[center][h2]Anne Mayer[/h2][h3]Nieve — Magic Shop[/h3][/center] She felt the shock ripple out through the cavern, and knew at once that she had only a split second to decide. Push on and finish the job, or get out alive while she still had the chance? What was the life of one tired old Knight worth, when the entire city was potentially at stake? The cave-in hadn't been intended, but her side could still use it to their advantage. [i]With the tunnel blocked off, they won't be able to send fresh forces this way immediately. We can get word back to the Princess, and have the shop locked down and put under guard.[/i] That would be her justification if anyone asked her later, but in the moment she was all too aware of the small body clinging to her own, nearly paralyzed in mortal terror. [i]No.[/i] For once, Anne had too much to lose here to bet herself on a mad suicide mission. A wave of fresh attacks rolled through the air towards her, but she was on her guard now, and had the wind at her back. Weaving through them was a deadly balancing act of constant awareness, pinpoint predictions, and sheer physical exertion—it only [i]looked[/i] effortless from the outside, as she leaped, ducked, and spun her way through the barrage with acrobatic flair. With one arm clinging tight to the fae kid, she flipped over an oncoming shot and landed on the outstretched fingers of her other hand. Her legs snapped open above her just in time to let another blast pass between her knees, right before she spun her feet clockwise like opposite arrows on a compass and kicked a falling rock back towards her attacker at slightly over the speed of sound. The leftover momentum from the counter flowed seamlessly into a cartwheel-like motion, as she pushed off the floor and rolled sideways to land back on her feet right behind a passing Lewa. That was more than enough of that for one day. With the wind-wall now helpfully shielding her from dark magic and tumbling pebbles, she broke into a run, racing through the tunnel alongside the Toa. A deep [i]crack[/i] resounded above, and a massive boulder came tumbling down upon them both—only for the Knight to unhesitatingly lunge straight towards it. [i]Mayer Style: Eight Trigrams Qigong.[/i] Her palm slammed into the stone, and it detonated from within. One moment a hurtling mass of solid rock, the next an expanding ring of dust and gravel, promptly scattered on Lewa's winds. A sound like a thunderclap joined the cacophony of the collapsing cavern, while Anne pulled back her hand and winced at the sting. "...Tch." It wasn't good for her, using Wave Techniques in her current condition. Given the situation though, she ought to be thankful if she escaped this mess without serious injury.