[center][h3]Dead Zone - the Qliphoth[/h3] Lvl 14 Ms Fortune (112/140) Lvl 9 Goldlewis (65/90) Lvl 7 Sandalphon (40/70) Lvl 3 [color=ef6069]Grimm[/color] (23/30) Midna, Junior, Rika & Edward’s [@DracoLunaris] Blazermate, Sectonia & Roland’s [@Archmage MC] Geralt, Zenkichi & Edelgard’s [@MULTI_MEDIA_MAN] Ace Cadet, Pit, Primrose & Therion’s [@Yankee] Juri’s [@Zoey Boey] Roxas, Ganondorf, & Captain Falcon’s [@Double] Venom Snake’s [@DisturbedSpec] the Witch’s [@Drifting Pollen] [b]Word Count:[/b] 3689 (+4)[/center] From the moment Nadia first stepped into the Qliphoth, the catgirl had been ready to fight. Everything about this alien place puzzled her senses and sensibilities, creating a profound sense of unease. This place just felt wrong. Somewhere between ‘innards’ and ‘interior’, its various structures seemed organic enough to remind her of the vile Womb she and the others braved deep within the literal bowels of the Under. That in turn threatened to provoke the phagophobia instilled in her by her horrific night in the Maw, but luckily Nadia’s new surroundings struck her as too bizarre to cause any reaction beyond goosebumps. In its pristine state the strange patterns of the Qliphoth’s insides might have intrigued someone like Sectonia by virtue of the unique aesthetic and abundant radial symmetry, like a towering coral reef from another world. But the incursion of not one but several extraterrestrial plagues, visible in the form of enormous, tumorous outcrops and grotesquely fleshy growths filled wasp and feral alike with visceral disgust. The end result was a hellish hybrid of plant and animal, overrun with wretched parasites, with one of the seven remaining Guardians hidden somewhere inside. Before the Seekers could hunt down their target, however, they would need to contend with the horde. Within moments of the heroes’ arrival, the local vermin sounded the alarm. As the awful outburst of howls and shrieks resounded through the Qliphoth’s cambium, more and more twisted voices joined the spine-chilling chorus, heeding the frontrunners’ summons. Nadia flattened her ears at the horrible din, but stood her ground alongside her teammates, even as the tear in the demon tree’s outer wall began to pull itself together behind them. Once it sewed itself together with fleshy tendrils like a surgeon’s sutures, there was no going back–only breaking through. “There’s a clawful lot of ‘em,” Nadia punned with a toothy smile, sharpening her claws. “Let’s give ‘em a zom-beatdown!” Grimm’s scarlet eyes narrowed as he observed the incoming mob. [color=ef6069]“Witless slaves,”[/color] he remarked, his tone scathing. [color=ef6069]“I’ve seen their like before. Hollow vessels of infection…their kind are all of a piece.”[/color] “We must avoid infection at all costs. I will cleanse the team with Angelic Wings regularly,” Sandalphon announced. “They don’t look like much, but let’s not get cocky, y’all!” Goldlewis cautioned the team as he dropped his coffin. When the lid slid open, the UMA lifted a Skyfish minigun into his waiting hands. He lifted the mass of heavy metal into firing position with a no-nonsense look on his face. “Don’t run off and get yourself surrounded!” The next moment his words gave way to the uproarious report of his minigun as bullets ripped into the first wave of undead monsters. With their backs against the wall and mobs trickling in from three out of the four sides, Seekers quickly and naturally formed a defensive line, centered around Sectonia. Her auto-targeted volleys of necrotic skulls and dark lightning could seek out and destroy anything that got too close, so long as her teammates thinned the numbers beforehand. The gunslingers and other mages entrenched themselves around her position to cover as many angles as possible. Edward’s three maglock cannons served as the backbone of the team’s artillery, their thunder as dependably regular as the beat of a wardrum, obliterating a whole gang of floodfested monsters every 1.67 seconds. Further forward stood the mobile perimeter of melee fighters, weapons at the ready to reap the undead legions like wheat at a harvest. Having selected her gunstaff for its higher rate of fire, Sandalphon haunted the center of the Seekers’ formation. Through scanning the area she quickly detected a length of entangled nerve fibers, redundant organs, and thin sensory membranes stretched overhead, and once the archangel