour=goldenrod][u][H2]Aliseth[/h2][/u][/colour][hr][COLOUR=#C0C0C0]Murder scene[/COLOUR] [hr] Aliseth stared at the priestess before him as her reply lead him to wonder what manners of torment she had endured. Her findings did not surprise him although they offered little answers to the situation. He let out a sigh of relief as the nobleman left without things turning to violence. Still, he seemed intent on causing chaos. Aliseth wondered if that would come back to haunt them later. While he didn't admire the man at all, he could however understand his disdain for the blightborn. They were monsters after all. Returning his focus back to the task and the remaining people standing beside one another, he listen to Coswain's words. The whispers between the two were unsettling but he acted like he hadn't noticed. Of course they considered him a suspect. All he could do to convince them otherwise was agree and go along. [colour=goldenrod]"I don't wish to disagree with you, but, I believe it is imperative that the scene remain secured. We don't want bystanders to come by and panic or cause a commotion."[/colour] His eyes moved to the direction Ayel had left in. [colour=goldenrod]"Any more anyway."[/colour] He added. He stood tall. [colour=goldenrod] "The body should be covered and guarded or at least brought with us."[/colour] He said firmly, looking between the man and the woman, trying to gage their reaction. Searching for support. He wasn't sure if it was a sense of duty that forced him to hold tight to that cause, or a sense of guilt and respect for the dead. Either way, his eyes shone with determination and his stance was firm as his ideals. He could only imagine what would happen if more people stumbled across this scene. [colour=goldenrod]"What ever your choice, it should be made in haste. And I assure you, I am here to help how ever I can."[/colour] While his words were for both, his dark hazel eyes were on the priestess.