[center][h2][color=1055E5]Damon[/color][/h2][/center] [quote][color=92278f]“Fair warning, I’ve been practicing. I’ve got Kirby down to an art form. You won’t stand a chance.”[/color][/quote] Oh, Max. It's not the best matchup for his Bayonetta, admittedly, given how Kirby can low-profile her aerials, but he doesn't play just one character, and it is very funny when Hero crits a lightweight. [quote][color=92278f]“Unless, of course, you’re trying to throw the game on purpose. Just so you have an excuse to eat the hottest wings and prove how much of a ‘tough guy’ you are.”[/color][/quote] [b][color=1055E5]"Why would I need an excuse, or throw the game, when I could have my cake and eat it too?"[/color][/b] He snickers, tipping his hand. Before they can get into too much more banter, the bell rings, and after a casual bro hug from Max, Damon begins trudging towards classes. He still had to get a science experiment approved, and since his last three proposals were vetoed, he was currently banking on the teacher letting him pop a balloon with a matchstick. Surely that won't raise too many red flags, right?