A mission! No more talks, no more lords giving orders from lofty chairs. This is where beasts like Rho-Hux belonged. Being told to go first was a great honor. Rho-Hux relaxed his body and triggered his stealth ability. He bit down on the collar of his suit for extra measures, triggering its camouflage abilities. [i]Strange[/i] he thought to himself. [i]I felt sore the last time I ran this fast.[/i] He figured it could have been the regenerative implants they gave him not too long ago, or he was excited to be on the field again. It reminded him of when he read about ancient hunting animals humans had domesticated in their homeworld. Canis Familiars, or something like that. Working familiars that specialized in herding or hunting would grow restless and develop health problems. Perhaps that's why he felt so good after challenging that rude tech-worm to a duel. It didn't matter if he lost or won. This old familiar wanted to hunt! Looking back at his comrades, he could not see their faces. All Rho-Hux could see were the serious, stoic faces of loyal Imperial soldiers. At times, he wasn't even in a spaceship; he was in a jungle world with soldiers who had died decades ago. Once he had scanned the surrounding area, he gave his first report. "[color=00a651]Lieutient Xis-Nev, no warm bodies spotted. Area one is secured. Proceed with caution. Heading to area two. Wait for my signal.[/color] Rho-Hux stopped in his tracks momentarily to rethink what he just said. Did he just say Xis-Nev? Xis-Nev was a lieutenant who served with him on Cluub-Prime. He was another Gealtirocht. Rho-Hux was talking to Salvator Rasch. That's what he said. Yes. He was just thinking of an old friend, but Rho-Hux was confident he had said Rasch or maybe Ard’sabekh. He certainly didn't say Xis-Nev. Rho-Hux activated his comms one more time before moving further ahead to scout. "[color=00a651]In my old unit, I would tap the in-armor comms three times to signal danger ahead to avoid making any noise the enemy might overhear. Is this compatible with your unit?[/color]