She was unsure if she found this back and forth tiring, or entertaining. She had spent most of her life in a small circle due to her rather unique situation. She was used to the quiet life. But no more. She had a goal that took priority. "My friend may be soft, but they're smart. They will know when to keep quiet and listen, and when to move. I have faith they still live." She almost wanted to chuckle at the word. [i]Faith[/i]. Blind belief. Instead, she smiled softly at herself, "I have to believe that." She produces a tie from a pocket, tying her hair back in a long ponytail, eying the hunter's change in stance. This was the first time she spoke with a hunter. It was rather... exhilarating. "Give me your rules, and I'll get you more. There are two sealed bottles I can get you on the way out. We can't linger around here for much longer."