vaulted on top of that ganglion she could easily oversee the whole battlefield while still being in range for her skills. Blazermate might excel at sustaining one fighter at a time, after all, and others harbored their own methods of healing, but none could beat the party-wide recovery that Sandalphon offered. Fortunately the Seekers came out of the gate swinging, and since they seemed to be in control, Sandalphon could focus on offense. She took aim at larger targets yet to reach the front lines and opened fire, placing shot after well-aimed shot. When drawn to an infested charger, she noted the disfigured head of the plague’s humanoid host dangling beneath the front of the quadruped’s frame, but when she blasted it off with a bolt of ether the rest of the freakish thing didn’t even slow down. The sharpshooter curled her lip slightly and aimed next for center mass, which obliterated the charger in a burst of technocyte biotics. [i]Lesson learned.[/i] Another one down, who knows how many more to go. While Goldlewis knew he could throw down in the melee alongside Edelgard and Juri, he knew that this fight was just an appetizer and that the team had one hell of a main course ahead of them. He judged it better to not waste his energy on the small fry, or risk the natural ebb and flow of battle leaving him suddenly stranded in a sea of monsters. Instead he hung back at the midrange, his firepower strong but limited thanks to the rate at which the UMA’s Security Level replenished. Forced to be choosy, Goldlewis spent his resource on larger targets, mowing them down with a burst of gunfire from his Skyfish or an explosive Thunderbird drone. In this way he played much the same role as Rika; if any floodfested managed to get through the front lines, they’d have to get through one heavy metal gunner or another before reaching the team’s squishy core. He especially relished the sight of swollen, shambling [url=https://i.imgur.com/mrHB076.png]carrier forms[/url] and diseased [url=https://i.imgur.com/torQyYg.png]broodmothers[/url] which his bullets could pop like zits, prematurely releasing their stores of scuttling [url=https://i.imgur.com/sSeVEe8.png]infection forms[/url] and purple-red [url=https://i.imgur.com/PufIEgc.png]maggots[/url] that could be mopped up by Sectonia’s magic or Junior’s paint. Still, he couldn’t get too excited. Every time Goldlewis spotted the distended, glassy-eyed head of a human or animal lolling above protruding crimson feelers, the chill down his spine reminded him why he was here. Full of adrenaline after her brush with death, Nadia fought at the forefront beside the likes of Geralt and Roland on the front lines. As much as she would’ve liked to keep these pestilential peons at arm’s length, she was a hand-to-hand fighter through and through, so there was nothing for it but to trust in Sandalphon’s cleansing. While she couldn’t swing around a giant sword like Zenkichi to take out half a dozen floodfested at once, she could run circles around any that came her way. With fangs and claws bared, she took the fight to the first runner with a leaping overhead slash, then released a pressurized blood dropkick that blasted it away and herself backward. The bloody burst momentarily staggered a gang of combat forms, but a charge broke through and pounced as Nadia fell. She performed a handspring off the ground to avoid it, then launched her left forearm in midair to snatch the charger like a grappling hook. The next second she landed on the wretch with a Mantread-empowered stomp. Without missing a bit, a combat form barreled forward to deliver a clothesline with its mutated arm, but Nadia popped off her head to duck underneath it. She whirled around and grabbed the freak by the arm as her head fell back into place, severed the limb with a vertical chop, then swung it with both hands like a baseball bat to send her attacker packing. That stunt earned her a wallop from the next combat form in line, but Nadia drew an Athame as she stumbled backward, then nailed the miscreant with a short-ranged dagger throw that lowered its defense. From there an El Gato axe kick cleaved it apart, and as its halves fell Nadia landed only to see a torso leap at her. She grabbed the [url=https://i.imgur.com/ZvIm1LF.png]crawler[/url] out of the air, her claws sunk into its head, stomped a nauseous crawler beneath her boot before it could spray, and then