[color=ed1c24][Center][h1]Anthony "Tony" Adams-Himura[/h1][/Center][/color] [hr] [color=ed1c24]"Screw it!"[/color] he said to himself, he was not going to just lay on his bed and expect something to happen out of thin air, Tony changed his working clothes (the which he didn't even got out of when he came to his house). he got into his "locked in" outfit, a red jacket, combat boots, and black cargo pants. once he changed in this outfit he began to walk out of his room, completely forgetting that in the case of a hollow attack his clothes were going to be those black robes. [color=ed1c24]"Let's see what's happening outside..."[/color] Tony opened the door to the outside of his house. nothing. nothing was happening, this was something expectable, yet why was he... surprised? he really wants something to happen, something to act like he acts, who would Tony be if he wasn't laid-back and just let everyone around him just talk and talk, only talking when he wants... This, this wasn't healthy, he needs to talk with someone, yet who could be? the cl- nope. so it is the mechanic, fine, he will go. after all his work is to hunt hollows, or at least he understood that. Tony was gifted with this powers for some reason after all, not just to do nothing with them, this was like a job, but without the paying and all. Once he arrived at the bike shop he noticed a man approaching, he had those clothes, the shinigami ones, he wasn't Ouga, at all, he was, actually who was he? [color=ed1c24]"Hey!!! who are you?"[/color] Tony really did not cared about the people that was around the streets as he shouted this to the man, they looked at him weirded out, [i]what was he doing?[/i] they thought. and Tony, in his fashion washed this gazes like a stone in a river, though, this weirdly made him feel a bit good, all the way back on his school he acted quite regular for a teenager, he didn't really talked that much. this didn't apply to his current self. he can scream and still maintain that laid-back actitude.