[table][row][cell][img]https://i.imgur.com/tbIvwoy.png[/img][/cell][cell][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/240504/7ea89157aa7490b85c1faa2a61df7e74.png[/img][/cell][/row] [row][cell][sub]Location: Hot Springs / Townsquare[/sub][/cell][/row][/table]Kira brushed strands of damp hair away from her face and tugged her coat tighter as she stole one last glance at Orion and Sya. Their conversation continued to flow with ease, and a small part of her hesitated, urging her to stay. Keep talking. Make “friends.” This was what she had wanted, wasn’t it? A chance at connection, at finding community after two years of solitude. Yet, the idea felt threatening and unnatural. Solace, isolation—they were familiar, safe. Despite herself, she turned away, her boots tapping against the stone steps as she climbed. Halfway up, the world shifted. Like a brick wall slamming into her senses, she froze mid-step. Her eyes dilated as every nerve in her body sharpened. A faint, metallic tang carried on the breeze—a scent she knew too well. Iron. Blood. Her gaze flicked back toward Orion. From the stairs, she studied him, searching for any sign that he, too, had noticed it. But he remained engrossed in conversation, his expression unbothered. Then, she realized, Orion wasn’t like her. It was because she was a blood-fed blight-born that this scent called to her so strongly. Whatever type of blight-born he was, his instincts didn’t seem as attuned to blood as hers. Tearing her gaze from Orion, she resumed her steps, a battle beginning to rage within. Every instinct screamed at her to follow the scent, to find its source, to sate the hunger that had been part of her existence for years. Yet her human side—the fragile piece that still clung to normalcy—wondered why. Why was she smelling blood? Why so close to town? Maybe it was just a hunter returning with a kill, the blood fresh from the field. No… She knew this scent didn’t belong to an animal. It was human. Kira exhaled slowly in an attempt to steady herself as she slipped back into the temple. Quiet voices echoed down the halls, but she ignored them. As she passed, her eyes briefly caught the figure of Gadez speaking to the Priestess down a hallway. Out of curiosity, she raised an amused eyebrow. The Priestess sure did seem rather friendly with that man, but Kira couldn’t stay to find out why. The metallic scent lingered in her mind, pulling her towards the exit. Without a word, she hurried back outside. The scent grew stronger, vivid and tantalizing. Her tongue flicked across her fangs as she nearly salivated, the hunger clawing its way to the surface. Following a trail of fresh footprints, her boots crunched against ice as she moved further into town. Near the square, she spotted the Prince and that insufferable nobleman speaking, their exchange tense enough to draw the crowd’s attention. The air felt charged, a static tension rippling through the people around them. Kira’s gaze flicked briefly to the scene, but she didn’t stop to listen. Not now. Her focus was singular. The scent led her westward, pulling her deeper into the outskirts of Dawnhaven, the town’s hum fading as she drew closer to the source. [hr] [sub][b]Mentions:[/b] Orion [@Qia], Sya [@PrinceAlexus], Ayel, Gadez [@Dezuel], Tia [@c3p-0h][/sub]