With a sigh, she pushes herself up and away from the desk. A manipulator, he says. Clearly not a good one to be spotted this quickly. "I'm in a rather... precarious situation at the moment. This was an unfortunate willing captivity type of thing. Or it started that way, at least." She steps past the body, on to a display case on the far side of the room, "My servitude to save another. A dear friend. But I was a fool for believing this fucker's word. He said he'd set them free if I served him." She opens the glass door, picking up what appears to be a fox's skull, probably left behind from the true owners, "My friend's soft. They'd crumble under the gaze of a monster like this." She tightly grips the skull in her hand, jaws clenched, "And now they're missing. So, I decided to bide my time. Gather all the information I could. To see if I could figure out where my friend could've been sent. Then, I overheard this demon speak of his so-called stock..." she turns to look at the hunter, "Stock? Like a fucking pig!" Taking a deep breath, she calms herself. She doesn't want to come across as hostile towards the one with the gun and knife, "The church said they couldn't help me. That, even if they could, it would take time. I didn't have time. My friend didn't have time. I had no choice. I acted out of desperation. But now they know me, and my friend is no closer to safety." She puts the skull back on its spot, "You need to understand... I can't return to a normal life. I know too much. I've seen too much. Heard too much. Until this ring is wiped from this earth, I cannot rest. I won't be safe until they bleed at my feet."