kicked the first into an incoming combat form. A [url=https://i.imgur.com/NBD4XNS.png]many-legged carnis[/url] reared its ugly head too close for comfort, but as she blocked its snapping pincers her tail curled around the handle of her Athame, then hurled it into the beast’s torso. Nadia stepped forward, seized the dagger, and yanked it upward, causing the carnis to reel back just in time for the angry combat form to deck Nadia with a wild swing. The feral fell back, laid out flat on her beck. In an instant the floodfested swarmed around her, but Nadia was nothing if not a quick thinker. She launched a [url=https://i.imgur.com/nictM28.png]Fiber Upper[/url] from her prone position to kick straight through the loathsome head of the carnis, then snap up to her hyper-extended legs and escape the mob. Turning upside-down as she fell, she pierced the ground with her hardened ear and rotated her body in a lethal [url=https://i.imgur.com/R5flmeI.png]Wheel of Fortune[/url]. As she picked up speed, her legs extended farther, creating a whirling zone of death. Her technique carved up floodfested for a whole three seconds before her legs hit the solid body of a hulking tank form. “Uh oh.” The brute grabbed her by the legs, whipped her around, and slammed her down. She lay there, momentarily stunned, and the mob pushed forward with the tank at its head, only for three firebats to explode against its body in sequence. Nadia turned her head to see Grimm as the Troupe Master lifted up his cloak, then extended its ends into the ground. The next moment, spikes shot up beneath the floodfested, spearing the grunts and staggering the tank. “You make some good points!” With a grin she got to her feet, hurled her knife into the monster to cut down its defense, then revved up her arm. “You know the drill!” On a rocket of blood she shot the limb into the tank, which dug into its rotten flesh with gusto. As it did Grimm teleported into the air above and behind her target, then dove down with a corkscrew kick the other direction. After a messy second or two, both arm and Grimm burst through, and the tank slumped down while Grimm slid to a stop by Nadia. “Sick!” the feral smiled, lifting up her stump for a high five. When her ally stared at her quizzically, she launched muscle fibers from the end instead to retrieve her arm. More floodfested were already on the way, so bug and beast sharpened their claws together. “Alright, red eyes,” Nadia grinned, dousing the floor with Free Lemonade to rack up damage on all foes who got close. “Let’s slice ‘em up insections!” For a time, the Seekers dominated the fight with relative ease, despite the number and variety of enemies. They wouldn’t have to worry about friendly fire as much if they’d set up on a hill, so the long-rangers could shoot over the heads of the melee attackers, but they racked up many kills nonetheless. As the seconds turned into minutes, though, purer Flood and older Infested started showing up, many with nasty surprises like transformation or debilitative auras, and the fodder appeared in much greater numbers. To Goldlewis, it didn’t seem like it’d be long before the floodfested were jostling for space, a shoulder-to-shoulder mosh pit crowded around his merry band. The turning point, however, came with the arrival of a large [url=https://i.imgur.com/F16JZYC.png]Abomination[/url] that remained at a distance. With flashes of its lambent yellow sacs and waves of its whiplike arms the specialist seemed to take control of the floodfested horde, turning their mindless onrush into a coordinated assault that intelligently targeted specific individuals. Packs began to circle around to flank the Seekers, while in the distance strange [url=https://i.imgur.com/gTDcFrl.png]tissue masses[/url] the size of hot air balloons slowly drifted toward the Seekers’ position. At that, Goldlewis gritted his teeth. It would be bad enough if those things fell on them, but it was whatever they had inside their fleshy mouths that really worried him. “Hey, Sandalphon?” he called. “This ain’t gonna work for much longer. Tell me we got a way outta this doggone mess!” “I believe so.” The archangel’s voice emanated from the sigils of everyone in her ‘circle’. “It’s taken me some time to map out what I can of the area, but on the basis that the Qliphoth is roughly analogous to an ordinary tree, I have identified a number of veins that appear to pump