[img]https://files.catbox.moe/9kfkwe.png[/img] The nobleman snapped out of his blissful state on hearing a name which bore a certain elegance to it. It was his own. Of course it were. But it was uttered by none other than his bestest friend ever. The prince had arrived on the scene. Ayel casually tossed the torch to the ground on hearing Flynn. He was correct. Holding unto a torch wasn't very noble-like, but those thickheaded commoners wouldn't probably know how to assemble a proper lynch-mob without his guidance. [color=f49ac2][b]"Your highness! My dear friend! It is a disaster! It is not my intent to spread fear or incite violence, I am a lover, not a fighter! But we are being attacked! A northern barb- A northern migrant whose also a blightborn has attacked and killed some guardsman and the girl you have married has been taken! She is missing! I just couldn't stay idle when my dearest friend's woman has been taken! That precious, innocent… uh...lovable…[/b][/color] [color=f49ac2][i]'Digusting filthy barbarian bitch of a woman…'[/i][/color] He thought. [color=f49ac2][b]"Northern girl."[/b][/color] Ayel dramatically pulled at the ruffled area of his shirt, as if he was in physical pain. [color=f49ac2][b]"West of Dawnhaven! Near the forest! Close to the winter-witch temple! A northerner lies without his head! Oh I tried to follow her footsteps, but those lousy guardsmen had trampled the snow so not even I could find the way. So I did what was within my power, arranging a rescue party! But alas... you see the people I have to work with your highness?"[/b][/color] He gave the nearby commoners and blightborns a look of dislike. [color=f49ac2][b]"Fault not the man for his virtues but for his character, but even then, can I truly be blamed for the actions of things currently not under my gentle grip. If your highness would bestow unto me a small token of control, I could arrange an orderly search, your highness willing of course."[/b][/color] Ayel bowed. It was required. But he hated bowing. His back was made for far gentler things. Bowing was a thing for servants. Not for almost-royals like himself.