xylem up from the roots to the Qliphoth’s upper reaches.” Changing her aim, Sandalphon took a shot at one such [url=https://i.imgur.com/xLaFUxC.png]vein[/url] on the periphery of the battlefield. Her ether bolt did enough damage to rupture the tunica layers and send xylem -which looked rather like blood- spilling out. “These veins are susceptible to forced entry. I recommend using the upward flow to quickly escape this battle and ascend the demon tree.” Pulling his claws from the stinking corpse of a tar-mutalist moa, Grimm glanced at the nearest bloodstream. It snaked upward along the Qliphoth’s inner wall, sometimes dangling in the open air, until it disappeared into the ceiling. Where it ended was anyone’s guess, but it couldn’t be much worse than here. He turned to Nadia as she hurled a Boiler into a mob to explode amongst them, and the two shared a nod. They sprinted away from the horde toward a bloodstream atop a high ledge, where their agility would give them the edge against their pursuers–those that couldn’t fly, at least. After climbing and leaping most of the way with [url=https://i.imgur.com/GWSTEXz.png]toxic Ospreys[/url] hot in their heels, they slashed open the giant vein, and Grimm dove inside. “Ugh!” Nadia groaned. “If this ruins my clothes, I’ll be seein’ red!” As poisonous payloads rained down around her, the feral climbed in. Meanwhile, one of the floating Genetrix finally opened wide, discharging a swarm of floodfested to rain down on the Seekers’ formation. “I goddamn knew it!” Goldlewis swore as he turned tail and barreled toward a bloodstream by the entrance. Sandalphon quickly stood up as well. She’d been nigh untouchable atop her ganglion, with only the spines of ranged forms to worry about, but with enemies literally pouring down it was time to go. As the first few floodfested shredded themselves on the razor wire she’d set up around her vantage point, she floated down after Goldlewis with Heavensent. She fired down at the swarm in the air, using the recoil to speed up her flight. With the floodfested only a couple hundred feet behind them, the two reached the vein together, but since neither could deal slash damage, they had to improvise. Sandalphon froze the surface of the vein with Frost Lock, allowing Goldlewis to punch through with a shotgauntlet. Without a moment’s hesitation for the sake of her formal wear Sandalphon immersed herself, and Goldlewis squeezed in after not a moment too soon, and the tunica healed itself just in time to block the claws and fangs behind him. For a terrifying moment it felt like the big man might clog the Qliphoth’s artery, but the next second the pressure pushed him through, and the veteran soared skyward. Borne by the bloodstreams like reverse waterslides, the team sped upward through the demon tree. The damage done to the bloodstreams weakened their flow, however, and it wasn’t long before the pressure diminished enough that the veins burst and the heroes popped out. Soaked in crimson xylem and desperate for a breath of fresh air, the Seekers found themselves either in cavelike hollows or atop large platforms suspended over open space, just large enough to serve as makeshift arenas. In addition to other veins leading even higher into the tree, these arenas tended to contain debris from the wreckage of Redgraccoon City, absorbed into the Qliphoth along with its populace, as well as floodfestation tumors. The Seekers would also find that the demon tree’s branching circulatory system had separated them in transit, meaning the allies that they’d ended up with might not be those who they fled alongside. Sandalphon remained deadpan as blood dripped from her face and hair, then rose gingerly from the ground. She appeared to be in a Qliphoth hollow with a relatively low roof, cluttered with outcrops of the alien material either as stalactites and stalagmites, or joined in columns. Strangest of all was the abundance of mirrors, scattered and arranged throughout as if this section of the Qliphoth had consumed a carnival’s house of mirrors. “Hm.” It was quiet here, and other than a few boils she couldn’t see any sign of the floodfestation. She approached one of the mirrors, trying to salvage her hair, until a noise from behind her suggested that someone else had arrived. The shape that flopped out of the broken vein didn’t belong to Goldlewis, though. Evidently the team’s method of transit had separated and rejoined them at random, which reminded Sandalphon a lot of Arahabaki. “Hm.” After confirming that her ally was alright, Sandalphon glanced back at the mirror. Her reflection had been replaced by a [url=https://i.imgur.com/ur7xSpx.png]nightmarish monstrosity[/url], an amalgamation of corpses tied together with barbed wire, cloaked in raven-black hair, and adorned with a giant buzz saw. Sandalphon’s brows rose as her pupils became dots. “Hm!” The horror’s many faces crowed hideously as it raised its saw. Sandalphon leaped backward, using Heavensent to gain ground, and threw a Frost Lock at the thing in the mirror. The icy cluster reflected off the surface and back at Sandalphon, freezing her solid as the Guardian smashed through the mirror. Laughing with many voices, the Guardian approached with its buzzsaw to finish Sandalphon off. When Grimm slumped out of a bloodstream, even more scarlet than usual, he blinked his baleful eyes open to see a large, dark chamber half overgrown with floodfestation. Swollen pustules and weeping sores blinked down at him like abominable eyes, but Grimm’s own lingered on what lay in front of him. At least a hundred [url=https://i.imgur.com/9PUgLiL.png]infected humans[/url] could be seen milling about the hollow aimlessly, but when the Troupe Master’s intruded, they took notice. And as they gave voice to their ire with a cacophony of grunts and groans, three [url=https://i.imgur.com/hO3RkAp.png]disfigured, batlike horrors[/url] dropped down from the roof to hide among the crowd and perform their dirty deeds. Blood was nothing new to Nadia, but usually she ended up covered in her own, not the demonic ichor of some godforsaken tree. Eventually the pressure pushing her upward through the Qliphoth’s veins subsided to the point where the catgirl was essentially stuck in place, but as luck would have it she could see flickering light through the somewhat translucent tunica. She slid the claw of her index finger through the meat and promptly fell through. She plopped down on solid ground in a shower of viscous xylem, coughing and sputtering. When she registered the heat on her face, however, she opened her eyes to see that she’d arrived in a hollow that appeared to be on fire. Its walls, covered in gnarled, twisted protrusions that might have been branches or bone, burned with furious vigor. Nadia also noticed a huge creature in the center of the area, between her and a healthy bloodstream on the hollow’s opposite side, one clad in a dark leather suit and a cat-eared gas mask. Though human in shape, she splayed herself out on all fours like a beast, with veins, eyes, tails, and claws that blazed like molten lava. Nadia grinned at her. “Wow, never thought I’d run into a fellow feral here,” she drawled, her hands on her hips. “You cause this little in-fur-no? Y’know, our team could use a little firepower. Whaddya say we hightail it together?” Instead the [url=https://i.imgur.com/zcCoGPE.png]Successor of the Claw[/url] rose with a menacing snarl and the hiss of flame. Nadia assumed her fighting stance, bouncing back and forth. “Fine then. I don’t mind a little fire in my kit!” Meanwhile, Goldlewis wound up in a completely different style of hollow. Once his bloodstream couldn’t push him up any farther, he fought to tear his way out. It took some doing, but after a few moments he flopped down onto the floor, where he laid for a few seconds on his back, chest heaving. He scarcely registered the bloodstream spitting his coffin out behind him, but as he took stock of his situation it slowly sank in just how weird this was. He seemed to be in a basement, with two halls leading out of the small room he’d emerged into. Crumbled sections of wall revealed alien flora poking through, so he reasoned that this whole building must’ve been swallowed up by the Qliphoth at some point. However, he could not explain the safe that lay on the ground beside him, wrapped in barbed wire. As Goldlewis composed himself and got off the ground, another safe down the hall did as well, until the veteran stood opposite a huge, blood-spattered [url=https://i.imgur.com/Gj3Kq3P.png]killer[/url] as tall as he was, a barbed sack in one hand and a mallet in the other. The Keeper beat his hammer against the safe on his head and strode forward, foregoing the typical song and dance. Goldlewis thought it only right to hoist his coffin and do the same.